For the first time.

Wrong to feel this way;

I counted the passing clouds and let a sigh ghost pass my lips as I was lying on the concrete roof of the building. My bag placed flat down,  my head resting on it and my hands sandwiched in between. I enjoyed the cool breeze against my face, completely relaxing my mind as a smile tugged at the corners of my lips. I liked this feeling, the serenity of my surroundings, the peace and the quiet.

I felt a vibration buzzing at the side of my thigh, interrupting my thoughts. I frowned, my hands digging into my pocket, pulling out my phone. My eyebrows raised as I saw the name "Jinki" flash up on the screen and pressed the device to my ear.

"Jonghyun! Where are you? Come on, its chicken time!" I chuckled at the child like tone of my hyung.

"I'm coming, I'm coming. Meet you downstairs in five." I heard a beep and slid the device into my pocket.

I could never turn down lunch with him, even when we've been eating at the same diner for 2 years straight. The place sells chicken and only chicken, I can never understand how Jinki can still have this unwavering love for chicken even when he eats it everyday. He acts like he's younger than me at times, but I still do look up to him. He was the first person to talk to me when I joined SMent as a trainee, asking me to go for lunch with him, as no one else was willing to entertain his for chicken.

I lifted the strap of my bag onto my shoulder and trudged down the stairs, onto the second highest floor of the building. I walked towards the elevator at the far end of the corridor, passing by the glass windows of the practice rooms, showing small groups of trainees dancing in synchronization. I watched in envy as I passed the windows by. I was never the best dancer and the only reason I was chosen by SMent was for my vocals, unlike the many others who possess both dancing and vocal talents.

I sighed, dropping my head and stuffing my hands in my pocket, I looked ahead and continued to the elevator. I pushed the down button and tapped my foot impatiently as I watched the numbers above the lift door change and increase with time. The lift doors opened, a familiar face standing behind.

The corners of my lips lifted against my will and I felt the heat rising up to my cheeks. It was Jessica, her long brown hair weaving past her shoulders to the small of her back. Her doe eyes hidden under her long lashes, a smile on her plump lips, her cheek bones defining her face and her sharp nose that she often wrinkled in a cute way. She had a small body, but her curves could still be easily made out. She had long feminine fingers and long slim legs that she showed off with her hugging shorts.

"Hey Jonghyun." My breathe hitched at her gentle voice.

"Hey Jessica." I smiled, attempting to hide the knot forming in the pit of my stomach. "How are the promotions for SNSD coming along?" I asked, attempting to make small talk.

"Good, the schedules have been hectic but I can manage!" She said, brushing her bangs away from her eyes.

Jessica had debuted a month ago and I hardly ever got to see her around anymore. We used to practice together whenever Jinki was too busy to practice with me, she would help me with my dancing while I helped her with her vocals. There were always moments of subtle flirting between us and I wouldn't deny the crush I had for her.

The lift door opened and we walked out together.

"Bye Jonghyun! Maybe I'll see you around?" She said, winking at me.

"Yeah. That'll be nice." I pulled her in for a hug before bidding her goodbye.

I watched as she walked towards the other members of SNSD and turned to give me one last wave before heading out of the building.

"Hmmm, I see you've still got that crush on Jessica huh?" I jumped at the sudden voice at my ear, only to see Jinki laughing at my reaction.

"Hyung! Aish! Don't scare me like that!" I frowned when all he did was laugh harder at me. He must have noticed the annoyance showing on my face and stopped to clear his throat.

"Oh yeah Jonghyun-ah, I'm sorry. I gotta go meet a few sunbaes for training, I can't have lunch with you today!" I looked at him, the curiousity building up. He has been so busy these few days, but I have never expected him to miss a day of chicken. I raised one eyebrow questioningly, only to get a cheeky smile from him in response.

"Sorry Jonghyun! I promise you'll know what's going on soon. I'll make it up to you okay?" He said, his eyes apologetic. I sighed, nodding and waving him off.

"See you later in the practice room?" He said, flashing me smile. I nodded, stuffing my hands into my pockets and turning back towards the elevator. I pressed the button and watched the numbers jumping once again. The doors opened with a ding and I stepped in, pressing 5 and leaning my head against the mirror walls. I bopped to the beat of the song playing through the hidden speakers of the elevators and walked out towards the usual practice room at the end of the corridor, each step a long stride.

I let my fingers grasp onto the cold metal and turned it, pushing the door open. My gaze shot up from the ground when I heard the familiar beat of Iyaz songs playing from the over head speakers.

My senses may have stopped working all together at that moment, my heart threatening to fall right out.

His swift movements had grace, even when he was popping to a beat. His chest syncronized to his hand movements and his legs moving so fast, I could hardly catch anything. His auburn hair covering one eye as he focused on the movements. Every step, every pop to the beat was perfect. 

He caught my presence from the mirrored wall, the corner of his lips lifting into a smirk. He continued dancing, not at all bothered by my entrance.

I stood there, my eyes watching him, entranced by his every move. My eyes never left him, only until the speakers went silent and his shuffles turned into steps, walking towards me. I still held the same expression, though I couldn't really tell what it was. Maybe it was a form of admiration for the boy, how his dance steps were a million times better than mine.

" Are you gonna just stand there staring at me, or are you gonna introduce yourself ?" The boy said, jolting me awake from my trance.

I rubbed the back of my head sheepishly and bowed a full ninety degrees "Hello, I'm Jonghyun. Nice to meet you."

"Kibum." He said with a smirk, not even bothering with the formalities.

I was taken aback by the confidence in his tone and watched as he bent over to pick a bottle of water up, his petite torso bending over his long slim legs.

I found myself staring at him, long enough to make me seem like a creep. He looked up at me, an eyebrow raised questioningly.

"I know I look good, but you don't have to ogle at me like that you know." His face was smeared with arrogance, the corner of his lips tugging into a smirk.



FINALLY I'M OUT WITH THE FIRST CHAPTER. Hehe I'm sorry this took so long. ~ Comments, please please please please please!

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Jubiliance #1
Jongsica and Jongkey in a fic together do you want to kill me. Aww man gotta love the crush Jonghyun has on Jessica but oh gosh Key is so totally confident and amazing. Jonghyun you better fall in love with him soon. >:|