Chapter 2

College Fever

Jaehyo awoke in an uncomfortable position and a bladder ready to burst. On top of him was Ukwon, his weight weighing down on him and hurting his rips. Their legs were entangled and he could feel Ukwon's old egg smelling morning breath coming in huffs upon his face. It took Jaehyo a moment to remember what exactly happened before his memories came rushing back so fast it made his head throb. The party, the alcohol, Ukwon's touches (making him flustered as he lay there) but most of all: Minhyuk. The way he had slammed against the wall and a glimpse of the strange look of hurt and betrayal on his face before he had stormed into his room. His room, that was a few doors down. 'Great' Jaehyo thought sarcastically as he tried to gently push Ukwon of off him. Luckily the sleeping boy got the hint, mumbled something unintelligent and rolled onto his side.

Jaehyo rushed to the bathrooms down the hall, pulling down the pants and sighing satisfied. The bright yellow lights reflecting of off the white tiles was hurting his eyes and he was more thirsty than he could ever remember. Hangovers . He took a quick shower before returning stumbling back in his boxer shirts. When he opened the door he could see Ukwon's eyelids slide open. 

''Hey'' Jaehyo whispered, talking in his softest voice even though his boyfriend was awake. 

Ukwon just stretched his arms and made two grabbing motions with his hands, eyes closed and pouting. Jaehyo moved to the bed quickly and crawled under the covers. The smaller boy immediately grabbed a hold of him and snuggled his face against his chest. There was something satisfying to Jaehyo, about how even though he looked up to Ukwon though he would never admit it, deep down felt inferior to Ukwon, he could cradle the small boy against his body, completely shifting his body around him. So in the light of not having anything better to do, the little confidence he gained from their current position and they way Ukwon's hand were sliding over his back, some circles touching dangerously low, he decided to close his eyes and spend his day making out with his boyfriend in bed. 


Walking Ukwon to the bus station was awkward. When they had been walking down the hallway Ukwon had tried to link their fingers but Jaehyo had moved away for a reason he did not know himself. Well perhaps he did know, but he just didn't want to admit it to himself. After that Ukwon refused to look at him and every attempt by Jaehyo to start a conversation was answered  with short curt answers, so the last 10 minutes was suffocated with uncomfortable silence. To add to the misery, the bus was also late. The distance between them was killing Jaehyo and his mind was working overtime thinking about how he could make this right. At last they saw the bus nearing and Jaehyo made a last attempt:

''Ukwon, I'm-''

''It's fine Jaehyo, just let it go.'' Ukwon voice barely over the sound of the bus stopping with peeping brakes. The doors opened and Ukwon began to step in before Jaehyo grabbed his wrist.

''Baby y-'' Jaehyo started before Ukwon snorted loudly, shook off his hand and stepped into the bus leaving Jaehyo cold outside. 


Monday morning. Jaehyo dragged himself out off bed. Buying a cup of coffee before racing towards class. He was late (again)and he really couldn't afford to, his professor was a big jerk and since he already didn't too well in his class, he would be made fun off upon the spot for sure. He made his way into his class rushing to one of the available seats and grabbing his economics books.

Sighing he got his book out of his bag, reluctantly opening the page they had ended last time. If he really thought about it he didn't even know why he was here in the first place, except that it was his fathers wish. Having a company that required all of your time and your wife's, making an empire like that in a way, makes you want someone to follow in your footsteps. And since Jaehyo was never one to disagree with his father's wishes, and lack of any other ambition, he went to the college he wanted to go for one simple reason: photography class.

He had always loved taking photographs and since he had start dating Ukwon it had even flared more. Folders full of pictures of Ukwon, Ukwon sleeping on the beach, Ukwon's first try eating his favourite burger at this small diner down town (and hating it) And of course every attempted fail to capture Ukwon's scrunched up nose when he taste something he doesn't like.

And since this college was the place where one of his favourite photographers of all time had studied, he had to go here. So after his regular classes he spend most of his time in the studio and he tried to go to every photography class he could go to, proudly showing off to Ukwon the new techniques that he had learned.Well, that's how it went in the past. After the day before yesterday he wasn't sure anymore. He sighed and slumped further in his seat, not resisting the urge to check his phone to see if Ukwon reacted to any of his text. 

''Mr. Ahn, any thoughts?''

He opened his mouth and closed it a few times. Trying his hardest to remember what they were discussing again. 

''Anything? Anything at all to prove that you're not a complete moron?''

Jaehyo's face flushed and he could feel all the eyes boring into him. ''I.. I..'' He tried to swallow the brick in his throat, but failed to. His prominent adam's apple moving up and down in vain.

''It is argued that the ''Hoover'' happened because of the large income differences but I think we also shouldn't forget the influence of the Great War in Europe and the great overestimation of the American's of their own economic industry.'' 

The professors face scrunched up and his red spots appeared on his neck.

''Very well mr. Lee, now if you would like to wait your turn in the future, we could hear some of mr. Ahn's much expected... insight.'' 

''Certainly, sir.'' 

The boy sat down and Jaehyo could he the shuffling of students facing their professor and turning away his attention from him. But Jaehyo remained frozen, eyes on the back of the boy a few seats down. He kept his eyes focused on him during the entire lecture, eyes tracing over the lines of his red plaid shirt. Far off he could hear the professor wrapping up and students starting to slowly cleaning up their desk. Unconsciously Jaehyo followed their actions, keeping his eyes in the same place. 

As soon as the class ended, everybody stood up and moved down to the door. Since Jaehyo was in the highest row, he had to wait until everyone had left until he could enter the hallways, he rushed past a girl with long brown hair and if he wasn't in such a hurry he would have noticed that she was trying to muster up the courage to introduce herself. Instead he pushed past her, mumbling a quite 'sorry' before rushing down the hall. The distance was too far so in his desperation he had no other choice to yell.


The man in front of him froze and you could see the tension in his shoulders as he straightened his back and turned around. 

''Hello Jaehyo''

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KanzakiShin #1
Chapter 3: You're back! Will there be a minhyuk pov when he witnessed that drunken scene?
Chapter 2: I love how awkward Jaehyo feels throughout that party, I can relate to that.
There's something sly about Ukwon which I'm not sure if I like or not, but it's definitely interesting.
Keke we knew Minhyuk had to appear sooner or later, but that was by far the most unfortunate manner of reunion XD 's about to go down, it seems.
Chapter 2: Alright I'm totally ready for this.
Chapter 2: Thanks for the update! :) I wonder what will happen next ;o
Chapter 1: Jaekwon is so good. Loving! ♡
ChocolateDragon #6
Chapter 1: Wooo //claps// this is a good start! Am pumped!