Chapter 8

~Such a fake mistake~


Ryeowook’s P.O.V.


Yesung just looked at me “He is just my best friend…or brother…You already know who I like”

“Pff…” I grunted.

“What can I do to make you forgive me?” he asked…serious.

“Just forget about it ok?” I sighed and was about to walk to the classroom when he grabbed my arm “No I mean it”

I started to blush, and he continued “I am really sorry about what happened at the party…I like you, and as I said the alcohol did the rest, but I had no right to do it, and I am sorry”

I took my arm back “Just forget about it ok? You don’t need to think about it”

“Then say you forgive me” he almost begged.

“Why do you like me anyway? You don’t even know me…”

“Since I came here I though you were cute…and I have hanged out with you and Kyuhyun ocne, and I have seen you everyday in luch, and etc…I know you enough to know that I like you…and if you don’t think it…don’t you believe in love at first sight?”

‘I do believe in it, because I fell for you the moment I saw you’ I though, but kept normal and just had to ask “How can you know if I am gay?”

“I don’t know that…but that doesn’t mean I can’t like a guy”

“That’s true…but I have to go to the classroom now…bye” then I left Yesung, and walked away wondering why I just couldn’t forgive him and open up…I like him, and he liked me…


The answer is actually easy…the problem is that he just “broke up” with Eunhyuk…it doesn’t feel right to start meeting him…by tomorrow people will know that Yesung and Eunhyuk aren’t a couple anymore, and if I am then with Yesung…




I woke up next day, and went down to the kitchen to eat breakfast before school.

“Ryeowook, come here” mom said from the living room, and I went to here…A bouquet of roses layed at the table.

“Wow…who did you get them from? Dad?”

Mom shook her head, and gave the bouquet to me, I took it, and looked confused at her.

“It’s for you” she said, and I read the little card that was there.


I am sorry, please say you forgive me~



I sighed.

“Is it from a girlfriend or something?” mom asked curious.

“No, its not”

Then I went up with the roses, and down again to eat.


The whole school day I for the most hang around with Kyuhyun, and avoided looking at Yesung, or talk to him…People, or some guys liked to flirt with Eunhyuk…I felt kinda sorry for him at that point…because someone actually went as far as touching his or the side of his waist…but everytime that happen, Eunhyuk got angry as hell. Not that I blame him…

And Yesung always looked like he wanted to hit every one of them, but he couldn’t…


Because of their act as breaking up…Eunhyuk and Yesung didn’t talk much in public and so on…and people would have though it was weird if he suddenly reacted at the flirting.


But I noticed also that Yesung often looked at me…most likely to see if I reacted on the flowers…but I still couldn’t get myself to forgive him, so I still avoided him…don’t ask me why.


After school I went shopping with Kyuhyun…I needed more ingredients.


“Ryeowook?” he asked, while I looking at all the fruits.


“I just wondered…who was that guy who came to school yesterday?...he who got Yesung in trouble?”

I stopped looking at the fruits and turned to him…”I can’t tell you…sorry…”

“Oh…ok” he said and respected it


Then when we were done we went to my house, and what do you think we found in the living room…again?


“Who sent you roses?” Kyuhyun asked when I read the card:


Please, I’m begging you~



“Oh…it’s for mom…” I said and putted the flower away “Wanna help me at the kitchen?”

“Sure” he said happy then I laughed “As if…you’ll burn down the kitchen”

“Ey! That was only one time!” Kyuhyun pouted.




Next day didn’t get better…next day TWO bouquet roses waited for me in the living room, and mom got really confused “Why do you get all this?”

I didn’t answer but read the two cards:


Please don’t ignore me~

Forgive me~



I can’t stand that you ignore me~

Please answer me~





But at school it was the same as yesterday…Eunhyuk had to shout angry at every guy who tried to touch him, Yesung couldn’t help him, but kept looking at me, and I couldn’t face him back…


I sighed as I opened the door to my home again…’if this keeps on, I am switching school’

It didn’t come as a surprise to me to find even more roses at the table now…but seriously…I was too tired to read the cards now…


A little notice also layed there and didn’t fit in so I took it and read.


Dad and I are going to grandma again. I know you can make your own food, and we will come home later in the evening.


I didn’t feel like making dinner, so I sat down watching TV…until I suddenly fell asleep.


I and Yesung stood on a clip, it was a long way down and he shouted at me.

 “Do you know how bad I feel?”

“You are hurting me!”

“You won’t answer me…you could at least told me to go away if I am that bad”

My mouth was muted…I couldn’t say a word…I could just watch as he shouted and moved longer back away from me to the end of the clip.

‘come back’ I wanted to shout.


“Why can’t you just kill me instead of ignoring me?”


Now he stood at end.


“Well if you won’t…I am doing it myself, I can’t bear this anymore”


Then he lifted his arms…and layed himself down, and fell…


“NOOOOOOOOO!”  now I was able to scream and ran to the edge “YESUUUUNG!”



I sat fast up in the couch, and tried to catch my breathe. The dream had been scary real…then I turned my face and…

“Yesung? How did you get inside?”

“I just came in the door, I tried to say: hello, but no one answered except you screaming, so I got scared and ran in…”

I started to blush “Was I screaming?”

He nodded.

“Did I scream something special?”

“Emmm…you said: nooooooooooo!”

“Nothing more?”

He shook his head, and I sighed…then I talked again “And why did you come here?”

“Because you never answer me”

I looked away, and he reacted “You always do that? That’s why I came here”

I still didn’t answer, and now he sat himself in front of me, and forced my face to look at him with his hands.

“Do you hate me?”

I shook my head lightly.

“Then why don’t you answer me? Why don’t you forgive me?”

‘Because I am too cowardly to talk…’ I though

“Please don’t keep quiet” he begged “Why can’t you just talk to me?”

I pushed his hands lightly away, and he gave in.

“I want to forgive you, but I can’t! And I have feelings for you too, but I want to ignore it because I feel like I don’t know you!”

Yesung looked confused at me…it didn’t seem like he understood…but who could blame him…I did not quite understand myself, and I could not believe I just said I had feelings for him…

“I mean…I really want to forgive, and I don’t understand why I haven’t…I am not actually angry anymore…but I have been afraid to talk to you…and I don’t know why..and…I don’t make any sense now do I?” I sighed, but Yesung smiled “So you aren’t angry at me anymore?”

I shook my head lightly “No I am not”

“And that means you forgive me?”

I nodded, and a big smile showed at Yesung’s face, and he hugged me.

“Finally…you don’t know how scared I was of that you would be forever angry at me”

He released me and took a deep breathe “I feel so much better now”

I was muted, and just sat there with my blushing face.

But he didn’t notice it, before now.

“Why are you blushing?...and what feeling did you have for me you said?”

I looked away and felt my face became ever redder, but now he only chuckled “Wait here”

Then I saw him take a pen, and a piece of paper out of his pocket and went out in the entty, and out the door…and then he came back a little later with something behind he’s back.


“Now that you have forgiven me there is one thing I want to ask you…then he showed what he had behind his back…it was a small beautiful purple flower, and a the little piece of paper. He gave it to me, and I read.


I really like you~

Do you wanna go out with me~<3


I just stared at the paper and the flower, and Yesung seemed nervous when he said “I know it is simple, but I didn’t have any money left for one more bouquet, and…”

He became quiet…

I started to smile, who cares if it was only one flower that he had found outside? It was as pretty as it could get, and I wrapped my arms around Yesung and hugged him. I was tired of pretending that I didn’t like him. Then Yesung pushed me a bit away, and pressed our lips together, but now I did not push him away.

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394 streak #1
Chapter 17: wow! thank you for sharing this! I really really enjoyed reading this.

I love Wookie - Kyuhyun friendship, and of course Yesung - Eunhyuk~ They're really cute together~

It has a happy ending too, so yeah~ <3 upvote <33
WOOOOOAAAAH. good that i found this ff. Hyuk got so many eyes on him. i do too...i love hyuk XD. and i love you too author nim. really... hyuk in this ff. *HUG
i love the ending. but i wish it was longer, i will miss reading this story :(<br />
aren't you going to make a squeal????????
REALLY cute ending!!<3
KeyDNA #5
aww. realy, realy good story! I love it!! good job :*<br />
too bad it ended...<br />
but it's realy cute and awesome ending ;D
hahahaha super cuuuuute *-*
Mangazibby #7
kekekekkekekekeke X"DDD i havent laughed this much in a while!!! great chapter, i cant wait to read more about eunhaes first time :DD
Mangazibby #9
wha?what? XD omg happy~ is sure hope this isnt the end, i wanna know moreh about thier lifes in this situation etc :DD