


Kyungsoo let out a sigh of relief as the members finally arrived back at the dorm after a long schedule. Nobody talked, unless you counted Chanyeol mumbling to the few members around him in an effort to try and bring up the mood, since they were all knackered. 

As soon as the door was open everybody toed off their shoes and slipped into their respective rooms, save for the couple of exceptions (Jongin, Chanyeol, Tao and Baekhyun) who disappeared into the kitchen. 

Kyungsoo gave a small smile to Jongin when the boy turned around and spotted him, but carried on towards his room, shutting the door quietly behind him.


Taking his jacket off with a sigh of relief, he flopped down on his bed and stared at the ceiling for a while, trying to muster up some sort of energy to move just enough so he could grab his iPad laying on the bedside table.

Adjusting himself so he was sitting with his back against the headboard, he placed his headphones in his ears and unlocked the device. The first thing he did was go straight to his music section and put it on shuffle, turning the volume up enough so he could just hear what was going on around him if he payed attention, but not enough so he would end up deafening himself.

He clicked on the internet tab and selected the folder labelled 'Random Stuff' and smiled when the pop up asking for a password appeared. Some may think that he was being a bit paranoid, but Kyungsoo knew first hand how nosey the other members could be when they wanted to, and he didn't want them seeing what he had in this folder.

Typing in his password with practiced ease, he hovered over the first link that appeared on the screen. He briefly glanced up to make sure nobody had entered the room without his knowledge and, satisfied he was in fact alone, clicked.

Almost immediately, he was greeted with the vivid green home page and several orange notifications down the left side of the page. 

He smiled to himself as he looked over the words 'New Story Updates!', ignoring 'New Subscribers!' and 'New Friend Blogs!', and pressed on the notification that took him to his subscriptions page. He didn't have many, only 23 or so, but he was new to the site so it didn't really matter to him.

He opened the story with the little 'updated' icon next to it and began reading.




Truth be told, Kyungsoo never really took much notice of what the fans said. Not in a horrible way, it's just that there are so many other things he has to remember to do that it never really sinks in if the fans make comments about them.

This didn't mean he was completely oblivious though.

He couldn't be, even if he tried, what with the up close fan meetings where people would ask him awkward questions and the comments that the members would make, sometimes even discussing what was said about them amongst themselves.

He was aware of the 'ships' within the groups, and sometimes the members would joke about and start shipping wars with each other (it was mainly the 'Baekyeol' and the 'Xiuchen' ships that actually got into play fights, but occasionally 'SuLay' would get involved when Suho felt like it). 

He was also very aware that a good chunk of the fans shipped himself with Kai. Now, he couldn't really blame the fans for making things a little bit awkward between him and Kai, because it's not like they actually knew that he has a huge small crush on the talented dancer, but he does like to blame the fans every time he's hugged by, holding hands with, or stared at by Jongin because the younger male knows the fans like it. He blames the fans for a lot of things.

Kyungsoo would also like to blame the fans for his new found addiction.

Someone had passed him a little note at the recent fan meeting with the question 'Oppa, Have you ever read Exo fanfiction? If so, who is your favourite ship to read about? ^^'

He had ticked the 'no' box, but the word fanfiction was familiar to him, and he briefly thought that he had overheard a conversation between Sehun, Zitao and Xiumin about it once. He carried on like normal for the rest of the fan meeting, but he couldn't get it out of his head no matter how hard he tried.

He should've stayed curious instead of giving in.

It started off innocent enough. Kyungsoo was browsing the internet after they'd gotten back to the dorm, the other boys were in the living room ordering food for everyone whilst Jongin was in the shower. 

He was looking at the search results for 'Exo' to see if any interesting news or rumours had been started about them, when a link at the top of the page caught his eye.

Written on the link was 'Kaisoo Fic Reccommendations!!' And the start of a description. He must've stared at it for at least five minutes before letting his curiosity get the better of him.

He didn't know what to expect when he clicked on it, but 'I'm sorry, you must be a member to view this page' was not it. He'd frowned, but clicked on the back button nevertheless, glancing at the top of the page that read 'Asianfanfics'.

Before he could think about it too much, Jongin stepped out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel, which made him blush a light pink. Jongin had just stared at him for a moment before smiling, walking to his side of their shared room. 

"Foods Here!" One of the boys had yelled, promptly snapping kyungsoo out of his little daze. He looked over at Jongin who had only put his sweatpants on.

"Go on Hyung, I'll just finish getting changed and I'll be out" 

Kyungsoo had just nodded dumbly and joined the others.

It wasn't until later that night, when everybody had gone to bed, that kyungsoo stealthily his iPad and opened the internet tab. He looked on his history and clicked on the Kaisoo Fic Reccommendation page he'd gone on earlier, greeted with the same screen and hesitated.

Deciding nothing bad could come out of this, he tapped the 'Asianfanfics' button in the corner and bit his lip when he came to the home screen. He saw the sign up button in the top right corner of the page and clicked on it, momentarily wondering if he'd lost his mind.

It asked for a few details from him, which he filled out with no problem, and then it asked for him to choose a username. He couldn't think of anything extravagant and typed in DOKYS.

'Sorry, this username is already taken'

He'd frowned at that, but typed in various versions of his name, All coming up with the same message. He sat there for a good ten minutes, trying different variations of Jongins name, and then Kaisoo names, but all were taken. He was frustrated now, wondering if this was even worth it, but decided to try one more name. 

He should type in something random, so that it wouldn't be taken, right?

Snorting to himself, he'd typed in the first thing that came into his head, which happened to be PotatoChips_.

'Username Available'

He had gaped at the screen for a few seconds before pressing the create account button, raising an eyebrow as he was taken to his new profile page.

For a few minutes he did nothing; simply marvelling at the fact that he'd just made a fanfiction account. He opened his history again and nervously clicked on the link.

The page came up without a problem, he was logged in as PotatoChips_. He read the description and foreword of the fic, and found out that it was a page where the author had listed down a load of stories featuring himself and Jongin as the main pairing. 

An unsure finger hovered over the first chapter before clicking it. It was tagged with something called 'fluff' so he shrugged and pressed on chapter 1.




That was how his addiction had started. He'd stayed up all night reading that fic, and discovered loads of others featuring various pairings that he ended up reading.

If the other members had noticed him on his iPad more now, they hadn't said anything, just left him to his own devices without question and for once he was glad.

A few days ago, he even dabbled in some writing himself; a one shot of himself and Jongin, typing out his inner wishes in the form of a load of fluffy nonsense. It'd earned him 37 subscribers though, and it made him feel good to know that their fans liked the idea of Kaisoo together as much as he did.

He turned to look at the clock on the bedside table, raising his eyebrows at the time. He locked his iPad and placed it on the bedside table, not bothering to exit the tab because he knew the members didn't know his new password.

Walking into the kitchen he smiled fondly at the sight of Jongin trying to prepare a late night snack for everyone who hadn't gone to bed, and leaned on the doorframe. A small while later, Tao noticed him standing here and beckoned him over.

"Hyung!" He called, gaining the attention of the other members. Chanyeol and baekhyun turned to face him and smiled, whilst Jongin nearly dropped the pan he was holding as he noticed kyungsoo standing there.

He gestured to the various pans on the stove as he addressed Jongin "Need any help?" To which the latter turned pink as he shyly nodded.

Kyungsoo cooed at the male internally and wondered if he could possibly write this into a fanfic. He helped Jongin with the snacks for everyone, joining in the small talk around the table when needed, but his mind was preoccupied with possible story ideas.

"There he goes again, not paying attention" Baekhyun said, and it'd taken him a moment to figure out they were talking about him.

"Hmm?" He hummed to show he was at least partially aware of their conversation.

"You've been spacing out quite a bit recently, what's going on with you?"

Chanyeol nodded "Yeah, he's been on his iPad a lot too" he pointed out. Kyungsoo just rolled his eyes.

"It's nothing" he said, stretching. "I'm going to wash up and go to bed" he mumbled, heading back to his room. He jumped in the shower without hesitation, hoping the knots in his back would just wash out with the soap. He took his time, spending almost half an hour just standing in the warm water, savouring the nice feeling before regretfully stepping out. He'd brought his pyjamas into the bathroom already; an oversized white shirt and a pair of boxers, and stepped into them.

He opened the door, not expecting to see Jongin sitting on his bed hurriedly putting his iPad back on the bedside table. Staring blankly at the device, he stepped forward.

"What-what were you doing?" He spoke quietly, remembering how he left his fanfic account open in a tab. But Jongin didn't know his password...right?

"Nothing! I was just....um I was...I don't know your password or anything so I was just...looking?" He rambled, hopping back up and shuffling over to his own bed, cheeks slightly pink.

"Okay...." Kyungsoo mumbled, feeling heat rise to his cheeks at the thought of Jongin seeing his fanfic account, his subscriptions...his stories about them. "I'm just gonna go to bed now then...." He spoke quietly, hoping he was the only one that felt the awkward air between them. Jongin threaded his hand through his hair nervously, and kyungsoo pretended he didn't just get ten times more attractive.

"Okay Hyung, good idea haha!" He stuttered, appearing nervous at something. "I'll just-" he gestured to the bedroom light and kyungsoo smiled slightly from his position in bed.

"Night Hyung" Jongin mumbled, and kyungsoo could hear the covers rustle as the dancer got comfortable. He couldn't shift the uneasy feeling in the pit of his stomach.

"Night Jongin"




Something is wrong.

Not, like, life threateningly wrong or anything.

No, like 'Jongin-is-avoiding-me-out-of-the-blue' wrong.

Since that night where Kyungsoo caught Jongin doing something with his iPad, the younger male had been distancing himself from him, and although Kyungsoo was hurt by it, he couldn't help but think 'He knows'.

It was the only reason kyungsoo could think of that would cause Jongin to act like this. He let it go for a few days at first, thinking that the younger simply wanted to spend more time with the other members, but when it kept happening, when he purposefully moved away from him during practice, when he stopped nagging kyungsoo about nailing the dance moves everytime he got a step wrong, he knew that something was up.

He decided to it up and confront him just under a week later. It was late night, and the group had just finished practicing for their new debut. The others had gone ahead, and Jongin was sipping from his water, not moving since he wanted to stay behind, as usual. Kyungsoo called out to Suho. "I'll catch up, I need to have a quick word with Jongin"

Suho gave him a look to show he had sensed the tension between the two and nodded. "Don't be too late" he called over his shoulder. Kyungsoo grumbled about being old enough to take care of himself before turning round to go back into the studio. 

Jongin was there, dancing away to their routine fluently. It still amazed kyungsoo how someone could be so graceful, y and smooth all at the same time in the way that Jongin could. 

"Jongin," he called, loud enough to be heard over the music. He saw Jongins eyes flicker to him in the mirror, acknowledging that he'd heard, but continued dancing. Kyungsoo frowned and called louder. "Jongin." This time, the male didn't even acknowledge him, appearing to focus harder on the dance routine. Huffing, kyungsoo marched over to the stereo and turned it off.

Jongin abruptly skidded to a halt, trainers squeaking on the wooden floor. "Hey!" He yelled.

Kyungsoo crossed his arms. "We need to talk" he stated, watching Jongin try to continue the dance without the music. "Can we talk later? I'm kinda busy" Jongin panted, executing the main point of the dance perfectly. Kyungsoo rolled his eyes and tapped his foot impatiently on the floor.

"No, we are talking now" 

Another minute of silence and kyungsoo snapped. "Why are you avoiding me?" He said, unable to keep the hurt out of his voice. Jongin finally stopped dancing and turned to face him. "I haven't been avoiding you" he answered, yet he was unable to look him in the eye. Kyungsoo snorted. "Yes you have,"

He paused, wondering whether or not he should bring up the whole iPad incident. "Have I-have I done something wrong?" He settled for, furrowing his eyebrows at his lack of confidence. He glanced at Jongins face and was partially satisfied to see a guilty expression cross his features. 

Jongin sighed deeply "No, Hyung. I guess I've been...thinking about stuff" he gave him a small smile that had the corners of kyungsoos lips involuntarily turning up as well.

"Okay, but you can talk to me if something's wrong" Kyungsoo mumbled, scratching his neck sheepishly. Maybe he was wrong; maybe Jongin hadn't seen anything and was just working through his own stuff. He knew one of Jongins dogs was sick at the moment, and even the fans know how important those cute balls of fluff are to him.

He hadn't noticed Jongin get closer to him, so started a bit when he looked up to find himself faced with a broad chest. "I know Hyung" he mumbled, and a second later kyungsoo found himself enveloped in a warm embrace. He could feel himself blush, but hesitantly circled his arms around Jongins Middle. Jongin let out a sigh and buried his nose in kyungsoos hair.

"Thank you" he breathed so quietly kyungsoo would've missed it if he hadn't been paying attention.




The days that followed went back to normal. Sort of.

Jongin was no longer ignoring him, but kyungsoo would often feel eyes on him when they were in the same room, catching Jongin staring at him with something unreadable in his gaze. He'd like to think he was just being paranoid, but he was sure Jongin was also doing more skinship with him during photo shoots and performances. He wasn't exactly complaining, because he did enjoy doing it, however he was confused with the sudden 180 in the youngers behaviour.

He was also actively trying to stay away from his aff account as much as possible, only sneaking checks here and there when the others weren't looking. At one point, he thought he was having hallucinations, since sometimes he could swear his iPad had been moved from where he'd last put it down. But he put that down to him being extra paranoid as of late.

"Come on Hyung, let's go get ice cream!" The maknae said, grabbing his arm and dragging him along with the rest of the group. They'd finished their schedule earlier than usual, and everyone had decided it was a good idea to go and grab some ice cream to cool them down. 

They sat in a small parlour that wasn't too busy, and where the customers were mainly older people so no one took any notice of them. Kyungsoo ordered coconut ice cream in a cone and sat down in between Tao and Xiumin. His eyes automatically travelled to where Jongin was still standing at the counter, waiting for his order to be processed. The tanned male was talking to Sehun, who muttered something that made Jongin turn and look his way. 

Startled at being caught staring so obviously, kyungsoo averted his eyes back to the table when he felt something cold on his hand. His ice cream was melting, so without much though he trailed his tongue up his wrist and the back of his hand, smiling when he noticed that it'd all been cleaned up quickly enough to avoid a disaster. Glancing back over at the counter, he was shocked to see Jongins eyes fixed on him intently.

Embarrassed and shy, kyungsoo looked away again and focused on the conversation. Or well, pretended to focus on the conversation at least. Finally, Sehun and Jongin returned to the table, taking a seat opposite him. Kyungsoo kept his eyes pointedly fixed on the cone in front of him, feeling strangely self conscious. 

"Hyung," Jongin muttered, gesturing to his lips. Kyungsoo furrowed his brows in confusion but quickly raised them again when Jongin leaned over the table. "You've got a bit of ice cream..." He trailed off, sounding a little strained as he brushed his thumb against kyungsoos bottom lip. 

Said male was having a mini mental breakdown, because his crush is touching his lips and oh my days he is so y but what is he doing, is he...oh my - abort mission I repeat ABORT MISSION!!

Jongin had taken his thumb that he'd used to wipe the ice cream off with and put it in his mouth, gently. Kyungsoo could feel a blush erupt on his cheeks, turning them a bright red whilst he tried desperately to shove down images of his band mate that he should not be having right now.

He made sure he avoided all forms of contact with Jongin for the rest of the afternoon, even making an excuse to change seats so he could sit next to Suho instead. Luckily he didn't notice the smirk Jongin had plastered on his face. They made it back to the dorm safely, code for Kyungsoo made it back to the dorm without interacting with Jongin. 

As usual, they all went their separate ways in the dorm, and Kyungsoo used the opportunity to have a quick check on his fan fic account. Shutting the door behind him and putting his headphones in, he clicked on the link to his profile and saw that he had new notifications. It wasn't exactly a story update; one of the authors he was subscribed to had posted a new one shot, and he was excited because this author was a huge fan of Kaisoo. 

As expected, the new story was a Kaisoo one, but this time it was tagged with something he'd never read before; something called ''. He had an inkling as to what it was, but decided to give it a shot anyways.

Biting his lip for a moment, he clicked on the chapter and began reading. It started off light, what with Kaisoo meeting each other and becoming friends, but about half way down, things started turning a bit too steamy for Kyungsoo liking. In the story, Kaisoo were coming to terms with the fact that they had just found out they liked each other in a more than friendly way, and things were taking a more than friendly turn.

Debating whether or not he should read on, he tapped his finger on his leg, feeling the slight flutter of excited butterflies in his stomach. It was something he'd never read before, but he was an adult...he could handle it, right?


Only a few sentences into the oncoming , he was feeling tingly and warm with embarrassment and (maybe even more embarrassingly) . He could feel his cheeks and neck fuming red, but he was too into it to really pay attention any more.

He was also too into it to notice that he was no longer alone in his room. After God knows how long, kyungsoo finally realised that someone was watching him and looked up. He was mortified to see Jongin standing there, staring at him like he knew something kyungsoo didn't. He really prayed the boy couldn't see through iPads because with what's currently up in his screen, he'd be screwed.

"You okay?" Jongin asked, walking over to his bed. Kyungsoo cleared his throat and nodded, trying to frantically hide his iPad without seeming obvious. "Fine, fine, everything's good! Great even" he babbled, settling for locking his screen and putting the iPad next to him. Jongin sat on the edge of his bed, staring at him for a moment longer than necessary.

"Hyung" he started, and kyungsoo had to remove the image that was stuck in his head, recalling fanfic Jongin saying exactly that but in a very different scenario. "Can I ask you a question?" He tilted his head waiting for kyungsoo said answer.

Swallowing a lump in his throat, Kyungsoo nodded "Sure". Jongin seemed to pause for a moment, taking a small breath before asking his question.

"Do....do you like me?" Kyungsoo froze in his seat, eyes wide like a deer caught in headlights. Did Jongin mean what he think he meant? He decided to play it safe.

"Of course I like you Jongin, I like everyone," he paused "except maybe Baekhyun, that bo-"

"No" Jongin cut him off. "No?" He echoed. He wasn't sure he was ready for where this looked like it was going.

"No...do you like me? As in like like? As in do you have a crush on me?" He reiterated. 

Kyungsoo sat with his mouth opening and closing like a fish. This could go two ways. He could either tell the truth and hope Jongin wouldn't be disgusted at him, or he could lie and miss the one shot of actually confessing his feelings.

"Well..I-I mean yeah, I suppose....if you're talking about whether or not I want you to kiss and cuddle me all the time then sure - well, if that's, like, okay with you and stuff cause I can totally understand if you don't want that an-"

"Hyung" he called, shutting Kyungsoo up. He was dying of embarrassment, fanfics temporarily forgotten in place of his clumsy confession.

"Kyungsoo" Jongin spoke, moving closer on the bed. Kyungsoo glanced up at him with wide eyes, biting his lip nervously. When Jongin was close enough, he leant over. "I like you too" he whispered, followed by a light press of his lips on kyungsoos. Though it was short, Kyungsoo could feel his stomach explode into a million different butterflies, flapping around making him feel giddy and sick, but in a good way.

It took a moment for Kyungsoo to sort his head out, only for him to mutter a disbelieving "Really?" Before breaking into his trademark heart shaped smile. Jongin was grinning as well. "Really" he affirmed.

"Wait, why did you avoid me that time then?" Kyungsoo voiced, curious as to what Jongin had to say. Jongin actually looked a little sheepish at the question.

"Well...I kinda, maybe..." He averted his eyes.

"mayhaveseenyourfanfictionaccountandhadalookatthestuffyoureadanditwaskaisooandthatsussoipanickedandhadtosortmyheadout" he finished, not taking a breath. Kyungsoo paled, only hearing the word 'fanfiction account'.

"Say that again...slowly" he breathed, trying not to give into his sudden urge to suffocate himself in his pillow case.

"I er, that time when you caught me after your shower? I was looking at your iPad - please don't blame me, I was just so curious to see what you were hooked on lately - and you left a tab open on Asianfanfics so I maybe looked at your subscriptions and saw they were mostly Kaisoo, which is us, so I had to sort my head out because I was already confused about my feelings towards you and I didn't know what to do so I avoided you," he took a deep breath "and then when you confronted me I realised that I did like you as more than a friend so yeah" 

He finished lamely, scratching the back of his neck. Kyungsoo had lost all colour in his face at this point, mortified that Jongin knew what he'd been reading about. Jongin must've noticed, because he scooped kyungsoos hands into his own.

"It's okay Hyung, I don't mind," he giggled a little "I actually really like that you want to read about us together" he said, linking their fingers. Kyungsoo stared dumbly at their hands for a moment before looking back up at Jongin. "Does -" he started off nervously "Does that mean you want us to be...together?" He asked. 

"Yeah, if you want to" Jongin quietly said, eyes soft. Kyungsoo bit his lip to try and hide the smile that was growing on his lips.

"I'd like that" he replied equally as quiet, leaning up to shyly peck Jongin on the lips. The latter smiled and turned his body so they were sitting side by side on the bed.

"Wait," Kyungsoo said suddenly, "How did you even get into my iPad, everything's password protected?!" Jongin gave him a look as if to say 'are you stupid?'. "Hyung, your password for everything is Pororo93" he dead panned. Kyungsoo pursed his lips and blushed, but panicked. If Jongin knew, did that mean the rest of the members knew as well? The question must have shown on his face because Jongin laughed and nudged his shoulder. "Don't worry, I'm the only one who knows" It was quiet for a moment before Jongin spoke again.

"So did I walk in on you reading some more kaisoo?" He asked playfully, mischievous smile on his lips. Kyungsoo bulked, suddenly remembering the story he was reading. He turned his head and made eye contact with Jongin before all hell broke loose. He lunged for the iPad at the same time as Jongin, determined not to lose this fight. He may be smaller, but he can be just as fierce.

A few moments of scuffling later, Kyungsoo sat with the iPad victoriously in his arms, hugging it to his chest. Jongin looked surprised for a moment but smirked, leaning in to Kyungsoo.

"J-Jongin" he stuttered, not used to the intimate proximity of his crush turned boyfriend. Jongin shushed him with a gentle kiss, and Kyungsoo felt like he was in heaven. Kyungsoo found himself leaning backwards the more Jongin leant forwards, ending up laying on the bed with Jongin hovering over him. Kyungsoo closed his eyes as Jongin deepened the kiss, lacing their fingers together and slowly moving them above his head and - wait a second

Too late.

By the time he realised what was going on, Jongin had the device in his hands, pinning Kyungsoo to the bed by sitting on him. Kyungsoo would be extremely aware of their current positions if it wasn't for the fact that he was about to lose any sort of dignity he had left in the next few minutes.

"Cheater" he hissed under his breath. "Jongin" he whined, trying to stop him from putting in the password.

"I don't see what the big deal is, it only..." He trailed off, reading something on the screen. Kyungsoo squeezed his eyes shut and felt himself go bright red with embarrassment. "Oh" Jongin commented, scrolling down. "Oh" he breathed slightly heavier this time, eyes taking a dark turn.

Kyungsoo chanced a small peek at Jongin and found him staring at Kyungsoo with a smirk on his lips.

"Well well well" he droned, and Kyungsoo had never heard his voice go so husky. Jongin got up and swanned over to the door, flicking the lock.

"Care to explain this?" He asked, holding up the screen in front of Kyungsoo. The latter hadn't moved from his position on the bed, trying to come up with something to say. 

And though he was speechless, there was one thing he knew for sure in that moment;

Kyungsoo definitely blamed the fans for this.




A/N: Soooo how was it? I think the ending was a bit lame but I couldn't think of anything else hahaha!! Oh, just so you know, I don't mean anyone specific if they have a Kaisoo fic Recommendation page, and if you do have the username PotatoChips_ then I'm sorry if it offends you in anyway but it's a coincidence XD

I hope you guys enjoyed reading it, please feel free to leave a comment and maybe upvote and subscribe if you liked it enough? I'm already thinking of doing a ty sequel but I guess I'll see how this does first ;D


-River_Song ^_^ <3



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Chapter 1: This was so so cute so cheesy and fluffy....
I could not stop smiling the whole story ;)
Chapter 1: "Of course I like you Jongin, i like every one, maybe except beakyun-"
Cute and hot <3
creamjongin #3
Chapter 1: damn this was so cute :)))))))
TotallyKaiwaii #4
Chapter 1: Omg ^-^ *prays for this to actually happen irl* SO CUTE. SO FLUFFY. This is hands down my favourite kaisoo fanfiction that I've read so far
Chapter 1: Ha this was so cute!!!
ashleighfill #6
Chapter 1: This was so funny and kungie is so adorable
Nephiana #7
OMG, that was so cute!! The username and the password... XD And I'm loving the last part a lot, embarrassed Soo and teaser Kai... *_* So gonna read the sequel~! Thank you author-nim!! :)
Chapter 1: This makes me wonder if Kyungsoo DOES have an account. What genres, couples, ratings... would he be reading? It's funny how Kyungsoo tries to hide what he's doing. He should've known he would be caught sooner or later. At least it was by Jongin! It was funny how Jongin got the tablet: By distracting Kyungsoo! At the end, it leaves the reader guessing (but knowing) what is going to happen next between the two of them. Excellent work!
kesoomuch #9
Saphye #10
Chapter 1: That was adorableeee
Thank you for writing this and sharing it with us, it made me smile, Kyungsoo is so cute ahah