chapter 1

My Fanfics That Came True~!

Kim HyoMin's POV:

As I was working on my newest of fanfics I had got this funny feeling as if something was going to happen. Just then my best friends Rae Jung, Ki Song, and Mi hye walked into my house! Yeah I gave them each a key to my place since they are going to be rooming with me for awhile.

"Hey HyoMin are you still working on that fanfic?" Mi Hye asked as she pulled up a chair next to me

"No this is a new one that I'm working on. It has Super Junior in it. Donghae of course is the lead." I answered

"What is up with you and Donghae? Ever since we met you, you where always a fan of Donghae! Why?" Rae Jung asked

"I don't know I guess it would have to do with this feeling I get when ever I see him. It's like it's telling me he's a really good person and that he isn't putting on an act for everyone. It sounds stupid but that is how I feel." I replied as I continued to type

Before anymore questions could be asked there was a knock the door~! Which of course made us all jump! I then realized that feeling I had before my friends had come in was ten timesstronger that before~! As I got to the door that feeling just kept getting stronger. Just as I was about to open the door I heard guys talking on the other side!

"Hyung are you sure we are at the right place? I don't want to be disappointed again because we are at the wrong house again." said one guy

"Don't worry I'm sure of it this time!" another guy said

I then opened the door to see Super Junior standing there~! How do Super Junior know where I live?

"Hello, who are you looking for?" I asked trying to stay from going into fan girl mode

"We are looking for HyoMin-ssi. She lost this note book and we wanted to return it to her." Eunhyuk said

"What notebook would that be?" I asked dreading the answer I know that is comeing

"A notebook with a story in it where she and Donghae-hyung fall in love." Ryeowook said with a slight blush touching his cheeks

"I was afraid of that. Well you found her! I'm HyoMin and that would be my notebook." I replied

but i didn't notice.....


Ok so I'm just writing this as it comes. So yeah~! (^_^)v

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euna_ivy #1
seems really interesting, can't wait for the next chappie
Jkitty_123 #2
Update soon xD