Chapter 1: Shards

Fallen Angel

Aretha: name that is probably derived from the Greek arete, "virtue"  - in this story this is going to be the name for heaven, where Taehyung is from

(warning - contains swearing)


Namjoon's POV (Point Of View):

What the is algebra and why do we ever need it in life? Just the word is annoying as hell.

Clicking my pen on my maths desk, looking at the clock fingers as they slowly pass one number after the other. Numbers seem to stand out a lot in maths classrooms, or is it just me? My chin was resting on the palm of my hand, as I tapped my forefinger against my lips waiting for this lesson to finally be finished so I could see Yoongi and continue working on our raps.

Yeah, rap is kind of my life.

Well, thats bullcrap - it is my life. It's probably the only thing that's never gonna leave me ha. Okay, this is getting a bit depressing now as images of my past flooded my brain during fourth period algebra. I shook my head, and from the corner of my eye I caught Julia looking at me again, trying to give me those seductive looks and trying to look "y". Let me tell you, I would have rather looked at Shrek's sister than her, one of the girls who has been annoying the flying out of me for almost two years now already.

I even heard they have a fanclub called "Namjoon Got More Jams Than Anyone", and even though its true (not to be cocky or anything) but it gets a bit creepy when there is girls following you 24/7. The funny thing though? Im gay. 

No one knows, except Yoongi and Hoseok, my homies since day one and -   

"KIM NAMJOON!", someone yelled which shook me out of my thoughts and into the reality which included 23 heads turned towards me, most faces looking amused at my lack of concentration and others just not giving a because it happens everyday.

"Yeah?", I answered, not really bothering to try and act interested at all. The teacher glared at me, giving me the 'dont push it' look that all teachers seem to magically possess. 

"I asked you a question", she said while crossing her arms.

"I wasn't listening", I answered while checking the clock again and looking straight into her eyes, something that has been my weapon since I can remember, as the teacher avoided my eyes only for a second, making me smirk at her.

Pursing her lips, she said coldly, "Detention. After school today, and dont try and talk back or you will be spending the whole week with me after school. Understood?"

I frowned and muttered "" under my breath, as my lips turned into a straight line. Great, another hour with this . Yoongi is gonna murder me if he finds out that we're gonna miss another session. 

The atmosphere in the room settled as everyone just continued working like this is an everyday thing, which it is to be honest. Just two more minutes of this hell hole and I can run to lunch because Im so hungry man.

Right then, the windows next to the teachers table smashed as glass shards flew everywhere. Heads turned upward as pens were dropped, gasps and screams being let out. The teacher ordered everyone to the other side of the room, as panic enveloped the class. I shielded my eyes as I ran from my desk, multiple of them already on the floor next to the broken glass. 

"Is anyone hurt?!", the teacher asked incrediously with a few scartches on her arms as she was closer to her desk, as she inspected everyone, but my eyes were focused on the object that caused this massive chaos in our normally boring classroom.

Not really an object but a human. 

His face was covered by his pale arms, and his pitch black hair covered his closed eyes as he lay on his side, unconscious.

Was he the one who smashed through the glass?

Of course he was, who else could it have been, Idiot.

He wasn't moving but all I could was stare at his perfect frame, and his clothing only consisted of a white shirt and skinnies. No shoes. The class was muttering, whispering into each others ears as they were both fascinated and scared by this, probably, messed up dude smashing through a ing window. Rolling my eyes, I started to walk towards him even after protests from the teacher and a few classmates, when I saw a slight movement and stopped walking. The class went quiet, and I heard Julia say something like, "Namjoonieeeee dont go he is crazy please be careful baby". I rolled my eyes again, because, as you can see my class ain't the brightest. 

In that second that I heard Julia say that and me rolling my eyes, the boy was up on his feet, rubbing his right eye with a fairly bruised hand. Don't ask me how he did that so quickly that my eyes did not even notice it. There were some gasps around me, and let me tell you why. He was not that bad to look at.

Not bad at all.

My eyes widened as the boy and me locked eyes, his eyes holding so much hurt and pain than his physical state, as if him smashing through glass is nothing, and I've never wanted to comfort someone so badly. He looked around and now it was his round, hazel eyes that widened and the hurt in his eyes was replaced by paranoia as took in his surroundings and saw all the scared faces around him. His eyes locked with mine again, and he bowed just slightly, as if apologetic, before disappearing through the window that he 'came from'. 

Everyone just stood there for a good five minutes, forgetting all about the bell that signalled lunch ages ago. 

Without thinking, my hand reached and touched the spot where my heart was beating faster than Homer running to get donuts.

What the ?

It was our first encounter.




First chapter xD I hope it was okay, and let me know if I can improve anything, always open for criticism ;)

Will try and update everyday because I know how it is waiting for a friggin story to carry on o.o 

Have a great dayyyy ;)

- L

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merika_666 #1
Chapter 1: Wow I can't wait I think it will be a nice story
I can't wait to read this!