Forget me not


It all started with a harmless screen cap & a tweet. That was all it took to send Youngjae into an uproar..


Posted this on Twitter awhile ago... Kinda sorta poof read it, but not really.

Takes place directly after Daehyn's Kakaotalk conversation with BTS's V was posted. 



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BbuingBbuingMaknae #1
Chapter 1: The ending is the best, our sassy-jae is here^^
Thank you for updating such a great story, I'll like to wait your other stories as well^.^)/
Bibieonni #2
Chapter 1: Jae will be Jae, always! XD
yjaychu24_ #3
Chapter 1: Nice ending!!!!!
Lol it was cute xD <3
Thank you ^_^
Chapter 1: That ending though LMAO XDDDDD