The Present

Converse High
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JIMIN'S POV     Before parting ways with my lovely bed and leaving my dorm, I found myself walking towards the storage room to check my collection again. I collect shoes. I can tell every single detail on each pair. Some of them are Nike, others are Vans, but most of them are Converse high. Jungkook's favorite shoes, he likes the red ones and I like the black but we both decided to buy red for his happiness.     The view of the shoes that I'm currently wearing is what I can see right now. Mixed color of black and gold Huaraches, expensive, not bragging but seriously. Today, my pair of red Converse high are highly preferable. Hurriedly I took off my shoes and grabbed those. They're still clean and looking fine, I barely wear them since they're so special. Seeing them get dirty is not what I want. Then, I drove myself to 7-eleven because first thing is first. Since last night, I've been planning to buy Jungkook his favorite candies back then. Willy Wonka's Nerds, violet & pink in color but sometimes, that green & pink one, sometimes, gummy bears, most of the time, jelly beans except the pink ones, Jungkook thinks they taste disgusting.     **     Jimin didn't care if he was 20 minutes late. All that mattered to him were Jungkook's candies. He was carrying a huge 7-eleven plastic, full of candies that who knows if he's planning to give Jungkook a toothache or worse, Diabetes. Their professor, Mr. Woo, was pretty sure Jimin heard the sound of him clearing his throat.     "7-eleven shopping, huh?"     Nothing but a nod, Jimin gave. Irrelevant Mr. Woo, he thought. He continued what he was saying after Jimin took a seat beside Mr. Bookworm, aka, Jungkook.     "Jungkook, stop reading, Mr. Woo might see you."     Jungkook did not even give time to look at Jimin. He wanted to but he just can't. A simple nod was all. Being paranoid about Jimin might notice him being still into him. The struggle was absolutely the realest. That just made Jimin feel what Mr. Woo felt when he just nodded at him and left him completely hanging when he questioned the late boy. Not that he needed to answer, it was pretty much an irrelevant question indeed.      "Guess what I have for you, Jeon?"     The bloated 7-eleven plastic danced in front of Jungkook's face, destructing him from reading a Jess Rothenberg novel, which instantly annoyed him but not so much, it was Jimin beside him.     "Hyung, I'm reading something."     Switching into another comfortable reading position should help, Jungkook thought. But as expected, nothing went new. Still, Jimin continuously attempted catching his attention until Jungkook finally gave up. A black laminated paper was the first thing to grab, it was his bookmark. He tucked it in between the pages where he stopped.     "Jimin hyung?"     Jungkook was very annoyed but happy. Unexplainable, flattering, and a cheek-heating scene right now with Jimin whose lips stretched into a huge smile. Jungkook's heart melted, his world paused, his heart skipped a beat, from zero, he felt a hundred percent numbness. Now, he's like a lot more handsome, how hard did puberty hit him? It's like Jimin got hit more than ten times. Jungkook can't explain the feeling. It was way stronger than what he feels every time Taehyung would showcase his huge grin to him then his set of white pearly teeth would never fail to amaze him every single time. Jungkook thought it was the cutest thing but no, he thought wrong. Jimin's smile is since day one. Taehyung would make ten butterflies land on his stomach. But Jimin? Twenty butterflies, no, fifty when he smiles and add a fifty more when he's being sweet.       "I said I bought you some candies, Kookie.. Kookie? Hey, Jungkook."     Before he even knew, he was already staring at him. Jimin gave Jungkook's shoulder a series of pats because he was staring and Jimin couldn't be happier. Jungkook blushed ten thousand shades of red, embarrassed that he's been caught. As fast as he could, he formulated a sentence that would lead into a new topic.     "I want to see them..."     Jimin grabbed a random pack inside the plastic without looking, then he showed Jungkook a small box of Nerds, wiggled it in front of Jungkook like he's a little kid.
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Chapter 5: I love it so muchhh
ally_tfareyou #2
novalizaa #3
Chapter 10: oh really..
Chapter 10: i dont ship vkook also hahahha but this getting better and please make jungkook ego go away, it messed this fic ahahahahah
DevilNextToYou #5
Chapter 10: Wait did taehyung continue to kiss jungkook after seeing jimin and why da did they even kiss I really hate vkook here (I dun ship them at all) and poor jungkook T_T jimin why u so stupid >~<
Chapter 10: If taehyung didn't know jimin's lie about selective amnesia,its gonna be the best..
xlkltc_sbdkcs #7
Chapter 10: Wow, wow, wow. This is good. Update soon. Can't wait. (; ・`д・´)
Chapter 10: Oh ok! It's cool, we'll wait haha!
lynne80 #9
Chapter 10: ok...i'll be waiting...good luck for ur test...hwaitingggg....
Chapter 9: Ughhh. . .. I need more lol! Youre too good haha. Haha hopefully u update soon!!!