

“What are you all staring at,” Leeteuk grumbles, flushing red all the way to the tips of his ears as he clutches his towel tighter around his hips.

There’s general snickers from some of the other members as they keep darting furtive glances his way.

So what if Leeteuk sleeps in the ; it’s totally normal, plenty of people do it. Besides, it’s hot in the dorms, and he never expected to have to evacuate the building in the middle of the night.

He twists his hands a little tighter in the material of his towel. It wouldn’t do to drop the towel and give everybody an eyeful.

In the background, the building’s fire alarm is still ringing, piercingly loud in the otherwise quiet night time. Leeteuk throws another half-hearted glare at Donghae who had set the thing off by trying to make a grilled cheese sandwich at 3am.

It’s hard to stay angry at him though since he’s looking extremely forlorn and regretful, draping himself over an extremely underdressed Eunhyuk wearing his favourite, albeit now slightly singed, giraffe onesie.

Eunhyuk is huddling back into Donghae for warmth, since he’s been forced outside in only a pair of extremely tight white underwear.

He casts his eyes over his disgruntled bandmates, taking a mental headcount; there’s Kyuhyun in his pyjamas standing with Sungmin who apparently still wears his pink ladies’ one piece to bed, Siwon and Yesung are sheltering Ryeowook who is clad in a lacy black camisole from prying eyes, Kangin is standing close by dressed only in sweatpants, Shindong is with him wearing sensible pyjamas…


“Where’s Heechul?” Leeteuk asks, casting his eyes over their group once more and then craning his neck to look over the rest of the disgruntled building residents.

“I haven’t seen him,” Kangin grumbles, crossing his arms over his bare chest. Leeteuk does his best not to get distracted by all the bare skin on display there.

Snap out of it, he berates himself.

He forces himself to have another look for Heechul. But it wasn’t his imagination; Heechul is definitely not downstairs.

He couldn’t possibly have slept through the alarm… could he?

He’s about to raise his voice to ask if any of the others have seen Heechul when, in a flurry of fabric, somebody wearing a dress comes barrelling out of the building, half-tripping down the stairs and skidding to a halt in front of Leeteuk.

Actually, scratch that, it’s not a dress, it’s an Anna costume. And even though the person’s face is obscured by a long wig, there is no doubt in Leeteuk’s mind as to who has just made their extremely dramatic entrance.

“Heechul, where have you been?” Kangin grouches, and Heechul straightens, smoothing the wig back out of his face with long fingers.

“I was sleeping,” Heechul informs him primly. “And I’ll have you all know that I’m extremely displeased that nobody saw fit to wake me. I could have died,” he says dramatically, his hand fluttering to his heart as he mock-swoons.

The rest of their band ignores his dramatics, apart from Donghae whose lower lip is quivering as he clings to Eunhyuk. The two of them shuffle towards Heechul, Donghae forcing Eunhyuk to come with him on his way to presumably apologise.

“Um… Hyung?” Donghae pipes up nervously. Heechul turns to face him, arching an eyebrow imperiously. The look on his face changes to surprise when he sees what Eunhyuk is wearing.

“Eunhyuk, what are you wearing. Or rather,” Heechul clarifies, “What aren’t you wearing. Because I see a distinct lack of clothing on your person and it’s extremely offensive to my sensitive eyes.”

Eunhyuk pouts, pulling Donghae’s arms tighter around his waist. “At least I’m wearing underpants. Leeteuk isn’t wearing anything,” he sulks.

 Heechul finally stops and takes in Leeteuk who can feel the heat rising in his cheeks again as Heechul gives him a very slow, lingering, once-over.

“Well,” Heechul drawls, demeanour changing again as a leer slides onto his face, “Well well well. Angel-hyung turns out to be not so angelic after all. Did the rest of you know our glorious leader sleeps in the buff? Is this a regular occurrence or just a special occasion?”

Leeteuk hikes his towel higher on his hips self-consciously. The flush is spreading down his neck, he’s pretty sure his neck and chest are turning tomato-coloured as well.

“I, uh…” Leeteuk clears his throat, “It was hot?”

Thankfully, he’s spared from Heechul’s doubtlessly scathing reply when Kangin butts back into the conversation.

“Who the hell sleeps in a costume? You look ridiculous.”

Kangin’s look is disparaging, but Heechul is, predictably, unaffected.

“I don’t look ridiculous, I look fantastic. Ask anybody. I look fantastic, right Donghae?” Heechul turns to Donghae and Eunhyuk again expectantly.

Donghae nods furiously, “Of course Hyung, you always look fantastic.”

Heechul beams. “I do, don’t I.” he preens under the attention, smoothing his hair again. “Now, back to business, why the hell is the alarm going off, and why didn’t anybody wake me up?”

Donghae pales again. “It’s my fault, Heechul-hyung,” Donghae mumbles, burying his face in Eunhyuk’s neck and sniffling miserably, “I just wanted to make a grilled cheese sandwich, and I messed up. I didn’t mean to wake you up, I’m really, really, really sorry.” Donghae looks up at Donghae pitifully, his eyes watering.

Leeteuk half-holds his breath, waiting for the reaction.

Heechul tsks but waves him off. “What were you thinking making grilled cheese at three a.m.? Everybody knows that three a.m. is time for cup noodles. Come here,” he makes grabby hands at Donghae, who abandons Eunhyuk in a heartbeat and goes to Heechul, humming happily as Heechul pets his hair. “Now, go back and flop all over Eunhyuk before he freezes his s off,” Heechul demands, and Donghae obeys immediately, draping himself over Eunhyuk again who presses himself closer gratefully.

Well. That went better than expected.

“Right then,” Leeteuk starts again as the fire alarm finally shuts off and the building goes silent. “That’s quite enough excitement for all of us for one night. Back to bed for everyone.” Maybe by tomorrow we can all pretend that none of this ever happened, Leeteuk adds silently, sheparding his band mates back towards the building with his free arm.

He makes sure everybody gets to their appropriate floor, and then goes back to his own room with a sigh of relief when things go smoothly.

Yes, he’s sure everything will be fine after they’ve all had a good sleep and –

“Goodnight, -hyung,” Heechul’s voice sing-songs down the hallway, and is echoed from the rest of the bedrooms in their dorms.

Leeteuk freezes with his hand half-reaching for the doorknob, blushing beet-red again.

Then again, maybe not…

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Tyrantoborus #1
Chapter 1: Hahahaha this is HILARIOUS 🤣
Chapter 1: this has to be one of my all-time favorite drabbles because it features literally all of my favorite things: sassy, overdramatic, ticking-time-bomb and/or minefield Heechul, EunHae being adorable, with Donghae being especially adorable, and the dialogue was really just the cherry on top xD love this one so so much !!
I really enjoyed! thank you for sharing! ♡
Laraaaa #3
Chapter 1: This is gold. Seriously. This story is a hidden gem in aff. It's equally hilarious and y. Our precious oppas wearing close to nothing. I could totally see this happening ^^ Good job author-nim!!
Chapter 1: *falls off her bed laughing* oh that was funny. Wookie in black lace. Who'd've thought it? I have no problems picturing any of the others like that.