Chapter 10

~Such a fake mistake~


**Yesung’s P.O.V.**


I waited for an answer, and in the end it came…

“Hello” just like expected his sister answered.

“Hi, can you give the phone to your brother…just say that this isn’t Eunhyuk using my phone, and Euhnyuk don’t know that I am calling him”

“Ok” she said, and then I heard her talking to Donghae that was right beside her.


“So what do you want?” Dongahe said when he got the phone

“I wanna talk to you about the act”


“I know you’re angry, but don’t be angry at Eunhyuk, if you have to hate someone, hate me ok? I were the one who didn’t wanna stop, Eunhyuk wanted, but he is too kind”

Donghae didn’t say much, but it was almost that I could hear him think before he spoke.

“You’re right…”

“I know…so can’t we talk about it?”

He sighed “Sure, but Eunhyuk…”

I cutted him off “Eunhyuk shall not know.”

“Right…I am early done at school tomorrow…I can take the bus”

“That sounds good…but…how were you able to be at out school on Monday? Didn’t you have your own school?”

“It was a day off…so I went home on Saturday…and took the bus again early on Monday…”

“Well that explains a lot”

“Yeah…I call you when I arrive ok?”

“Yeah, and I am gonna make sure Eunhyuk isn’t here”

“Ok, bye”



Then I hung up


**Ryeowook’s P.O.V.**


“So Dongahe is coming here?” I asked, and Yesung nodded.

“But how are going to get Eunhyuk away from the dorm”

“I kinda wish you would help me with that?”

“Me, how?”

“Can’t you two hang out outside?”

“I can try…but I and him have never been alone before…what is it becomes awkward?”

“Do you like playing games?”

I nodded “But I often lose because I play with Kyuhyun, the gaming king”

Yesung chuckled “Then you and Eunhyuk can go to the GameHouse…Eunhyuk is at normal rank”

“Sure, I can try”

“Thanks” then he kissed me lightly on the lips and hugged me.

“But there is one more favour I wanna ask you” he said while still hugging me.

“And that is?”

“I can’t sleep alone when I know you are here”

I pushed him lightly away “Forget it, I meant what I said”


Later I had gotten a blanket, dressed up in my pajamas and slept on the couch…

It was hard to sleep, and the darkness scared me…not that I was afraid of the dark, it is of course dark everytime I am going to sleep…but I wasn’t used to sleep here, and the living room was a bit bigger then my room, which made it scarier…but in the end I was able to sleep a bit…but woke up again 2am, and it was even darker…


I sat up and held the blanket around me, as I shivered.

‘Why did I insist on sleeping alone?’

A little tear fell down my cheek, and I started to sob a bit.


“You ok?” a voice said, and I looked up and saw Yesung in the entry to the living room, and my eyes wided a bit…he stood there with only his pajamas pants on…

I nodded slowly, and avoided looking at him, afraid that I would start drooling,

He sat down beside me “Why are you so shy?”

I kept silent, and then he suddenly lifted me up bridal style.

“What are you doing?” I almost shouted, but kept my voice down, didn’t wanna wake Eunhyuk. Yesugn kissed me, and carried me to his bedroom.


“Now you don’t have to be scared anymore” he said and putted me down on his bed. Now I shivered more. He sat down beside me “You don’t have to be scared”

‘Why not? You just forced me in your bed’

He kissed my forehead “I am not gonna do you anything”

He then layed himself down beside me, covered us with the duvet, and hugged me “Just trust me”

I tried to realx, don’t think that he layed here…half , and hugged me tight.


“Hey you two stop cuddling and get up!”

Yesung sat up, and I saw Eunhyuk in the door “Sorry to destroy your moment, but we have school today”

“Yeah yeah…” Yesung yawned and stood up…and I followed him.

“Yesung? can I borrow your phone a bit?” Eunhyuk asked.

“Why?” Yesung said while putting his shirt on.

“I must tell my parents that I don’t have a phone anymore” He answered a bit ashamed.


On the way to school I started to think, and suddenly stopped up while holding Yesung’s hand.

“What is it?” Yesung asked confused.

“What are we gonna say at school?” I asked and looked at our hands.

“What do you mean? We are a couple, just because I ‘broke up’ with Eunhyuk doesn’t mean I can’t have another boyfriend”

Eunhyuk nodded “Anyway…I am tired of pretending…and tired of pretending to be mad at Yesung…lets just tell the truth…at least to our friends…I don’t care what the others think”

Yesung nodded “I agree…the others can find out if they find out…”


At school a lot of people looked confused at us…because I held Yesungs hand and Eunhyuk walked by us not caring…


So in the lunch we gathered the gang outside for lunch:








And the other gang too:









We all sat at the grass in the nice weather, and then Yesung stood up, and everyone looked at him.

“I wanna talk to everyone of you about something, especially you guys” Yesung said and pointed to his own gang.

Then he explained everything, but kept quiet about something…like that he begged to keep the act up, but said that he was afraid that no one would like him again if he wasn’t with Eunhyuk…

“You are really stupid you know that?” Hankyung chuckled,

“We had never talked to you before we met you with Eunhyuk, and we would still have been your and Enhyuk’s friends even if you weren’t a couple” Yoona smiled and the other from the gang nodded.

Both Yesung and EUnhyuk smiled.

“So the guy that Yesung fought with…” Jessica started carefully.

“Was Donghae” Eunhyuk ended

“Oh…that was bad luck…” Heechul said sad then he looked at me “But you and Yesung are now a couple, right?”

I blushed and nodded.


“Oh , I forgot something in the classroom” EUnhyuk said and stood up, and when he was a bit far away I cam to think of something…I had to ask him to hang out with me after school and until Yesung was done talking to Donghae…So I stood up and ran after him with a bit confused looks after me…except Yesung who knew…


“Hi” I said when I reached him.

“Hi” he said a bit confused.

“I wondered if you wanted to join me at the GameHouse after school?”

“Su…sure” I knew he thought about Yesung.

“Yesung have something he shall do, and we haven’t been able to hang out so much”

He chuckled while smiling “Ok then”


**Yesung’s P.O.V.**


Just when school ended, and I, Ryeowook, and Eunhyuk walked out of the school, my phone rang.

“Just go you two, see ya later” I smiled, gave Ryeowook a quick peck, before Ryeowook almost dragged a confused Eunhyuk with him.


“Hello?” I answered.

“Hi, the bus just arrived” Dongahe said.

“Nice, then we can meet at my dorm”

“Your dorm?”

“Yeah? You remember where it was?”

“Sure, but?”

“Don’t worry, Eunhyuk isn’t there, he is with Ryeowook, I got it all planned.”

“Who is Ryeowook?”

“My boyfriend, he who was with us in the principle office”

“Oh…I see…I think I met him at the bus station one time, but anyway, see ya”

“See ya”


I hung up and hurried home.


He already stood by the door.


“Hi” I said.

“Hi” he answered, and it became a bit awkward silence…and the only thing I could come up with was.


“How do you afford to take the bus this often?”

“Was that the best you could come with?” He chuckled, most likely because he saw that I felt awkward. “Well…My family isn’t actually the poorest people you find…but they are getting kind of angry that I leave all the time”

“Oh…ok…shall we go inside?” I said and pointed at the door.



We went in, and in the livingroom, and Dongahe started the talk.


“I might as well just ask instead of waiting…why did you beg Eunhyuk to keep on the act? You had real friends, and you knew he wasn’t single” not to my surprise he sounded both angry, and a bit sad…I am sure he thinks about Eunhyuk.


I sighed “I might as well just tell the truth, and after that answer you most likely will hate me, but that’s better than hating Eunhyuk…”

I took a little breathe before saying as calm as possible, even if I was a bit afraid that we was going to fight again.

“The truth is…I liked the act, and that it involved that we kissed and all that stuff, and I liked to think Eunhyuk was mine even if he wasn’t…I was an idiot and a ert, but the only one who knows that is RYeowook, and now you…I haven’t told anything to Eunhyuk of course.”

Donghae looked shocked at me, and I continued.

“Eunhyuk would most likely hate me if he knew the truth, or at least start to argue with me, but I can’t stop you from telling him if you want...and…because I know him well I knew he would say yes if I kept begging, because he is too kind to his friends sometimes.”

Dongahe shook his head a bit “Eunhyuk is kind, yes, but it is only to you that he can get too kind…You’re like his brother, and both of us know that, so don’t lie”

I sighed again “Ok, I know that, but anyway, please forgive him, and hate me instead? I mean don’t you miss him?”

Donghae didn’t answer, but looked down at the floor, so I just kept talking.

“I know that what we did was wrong, and that you don’t wanna forgive him, and himself know that he did wrong, but please, please give him another chance”

He still didn’t say anything, and I just felt like trying to make him jealous.

“You don’t say anything? Well…if you decide to forget Eunhyuk completely, and EUnhyuk gets over you, he won’t have any problem finding himself someone new…”

Now Donghae looked at me, but still quiet.

“Because he is already surrounded by erts at school, so he only needs to fall in love”

Now he finally said something “erts? What do you mean?”

I smiled in my mind.

“Ever since I and Eunhyuk ‘broke up’ people of course think he is single, which he now is…They flirt with him, someone touch him…”

Donghaes eyes got filled with disgust as I kept talking.

“And I couldn’t do anything, because people would think it's weird if the ex react... especially now, since I was holding hand with Ryeowook big parts of the day”


Donghae seemed angry, but he kept calm “Well…that is not my problem…I gotta go”

‘yeah right…I don’t sense jealousy at all’ I laughed in my mind, but as Donghae walked toward the entry, we heard someone just come in the door, and we heard Eunhyuk’s voice “Those shoes looked familiar”

Donghae looked scared, and I whispered fast “hid in the bathroom, and get out when I have led Eunhyuk in the living room”

He did as he was told, and just in time that Eunhyuk and Ryeowook came in.

“Hi” Eunhyuk said

“Hi” I answered, and noticed Ryeowook look at me, and said without a sound “Sorry”

“Who’s shoes is it in the entry?” Eunhyuk asked confused.

“Emm…it’s mine, I needed new shoes”

“ok?” Eunhyuk said and looked at my already almost new shoes, and didn’t seem to believe me, but while he looked at them Ryeowook said again without words “Donghae?”

I nodded and pointed to the bathroom.

“So coming home early?” I asked

“We went home to get money for going to the café, wanna come with us?” Eunhyuk asked.

“Sure, emm…just come inside, and wait”

Eunhyuk looked around, suspicious before he said “Yeah, I need to use the bathroom anyway” …I though fast as I saw him get near the bathroom.

“I have to go first” I said and pushed away his hand.

“I was first”

Then we started to fight like when we were younger, and I wished that Ryeowook only could have went first, but he seemed to be just as worried for Eunhyuk to find out as I was that he didn’t move.


I tried as hard as I could to push Eunhyuk away, but in the end he got past me, and opened the bathdoor…


‘NO!’ I though….and Ryeowook looked like he though the same…


But nothing happen…?

Eunhyuk went in and locked the door after him…and came out again.

“You shouldn’t leave the window open, it is getting cold in the bathroom…your turn”

I went in, and locked after me, and went to the window…it wasn’t long down…he could have jumped…but without shoes…that’s gotta hurt.


I went out again.

“Emmm…I just remember that I gotta go and switch those shoes…they are a bit too big” I said and took my shoes on, and Donghae’s shoes in my hand…”

They just looked at me, Ryeowook understanding, and Eunhyuk…almost laughing?

“Just go to the café without me…I can come after”

Then without more words, I ran off.


‘Where could he have hid?’ I though and stood right under the bathroom window.

I walked a bit in one direction, and when my dorm was out of sight, I heard him.

“I though you said Eunhyuk wasn’t going to come home”

Donghae sat and a bench, and rub his feet.

“Sorry” I said, and gave him his shoes “I wasn’t prepared for that either”


Ryeowook’s P.O.V.


“Shall we get going?” I asked Eunhyuk.

“We can might as well just wait, we have plenty of time” he said, and smiled, or smirked. Then I noticed something in his hand.

“New cellphone?” I asked him.

He looked at the phone “Not really”

Then we suddenly Yesung came back, and looked surprised at us “I though you had went to the café?”

Eunhyuk ignored that and said “I think that was a very quick walk to the shoes store and back”

“I took the bicycle”

“And where are the new shoes”

“Emm….I found out that I didn’t need new shoes anyway, so I just gave the shoes back”

Eunhyuk sighed “How stupid do you think I am?” and then he held up the cellphone, and Yesung looked with wide eyes at it, and Eunhyuk continued “I found this in the bathroom, and I recognize Donghae’s phone, and shoes when I see them”

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394 streak #1
Chapter 17: wow! thank you for sharing this! I really really enjoyed reading this.

I love Wookie - Kyuhyun friendship, and of course Yesung - Eunhyuk~ They're really cute together~

It has a happy ending too, so yeah~ <3 upvote <33
WOOOOOAAAAH. good that i found this ff. Hyuk got so many eyes on him. i do too...i love hyuk XD. and i love you too author nim. really... hyuk in this ff. *HUG
i love the ending. but i wish it was longer, i will miss reading this story :(<br />
aren't you going to make a squeal????????
REALLY cute ending!!<3
KeyDNA #5
aww. realy, realy good story! I love it!! good job :*<br />
too bad it ended...<br />
but it's realy cute and awesome ending ;D
hahahaha super cuuuuute *-*
Mangazibby #7
kekekekkekekekeke X"DDD i havent laughed this much in a while!!! great chapter, i cant wait to read more about eunhaes first time :DD
Mangazibby #9
wha?what? XD omg happy~ is sure hope this isnt the end, i wanna know moreh about thier lifes in this situation etc :DD