
「 #액세스。 apply open
INTRODUCTION. hello and thank you for checking out this story! my name is eunbi, you can call me whatever you'd like to though (like author-nim, unnie/noona, just calling me eunbi would be great too yano.) apologizes if this cheatsheet gets too long as i have a horrible tendency to ramble. i really hope you do consider subscribing and applying to the story as i do plan to be very dedicated to it. i've had this thought brewing in my head for a while now, and i figured it would be great to have other people involved. the story is centered around a five member male idol group, #access, who were all basically trained by comedians, especially the gagconcert members. i suggest watching a few segments of that to see where i'm coming from. anyways, i wish you the best of luck with the application!

BEFORE WE START. the application itself is a bit minimal. the coding is somewhat fragile but feel free to mess around with it as much as you'd like to - so long as it stays looking neat and pretty. you're allowed to add pictures / links / colors or whatever you'd like too just don't get too crazy with it. that being said use shift+enter when wanting to start a new line or add a space and add characters (ie. hangul, pinyin, kanji, etc.) whenever you can. if you need any help with hangul, just pm me and i'd be glad to lend you some advice!

your character may come from anywhere! do make it somewhat realistic though, as i don't really want to see anyone coming from antarctica or smth. that being said, your character must be half-asian, other than that there are no ethnicity restrictions. 
the age range is from 1991 to 1999, or in other terms 24 to 16.
there is a maximum of three languages.

the style and appearance sections should both be at least one paragraph (around four well-written sentences.) pictures or links are appreciated but by no means necessary. faceclaims can be anyone of asian descent, though idols are highly encouraged. try to match up with your character's age as best as you can.
myname's chae jinseok is taken as a faceclaim. 

there's a minimum of two paragraphs on the personality and background sections. i highly suggest writing more though, don't worry about going overboard as long apps are to die for. you don't have to pick out any of your characters outstanding traits for me, though feel free to do so if you'd like. there are virtually no restrictions on characters except for the year when they joined ksh, so go crazy! remember, #access are gag-dols so more humorous characters are loved. the password is 'song dahye' linked to a gif of your ultimate bias. 
there are no limits to your trivia section, though i do ask that you have at least: 
five likes and dislikes
two habits
and five 'others'.
you can, of course, add more than that if you'd like to!

the talent section of your character should align with the plotline / position chosen. you should only have one talent twin for all of your characters talent aspects (ie. singing / dancing / rapping) so be wise when choosing your talent twin. remember that each plotline has a designated time as to when they joined ksh entertainment. 
there are no other trainees at ksh entertainment apart from the five #access members, please keep that in mind when writing your application. 
you can go crazy with the predebut experiences (my character was a famous child actor for god's sake.) or if you'd prefer, you can have none at all. predebut experiences are optional! do keep it realistic though, it's not like your character would host asc or would play full-grown seo junghoo in healer, right? all of the boys have had at least one predebut experience, starring on a gagconcert skit, if that means anything.
madtown's song jaeho is taken as a talent twin. 

idol-family relations are completely okay, though make it realistic. unless you have a good reason, make sure your character's history lines up with said idols. i suggest looking up information surrounding an idols background. (this is a good resource to use.)
having other connections with idols, for example being friends or exes is alright, though like above please keep it realistic.   

the love interest section is completely optional. if you prefer your character to not have a love interest, just delete that section or leave it blank.
your love interest may be anyone (ocs, idols, actors, comedians, youtubers, etc.) including other applicants! i personally love relationships between band members, speaking of which my character cho seojun is also available as a love interest. (i hate to be biased but who am i kidding you'll have major brownie points for including him in your app.) both boy/boy and boy/girl relationships are allowed.
try to be descriptive when it comes to your love interest. i'm not familiar with too many groups (especially boy rookies like exo and got7 and bts??? yes, you can kill me for that.) other than bestie and laboum who are my wives so. 
it is highly encouraged that you write more than the necessary minimum of one paragraph!

that should wrap up the application! if you have any questions regarding it, please pm me or shoot a comment down below. i would be more than happy to help you along with any issues you might come across! also, if you just want to talk about cute idols or something hit me up because i'm desperate for friends. before anyone asks, the password is located somewhere in the cheatsheet! if you haven't found it, i suggest rereading everything above. 

feel free to ask any questions you may have on my ask.fm (here), through the pm system here, or just simply leave your question in the comment section below!
( 04.26 ) oops, i changed seojun's faceclaim to myname's chaejin! i didn't think anyone was planning to use him as a faceclaim, but if you were just let me know. i felt like chaejin just kind of suited seojun and idol life better so otl other than that, nothing has changed about seojun, so don't worry about changing anything in your apps. also, i think i've decided that i'll be using myname's too very so much as #access's debut song??? yea m8.

( 04.29 ) sorry for this update that isn't really an update? i'm trying to decide on a deadline for the applications, call me impaitient but i like rly want to start this story soon! if you could comment down below just telling me how long you think that you'll be working on the app it would really be appreciated! i don't want to make the deadline obnoixiously soon and close off before a lot of good applicants had a chance to turn in their apps. 

( 06.05 ) ah-- everyone i'm so sorry for that obnixious hiatus on this story! i would really love to continue it and i would really really love to get more applicants. i'm also thinking about changing seojun's faceclaim again to madtown's h.o ????? if anyone was going to use him though just let me know! the reviews will be up soon, either tomorrow or late today! everyone, i love your applications so so so much and i can tell you already that you're probably accepted lmao.

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「 #액세스。just a reminder that this story is still open and running! / 05.03


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Hi! Canta here. Just here to say that i changed my u/n to stronghold.
gAG-DOLS--. this is my kinda apply fic bb. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Chapter 2: oh yay review QuQ
h.o is adorable! both chaejin and h.o have pretty smile-
and i just realized i commented the edit link- uh OAO;;; sorry-
Chapter 2: i am applying!
i'm kinda busy w/ school this week tho, so i'm not sure if i'll make the deadline.
Chapter 3: i just realized that the sequence of apps are like this:
1993 (roha) -> 1994 (saeryun) -> 1995 (bogeun) -> 1996 (minyun).
Chapter 3: Hellooooo. It’s totally fine! I fixed / added parts to the application! You’ll see those parts in red so it’s easier to see! :D
I’m so happy you like Minyun <3 Also for agreeing to go with Chanho because yes he does grow on you like a little pretty bug, doesn’t he—
I hope the negative traits I added are alright O n O ;; I tried to find the right balance between a negative trait + Minyun’s general angelic demeanor so…
That gif of Chanho with a wig on is such a gem I love adding it in (same tho.)
I absolutely adore Boyfriend! Minyun was actually more or less made on the premise that he was going to be paired with Minwoo from the start ehehehe.
Ahhh yes tho TRAX <3 Jungmo pls O u O
min2 is my otp too //shot//
Again thanks for the nice review!! O u O
Hi! Dropping by to say I saw the fic, fell in love with the fic, and for the past hour finished my app and sent it in OTL it's 2AM and I should sleep. Goodluck with the story! O u O I'm reaaaaally really excited to see how this turns out.
Chapter 3: AGH I'm sorry OTL I had my charrie done and then everything got deleted and now I'm doing insane amouts of math everyday and just UGH.
But I am still going to apply. I have ideas (different ideas now). It just might take the rest of the month >.<'