Fanfictions ...

What Do Fanfciton Authors Know, Anyway...
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I blame this entirely on Bangtan teasers. Hope you enjoy it. (-_<)


Taehyung is bored. Scratch that, Taehyung is super bored. He woke in the morning with a head cold severe enough for his manager to decide that he will not participate in group activities.  He's been banished to the dorm, and to the second youngest it feels like house arrest.

It has been three hours, and he's watched all his favorite animes and read all his favorite mangas. He needs something to do before he starts crawling on the walls. He pulls out his laptop and starts searching for anything that seems interesting. As he scrolls the pages he gets an idea, he types his favorite word in the dialog box just to see what shows up.


The search engine pulls more content than Taehying thought possible, and Taehyung can't help but smile because spending hours looking at Jimin makes his current plight seem not so bad. He scrolls through pictures of Jimin, videos of Jimin, it's a Jimin-palooza and Taehyung is overjoyed. There are tweets by Jimin and he smile widens at the dorky cuteness of the slightly older boy. As he continues perusing Taehyung comes across something interesting. He's heard about these fan-fictions but never read one. Apparently, these amateur writers love Chim-Chim because Taehyung sees a bunch of stories with the boy’s name attached.

Deciding it couldn’t hurt and should be entertaining he clicks on the first story he sees.  The tag reads Jikook and Taehyung doesn’t know what it means at first. Did they change Jungkook’s name? And why is he in a story about Jimin? As he begins to read he quickly figures out what Jikook means, and Taehyung is beyond furious.

“What?! No! Jimin's

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Chapter 1: <3
Chapter 1: Bskqjsjqvsiw I would like to see Jimin's plans develope ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )
Chapter 1: Awww honey this is so freaking adorable!
Chapter 1: Everybody the one person who disliked this fanfic is jungkook.
Chapter 1: Yea!! Soo cute! ^^ Vmin is real!!
Jimin why soo sweet ❤
yullover2002 #6
Chapter 1: Awwwwww !!!!! ~~ VMIN VMIN VMIN IS REAL
Lol, so much jealousy.
Chapter 1: Awwww this was beyond cute
mingpouted #9
Chapter 1: Awwwwww i cannot stop squealing this is super cuteee