

There is something wrong with Taemin. He can feel it with every fiber of his being, every moment, every day. The bad feelings cast a shadow even on the most beautiful moments. It's never been so hard for Taemin to ask for help from someone else, but maybe that someone already knows he is needed.


I already have this story up on the internet in my own language and I finally decided to translate it and have it posted. There will probably be around 6 chapters. Let me know what you think. Enjoy~~


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StrangeJooni #1
Chapter 1: Please please update this story -cute puppy eyes- *^*
Freakyll #2
Chapter 1: This is awesome. I think you captured the feelings of depression quite well. I like the characters portrayal so far.
However you haven't updaTed since May 2015... I hope you will someday and suscribe just in case you do.
Chapter 1: it feels like english was your mother tongue. this is so good! im waiting for more ♡
Chapter 1: This is nicely written and seems interesting so far. Can't wait to read more!
LOVE this story so far. Hope you update soon.