
If I Stay

Here I am.

My father’s car takes off the road, leaving me all alone and awkward in front of the school gate. I gaze over the school board. It reads; Yujioh High School. That makes me chortle because can it be any lamer?

My morning grogginess hasn’t subsided and my brain is trying hard contemplating on what to do because being left alone in a new school is so hard to take in. Sighing, I tighten the straps of my bag and lumber my first ever entrance. Nerves tingling, palms sweaty, I feel nauseous. I meander around for a while before finally found the office.

Trudging while my mind screams I shouldn’t be here I ing wanna go back, I make it to my class by following one of the teachers. The air is cold and the wind tousles my golden tresses yet I felt like I am showering with sweat.

“You have a new student today. Please welcome her.”

The teacher turns back to me, her lips curved and eyes form a crescent-shaped moon while patting me on the shoulder before she strolls away. This is it. Heaving a very deep sigh, my mind reciting pray hoping for the day to end fast, my feet find its way to the front of the class.

 “Western’s girl huh?”

I hear someone snickers. My breathing speeds up, my palms is shaking. My worry is on how to keep my wobbly knees from collapsing. This is not how I imagine I would be welcomed.

“Hi everyone. My name is Jung Eugene. I just moved here from California. I…“

Giving the introduction isn’t really hard since I already memorized what I am going to say a day before. But, to actually face these new people is the reason why I stare only at the ceiling while I speak. There is really nothing at the ceiling except for spider webs but that is the only spot my eyes want to lay on.

“Nice to meet you guys. Hope you can-,”

“Are you reciting spells? Why are you staring at the ceiling?”

Followed by a snort.

My eyes promptly dart  to the said voice. There, at the back of the class, a skinny tanned-skin male, lips slightly curved forming a smirk while both hands were rested at the back of his head. His tie lay loose and his hair is a tousled brown bush. Great, the school’s troublemaker.

“Maybe because I am a human being and I have this thing called nervousness,” I spit.

My mind is literally in a chaos because wow I really screw up on the very first day. I feel hands clawing out my throat, choking me because out of the sudden, my breath stop and I can’t breathe.  

The corner of the male’s lips rises slightly hearing my comeback.

“Ms. Kim, she can sit behind me. No one sits here,” he offers.

Never in the whole world.

But then,of course, sometimes things don’t go the way you want it to. Ms. Kim motions me to sit behind him and with heavy sigh, I haul my body to the said place. Suddenly, I feel like I have gotten heavier and my feet has been tied.

Passing by that punk , I glance at him and found out he had been staring at me. I catch a glimpse of him smirking again. He really has a thing for smirking doesn’t he? His face screams a punch. I have to stifle myself of getting him one.

I plop myself on my seat.

This is a sick mistake.



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