From Bad to Worse

Between a Rock and a Hollow Place

 “Jungkook!” Jimin exclaimed the moment he leapt out of the car, rushing over and enveloping Jungkook in a fierce hug, making it almost impossible to breathe. “Are you alright? Did he do anything to you?” He demanded, stepping back but not letting go of Jungkook. There was worry in every line of his face and Jungkook actually felt bad for upsetting him like that.


“I’m fine, I promise.” He mumbled, but he didn’t sound overly convincing. It would help if he could calm the heat on his cheeks, but that was rather impossible given that the memories of what he’d just done with Taehyung was still so fresh in his mind. He could almost feel the heat of Taehyung’s lips and hand still and it wasn’t helping his situation at all. 


“Are you sure?” Jimin asked softly, that gentle and sweet nature was only making Jungkook that much more uncomfortable. He hadn’t been hurt at all, and it wasn’t like Taehyung had done anything really against his will. He wasn’t traumatized, just really embarrassed. 


“Yes, I’m totally fine he d-didn’t do anything.” Jungkook tried to assure his cousin but his voice managed to crack on him and he ducked his head when his cheeks flamed. “L-let’s just go!” He insisted, turning Jimin around and giving him a soft push back towards his car. 


For once school actually sounded like a welcome respite and he climbed into the car almost eagerly. The drive back to school was horribly awkward though, Jimin kept looking at him with that same concern and Jungkook refused to meet his eyes every single time. The blush never faded from his cheeks, he was pretty sure he was going to resemble a tomato permanently now. He wished Jimin wouldn’t worry so much, but at the same time he was touched by his cousins concern.


That, however, did not stop him from hopping out of the car and hurrying back into the school. Ignoring Jimin’s attempts to pull him aside and talk to him again. “I’m really fine, really Jimin.” He assured him, stopping at his locker long enough to grab his notebook, pencil, and schedule since he didn’t actually know which class he had after lunch.


Jimin sighed heavily but nodded, “Alright, as long as you’re sure. Just be careful around Taehyung okay?” He pleaded, lingering with Jungkook for a little bit longer before he finally turned and left. 


They still had a few minutes until lunch was over so Jungkook took the time to finally look at his schedule. He had biology, he didn’t know where room C12 was though, he didn’t have that convenient little map either, he’d left it back in his room. Go figure.


“Everything alright?” A voice interrupted him and Jungkook looked up at see a smiling Jin standing at the locker. 


“Ah, yeah kinda. Do you know where C12 is?” He asked, Jin had seemed pretty nice the first time they met. Granted, Jungkook didn’t know him that well but he felt comfortable around the other boy. 


Jin nodded and smiled brighter, the expression softened his face and for a moment Jungkook could completely understand how Taehyung and Jimin had managed to fall in love with this boy. Jin held this kind of charm about him, he was beautiful without being overly effeminate. One of those rare boys who were beautiful as boys without having to be mistaken for a girl constantly. “Of course, I can walk with you just let me grab my things.” He said, opening the locker and pulling out some heavy looking books. “I have history next and it’s over on that side of the building too.” 


As they started walking Jungkook noticed that he was a little shorter than Jin, he was surprised honestly he hadn’t even noticed that they first time they’d met. Jin had that look about him like he could be extremely cute if he wanted to be. 


“Is there something on my face?” Jin teased, his eye crinkling in the corners as he smiled, a soft chuckle making Jungkook blush yet again. He could never remember blushing this much in his life, he didn’t know when he’d become such a girl.


“I uh n-no I was just... curious.” Jungkook finished lamely, looking firmly down at his feet because at least they couldn’t embarrass him, hopefully. 


“Curious? About what?” Jin asked, tipping his head to the side and smiling softly as he watched Jungkook. Which didn’t make the younger feel any better, his blush was never going to cool with Jin’s eyes on him.


“Well, about what kind of person could capture Jimin and Taehyung’s hearts.” Jungkook admitted, biting at his lip and glancing up at Jin for a fraction of a second before he looked back down again.


“Ahh I see.” Jin laughed softly and Jungkook didn’t realize when he’d suddenly stopped walking until he’d gone a few steps ahead. He paused and looked back at Jin who was watching him with a kind expression, just the slightest hint of teasing in his warm brown eyes. “Well, I guess you’ll just have to fine out, huh?” He winked and smiled playfully before he started walking again. “Come on, we’re almost there.”


Jungkook felt his heart flutter a little in his chest and suddenly the mystery that surrounded Jin started to clear up rather quickly, he was a very charming boy. Sweet, with a beautiful and kind smile, it was no wonder so many had fallen in love with him already. Jungkook felt his stomach churn uncomfortably as he realized he couldn’t compete with someone like Jin. 


“So, I hear you had a lunch date with Taehyung?” Jin asked ,raising an eyebrow and the sudden topic change threw Jungkook completely off balance. 


Jungkook looked up with wide-eyed shock, and the knowing look Jin gave him made him feel like he was suddenly going to be sick. Jin knew, even if he didn’t know exactly what had happened he knew that ‘date’ hadn’t been innocent. Which mean Jimin probably knew too, which was why he’d seem so overly concerned when he’d picked Jungkook up. If they all knew, then...


“Taehyung likes to take the cute ones out on ‘dates’.” Jin explained, only confirming Jungkook’s fears and making his stomach feel that much more angry. His desire to go to class was suddenly plummetingm but they had stopped outside a room already and when Jungkook glanced up he saw it was C12. It was too late to back out now.


“So, tell me, did you guys do it in his back seat?” Jin asked, leaning closer and looking almost excited but Jungkook quickly back pedaled, running painfully into the doorframe. 


“W-what?! No! We d-didn’t do anything like that!” Jungkook tried to argue but the embarrassment burning his cheeks and the way his voice shook gave him away.


“Is everything alright here?” An older man approached them from inside the room, he was handsome, a younger teacher if Jungkook had to guess, probably fresh out of school. His expression was drawn in a frown of concern as he looked from Jungkook to Jin.


“Of course Mr. Im, I was just teasing Jungkook a little.” Jin explained, his smile tight suddenly and he bowed respectfully before he turned and left. 


“Are you sure you’re okay?” The teacher, Mr. Im apparently, asked as he looked at Jungkook, who was busy rubbing the back of his head where it had cracked against the doorframe. It was probably going to bruise later with his luck.


“Yeah, I’m fine.” Jungkook muttered, sighing and looking up at the teacher. “Are you the biology teacher?” He asked, glancing into the room to see it still empty. He figured there was still a few more minutes before lunch ended, which at least would give him the chance to snatch up a seat in the back. 


“Yes, my name is Im Seulong, you must be Jeon Jungkook?” He asked, a warm smile softening his features and he stepped back to allow Jungkook into the room. “I was wondering when I’d finally get to meet you. The other teachers and I were starting to think you were just a myth.”


Jungkook blushed lightly and sighed, “It’s been...rough.” He admitted softly, his eyes falling to trace the brand logo on the corner of his notebook. This teacher seemed nice enough so far, but that didn’t mean he was comfortable spilling out his life story to him.


“I’ll bet, after what the principal told us, I’m surprised you’re here so soon.” Mr. Im admitted, walking over to his desk and shifting through some papers before he pulled out a rather intimidating looking packet. “These are all of the notes you’ve missed so far, as well as copies of the homework with the answers already filled in. You’ve got enough on your plate, I didn’t want you struggling to try to catch up in school too.” He explained, handing a rather stunned Jungkook the papers.


He took them slowly and looked them over quickly, there were copies of dozens of powerpoint slides, fill in the blank homework assignments, and even a few quizzes, as promised they all had answers neatly written in. “T-thank you.” He finally managed to stutter out, feeling a little overwhelmed that a teacher had gone out of his way to do so much for him. 


“It’s no problem Jungkook, just let me know if you need any extra help understanding anything in todays class okay?” Mr. Im told him, going back to his desk and sitting at his computer, getting the power point started up just as the loud ringing of a bell nearly startled Jungkook out of his skin.


He scrambled to the back of the classroom and took a seat, taking one in the very back corner hoping to keep out of the public eyes as much as possible. He felt a little better about being in class now that he knew at least this teacher was supportive, but as the students started piling in he felt himself growing more and more uncomfortable.


Several people glanced back at him and the sound of whispering turned into a dull roar as he found more and more people started taking undue interest in him. He was grateful when the bell signaling the start of class rang and Mr. Im stood up to address the class. “Everyone, quiet down. I’d like to introduce our new student, Jeon Jungkook. I ask that you all treat him well and welcome him to our school.” He said but he didn’t linger on the introduce, nor did he ask Jungkook to stand up or even walk to the front of the classroom for which he was extremely grateful. 


“From what I’ve heard Taehyung’s covered that already.” One girl, that Jongkook recognized as one of the groupies that had been surrounding Taehyung’s locker that first day, pipped up a sneer curling her pink glossed lips. Her partially bubblegum pink hair was braided today and draped over one shoulder, her blouse was tight fitting and she was once again wearing shirt that was probably only just within dress-code regulation. 


She wasn’t the only one though, the bleach blonde beside her was dressed similarly and the malicious glare she shot Jungkook’s way had his throat suddenly closing and his stomach rolling dangerously. “I work in the main office, everyone wants us to feel bad for him because his mommy died, but he seems fine to me. Especially if he’s already letting Taehyung him.”


“Juhyun! Jiyeon! That’s enough.” The teacher snapped at them but it was too late, Jungkook was already running out of the classroom. He had noticed a restroom when he had been walking with Jin and he barely made it in time for his stomach to empty itself of the pizza he’d eaten for lunch. 


It was several minutes before his stomach calmed down enough for him to realize that the awful sounds he was hearing were the sobs wracking his body rather than dry heaving. His shaky hand managed to flush the toilet and he pressed his back against the wall, burying his face in his knees and trying to make the screaming turmoil of emotions inside him stop. 


He knew high school was vicious, rumors spread faster than wild fire but he never would have imagined something like this. He had thought what happened between himself and Taehyung was private, so how did those girls find out? He didn’t think Taehyung had even come back to school so Jungkook knew it wasn’t him, and Jimin never would have spread such a malicious rumor about him. 


He heard footsteps echoing against the tile walls and he lifted his head to see a pair of feet had stopped outside his stall, the door was pulling open and Jin was standing there, a concerned expression on his face. “I thought I heard someone crying, I was surprised it was coming from the boys bathroom though. What happened?” He asked, crouching down and handing Jungkook a tissue from his pocket.


Jungkook took it gratefully and wiped his eyes before blowing his nose, he was relieved to see a familiar face even if he had been just a little disappointed that it wasn’t Jimin. “I d-don’t want to t-talk about it.” He whispered, he felt awful, he just wanted away and never look back. He wanted to drop out of school completely, maybe even drop out of life. He had thought things were getting better, but he was wrong. Things only ever got worse.


“Aww sweetie, it will be okay.” Jin assured him, sitting down beside him and wrapping an arm around his shoulders. “You’ll be just fine, whatever is going on I can tell you’re a strong kid.”


Jungkook’s lip trembled and he found himself sobbing into Jin’s chest, he didn’t feel strong. He felt miserable, and weak. His stomach hurt so badly, the guilt and shame let such a disgusting taste in his mouth he wanted to vomit again but he knew it wouldn’t help. He had to live with what he let Taehyung do to him, and now he had to live with knowing the entire school knew about it too. The entire school, including Jimin.


That thought had him tearing away from Jin as his stomach heaved again, he leaned over the toilet but his stomach was already empty. The violent dry heaves were painful, but nothing compared to how he felt about himself in that moment. He didn’t want to face Jimin later, he didn’t want to see that look in his eyes, that disappointment or worse, judgement. 


Why did this have to happen today? Why today when he had finally worked up the courage to go back to class and try to get his footing back. Everything was happening too quickly, the crush on Jimin, whatever had happened with Taehyung, now these rumors. It was all too much too fast and Jungkook couldn’t do this anymore. 


He needed his mother, he needed someone he could actually lean on and he had no one. He dissolved into broken, pathetic sobs on the bathroom floor, the flood gates of emotion just pouring out of him and he didn’t even notice when Jin got up and left. He did notice when Mr. Im picked him up though but he didn’t care, he just curled up in the older mans arms and let himself be carried. He didn’t care what was going on anymore, whatever rumors would inevitably come from this were irrelevant because it couldn’t get worse than it already was. 


He was taken to a quiet office and sat down on a stiff and uncomfortable bed, Mr. Im’s deep voice was almost soothing but Jungkook couldn’t stop crying. That wasn’t the voice he wanted, it wasn’t the one he desperately missed, or the one that made his chest ache so painfully. He wanted his Mother’s voice and he was never going to hear it again.


At some point when Jungkook refused to calm down they called Jimin down, and had he had just the slightest bit better hold of himself he would have protested that. However he was too far gone in his own hysteria to even understand what was going on. He did notice however when his face was held in warm, gentle, hands and he was suddenly forced to look the person in the eyes. 


“Jungkook, breathe.” Jimin insisted gently, his thumbs brushing away the tears on his cheeks and he over exaggerated a few deep breathes to get Jungkook to copy him and slowly start to calm down. “That’s right, just breathe. You’re okay.” He assured him, smiling softly.


Jungkook was shivering so badly he was almost afraid he was having some kind of seizure. His mind was a shattered wreck and he couldn’t remember why he’d been so against Jimin being here before. He needed Jimin, he was the only rock Jungkook had left to lean on.


“Can you tell me what happened?” Jimin asked, but before Jungkook had to figure out how to make his voice function properly someone else answered for him.


“A few girls in my class made highly inappropriate comments regarding a relationship between Jungkook and Taehyung.” Mr. Im explained quietly, trying to keep his voice down likely in the hopes that his words wouldn’t set Jungkook off again. Luckily, for him at least, Jungkook was so emotionally numb after that meltdown he felt utterly unfazed by the words. 


Jimin sighed softly and sat down on the bed, pulling Jungkook into the comfort of his arms and holding him tightly. Jungkook melted into his embrace and clung to him tightly, this was a safe place at least. The world might have been a dark and ugly place, but at least he could still find solace somewhere. 


“Is he going to be alright?” Mr. Im asked, the genuine concern in his tone would have left Jungkook feeling touched in any other situation, but right then it was a minor comfort too easily overshadowed by the creeping darkness that was slowly eclipsing his thoughts. He wanted to fade into nonexistence, or curl up in his mother’s coffin and let himself die too. At least that way he could see her again.


“I... hope so.” Jimin answered honestly, rubbing Jungkook’s back simply holding him because he didn’t know what other comforts he could offer. 


Mr. Im left a few minutes later and Jimin held Jungkook for the next half an hour as he slowly calmed down a little bit at a time. They didn’t speak during that time, Jimin asked no questions and Jungkook provided no explanations. It was a heavy and weighted silence, at least on Jungkook’s end, but Jimin remained as patient as ever. Offering only comfort without even a hint of judgement. It was a relief and Jungkook soaked up every second of it that he could, at least until the door opening drew both their attentions to the office door.


“Hey, I heard Jungkook freaked is he...” 


“What the do you think you’re doing here?!” Jimin snarled, standing up and grabbing Taehyung’s shirt, slamming him agains the wall so hard his head bounced off it with a loud crack that had Jungkook wincing. 


“J-jimin stop!” Jungkook managed to get out, his voice was weak and it sounded strained and scratchy from all the crying, but he must have been loud enough because Jimin paused and looked over at him. 


“This disgusting son of a is the reason you’re here Jungkook.” Jimin growled, and even though Jungkook knew the anger wasn’t directed at him he still flinched at Jimin’s tone. 


“N-no he’s n-not.” Jungkook insisted, slowly standing up on shaky legs and walking over to weakly tug at Jimin’s arm until he let go of Taehyung and stepped back. “He d-didn’t do anything w-wrong.” He whispered, his eyes filling up with tears again that quickly trickled down his cheeks. “He only t-took me out to l-lunch, that’s it. That’s it.” He insisted in a shaky whisper. Unwilling to look at either one of them, he didn’t want to see his lie reflected back at him. He wanted to pretend he was telling the truth,  he wanted to make the truth go away. He wanted to make all the truths just go away.


He felt a hand encircle his wrist and he was suddenly tugged closer to Taehyung, arms wrapped around him and the smell of tobacco tickled his nose. He was too tired and too drained to care anymore and he let himself slump against Taehyung. He didn’t know how or when he was carried back to the bed, but he somehow ended up in Taehyung’s lap, dozing off as he listened to the hushed conversation between Taehyung and his cousin. 


“What happened?”


“According to his teacher some of your fangirls got y.”


“What? Why?”


“You know your reputation, did you think you could just take him out and people wouldn’t assume things?”


“Dammit... look nothing happened okay? I didn’t sleep with him or anything.”


“He told me nothing happened, and I believe him. But this was ridiculous. He doesn’t need this kind of bull following him around.”


“I know, okay? I get it. I’ll find out who those girls were, I promise.”


“When you do, text me. I won’t put up with anyone hurting him like that.”


“Oh really? You like him don’t you? I didn’t have you pegged for the type Jimin.”


“Shut up Taehyung, it’s not like that.”


There was a soft chuckle and the last thing Jungkook’s hazy mind registered before he fell asleep was Taehyung’s deep and oddly melodic voice whispering, “How do we always end up falling for the same guy every time?”


A/N: Please let me know if you think things are progressing too fast. Pacing has never been my forte and I rely a lot on feedback to let me know how I'm doing. Though I will promise that the story is only just beginning, and there's a long way to go before things reach their conclusion. So I hope you guys are excited, I think this story is going to turn out longer than I originally thought!

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Waiting for my poster ;;


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StillMeadows #1
Chapter 10: I really hate finding damn good stories because I know they are never finished. It’s been almost two years and there hasn’t been an update since. I don’t think I should expect one but I feel cheated. I really, really like this story and I don’t usully read this type of story. I subscribed just in case it’s ever updated but I don’t know. I feel just as heartbroken as the characters.
Chapter 10: I'm happily surprised to see an update from this story. XD
It sure has been a long time hahaha but do not worry, I get it, I'm doing school and a job as well so I get you're always busy if not, plain exhausted.

I'm a bit confused tho aah I probably have to read this from the very beginning. But its okay, I'll do so when I get a moment again.

Thank you for not forgetting about this story XD keep well.
Chapter 10: OMG my Jikook feels T-T they are soooo cute, and WAYY totally opposite from Vkook >_< But I love it! It's going to be hard on deciding who is going to end up with Kookie *Smirk Smirk* but PLS UPDATE SOON!
Chapter 8: omg...i, dead
i love vkook so much
well i live with their name
thank u and please continue and update soon...i want more vkook..vkoook....vkooooooook.......vkooooooooooooooooooooook! fighting!sarangheyooo!
Aigoo-nim #5
Chapter 9: I originally read it on archiveofourown and wanted to see if you posted it anywhere else. So glad I found this because aff is my favorite fanfic site and I can get notifications if you update :)))

Anyway, I love this fic so much omg I stayed up until 2 am to read it. I literally couldn't stop; it was too addicting XD
AND I STAN JIKOOK LIKE THEY ARE MY BABIES but you make me think about vkook and now I'm contemplate my entire existence. And it's so funny that Jikook and Vkook are complete opposites lol
eqiinkz #6
Chapter 9: this fanfic breaks my heart! update please~
Alitze #7
Chapter 9: the feeeeells
SevenSoulmates #8
Chapter 9: I am in love with this story. Can't wait to read the rest :)
SevenSoulmates #9
Chapter 7: I really can't right now...after reading the last chapter left me emotionally raw and now every moment in this chapter brought me to tears as well. I ship them both. Whoever Jungkook ends up with, I'm sure that both would make him happy. This is so amazing. I love every minute of it.
SevenSoulmates #10
Chapter 3: I love Jimin so much in this chapter. You really know how to write angst, you had the waterworks flowing. I love me some good angst. I'm really liking this so far and I can't wait to read more.