• Chapter 9 •

She's Our Girl (Exo-Fanfic)



"Minyoung~ah are you hungry? I can make you a sandwich" Suho offered

"I can help" I said as I folded all of the papers and put it on the folder


The both of us stand up and make way towards the kitchen.

I watch as he took out a pack of bread and then he take out different kinds of flavors for the bread


I take two pieces of bread and I took the strawberry jam and peanut butter

I put the strawberry jam on a bread then I put the peanut butter on the other bread

Then I put my two breads together


This is my favorite sandwich!


I began to eat it and a feeling of happiness surge through my body

"Peanut butter and strawberry jam?" Suho asked curiously


I nodded

"Its my favorite sandwich" I said as I take another bite

I look at him and he was staring at my sandwich

"Wanna try?" I offered as I held out my sandwich

"Are you sure?" his face turn red as a tomato


Why does his face turn red? Pfft he look like a tomato


"Yeah" I held up my sandwich to him again

He shyly took it and take a bite. His face brighten up making me chuckle


"See? Its so delicious right?" I asked

"Ne. Its like heaven" he agreed and continue eating my sandwich until he finish all of it


Great now my sandwich is in his stomach

Meh! I'm going to make another one







"How dare they have an indirect kiss?!"

"Gaaah I'm going to scratch this wall if they have more lovey-dovey moments"

"Why does she need to offer her sandwich?!"


All eleven brothers were huddle up beside the wall, they were all peeking at Suho and Minyoung's doing


Na Eun was scowling at the side, she was not very happy when her oppas isn't paying any attention to her


"Oppa~~" she whined


But they just ignore her and continue spying at the two so called lovers



Super short update

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AKerza #1
Chapter 13: please update sooon please
please update soon
Alosya #3
Chapter 13: When will you update
Cookea #4
Chapter 13: Wow I like this even though it's sad pls update soon
ohnade #5
Chapter 13: Wow!"..i love this stories. .. Please update soon author-nim
thenamesmeep #6
Chapter 13: So I know I'm commenting a lot but my throat for more chapters is so huge not even the ocean can calm it.
thenamesmeep #7
Chapter 11: Damn it your adding in other idols that I love making my emotions go haywire I don't even know anymore and how the does she have cancer when her eyes change color along with her hair and she has the strength of 7 slaves?
thenamesmeep #8
Chapter 1: I really can't get away from 2NE1 you named one of the kids Bom and now I'm crying life is a and this story is really interesting besides a few mistakes here and there and the world is going to I'm stuck in the closet and now I'm just gonna go cry in the corner.
RienHamzah #9
Chapter 13: Yah......this chapter really cute......*fangilling mode* update soon juseyo••••••• :)