
They Wonder Why

Soojung thinks Mr. Kim must be a boring husband because he doesn’t have a good sense of humor. When Jongin sings his freaking funny self-composed song (instead of serious ballad song that he mentioned in front of the class) all class are growling in laughter, the fourty-eight years old guy is just sitting on his seat and stares to Jongin’s head with a flat expression.

The boy ends up in the teacher’s room, writes three straight long pages of essay about being serious in the classroom and respect his teacher plus two self composed ballad songs with the choreography.

Soojung sits in the bus stop while listening to music. She doesn’t know why she waited for him, her body and mind like automatically there until the tanned boy comes. The sky is dark already. He doesn’t look in good mood, probably because of the punishment, and his guitar on the back is still there. “Are you waiting for me?” Jongin asks, he sits beside her. “No.. I just don’t want to go home this early..”

“Soojung, really. You always excited to go home, and it won’t hurt if you tell me the truth. It is very nice of you, you know..” Soojung tells him to shut his mouth, so Jongin laughs loudly because he already teases her succesfully.

He takes her left headset. “Epik High, as always..” The blonde girl rolls her eyes, “for God’s sake Jongin, if you tell me that girls are not supposed to be hear this kind of awesome rap, I will tell Sooyeon that you are still sleepwalking and pee on your pants!” Jongin curses while he covers his face in his arms, an old woman stares at them with her laser eyes, so Jongin covers with his hand and whispers “What the , Soojung.. Just, how—how can you still rememb.. Just shut up, okay? ” Soojung just laugh wholeheartedly, “I won’t Jongin, as long as you buy me cups of choco ice cream and choco pie and..”

“First, Jung. You know exactly that I am poor. Second, sleepwalking and pee on my pants is just a story when we were five. Why did you always remember about the bad memories? Third, my crush to Sooyeon Noona was over since a long time ago, and fourth, I will cook for you.”

Soojung smiles and Jongin melts like ice cubes under the sunshine.

“You know how freak Mr. Kim, with his freaking crazy hair, and he will cover his fart sounds with high volume of rock musics instead of ballad like he always do..” he murmurs when they sit side by side on the bus, “..and he can’t dance, that’s why he told you to make the choreography—“ Jongin nods happily then they both break into laughter, “yes, Soojung. You are so right..” Jongin puts his head on Soojung’s shoulder, “Jungie, I am really tired..” he already closes his eyes, so Soojung doesn’t say anything, and puts her head onto Jongin’s head. Jongin hopes time can stop forever, and he can tell Soojung about how preicious she is for him.

‘I only have you, Soojung-ah..’

If Jongin could say it out loud.

“What do you want to eat, Jung Soojung?” he asks her when they already arrive in Jongin’s rooftop home. He lives alone for many years already, so he is good at cooking and everything. “Whatever Mr. Jongin would cook for me..” she sits on his bed because he doesn’t have sofa, and his bed smells nice. “Yes, Princess..”

Soojung never thinks that she is a princess. It maybe becomes a habit because their parents prefer to love Sooyeon more. Sooyeon is an active girl with a lot of achievements meanwhile Soojung enjoys the quiet and read. But Jongin always call her ‘Princess’. When she asked him why he called her that, he said ‘because you are so beautiful, Soojung-ah..’ Soojung thinks Jongin was kidding, but his eyes are really serious as ever. Then the blonde girl slapped his arms, and he cried because she hit him hardly.

Jongin cooks the fried tofu which looks like beef steak because of the sauce. Soojung laughs a bit when their food appears and tells him that he is genius. Jongin grins, and asks Soojung to join the way he sits. “Just think we are in a formal candle light dinner, but you are afraid of dark, so we turn the light on..”

Soojung doesn’t afraid of dark anymore since she was ten, but the blonde girl doesn’t say anything about it. They are in a comfortable silent, and Soojung thinks how can a plain food become so delicious.


“Hmm?” He looks at him while his mouth is still full of food. His eyes were so big and really adorable, make Soojung wants to go there. “Why?”

“Why you wanted to be my friend? People say that I am really cold, and boring, like—you know..” She looks at her tofu like it is the most interesting thing in the world, so Jongin puts his fork and look at her in the eyes.

“You have to stop thinking about yourself like that, Jung. They only know you and look from a far. I know you the best, and the real fact is you are a warm person, and you are just little bit shy, okay?”

“I am not shy..”

“Yes, you are..”


“Because you are so pretty, so they think you are too good for them, just trust me..”

“Oh, you are such a sweetie pie, Jonginnie..” Jongin knows that Soojung in her sarcastic stage and rolls her eyes.

“Oh sure, you will have diabetes if you still be friend with me..”

“Just, shup up, okay? Or I will kidnap Monggu to my house.”

“Hey, just because Monggu likes you the most, doesn’t mean you can make him as your threat to me..”

Soojung laughs, “you just admit that Monggu love me more than you..”

Jongin pouts, and Soojung stands then kisses him on his lips for a second. Jongin looks really shocked.


“Yes?” She looks so embarrassed and beautiful and Jongin wants to protect her from the bad world. “Look, Soojung..” He says in serious tone, “I like you more, so you don’t have to be shy, okay?”

“I don’t like you..” Jongin is the one who kisses her lips now, more gentle and long. “I know you are lying if you don’t look at my eyes while you are talking..”

“I hate you....” she says, and Jongin pecks her nose, “I love you, too..” Soojung laughs, makes Jongin also laughs with her. The boy presses his forehead to her and closes his eyes.

Soojung wonders why she likes and hates this guy at the same time. The guy who hold his hands when they are in the crowd, the guy who move to protect her when they are going to cross the street, the guy who always do the weird dance when she is in bad mood to make her laugh, the guy who cry with her when she is sad, hug her, and tell that everything is going to be alright.

Jongin wonders why he didn’t tell her that he really loves her since he was know that bestfriends weren’t supposed to be feel this way to each other.

“I love you,”

“I know.. I don’t love you..”

“Oh , Jung. Why don’t you just—“ Then Soojung kisses him, and she can feel that Jongin chuckles between their lips. 

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taeyong389 #1
Chapter 1: Its so sweet and fluffy... Write more about kaistal again please...
I like this yo... Fighting!