
of coffee shops and cute smiles

Kibum loved visiting the coffee shop across his apartment. The coffee shop was cozy, with random doodles as their wallpaper, a huge bookshelf situated at the corner for those who want to read, and a warm fireplace at one side which brings warmth to customers during the winter. He loved the wide variety of cakes and pastries that are available and the different hot and cold drinks the shop offers. But what he loves most about the coffee shop was the cute barista who works there every afternoon.

The cute barista was named Jinki. Kibum learned the guy's name because of the nametag he wears at work. And sadly, that's all he knows about his crush. Because Kibum was too shy to start a conversation with the cutie. Seriously, how do you talk to your crush without becoming a stuttering mess?

How did his not-so-little crush started? One year ago, he was exhausted from the endless schoolworks that were thrown at him by his professors. He was drained and he needed some time to relax, now that he has some free time with him. So he decided to visit the coffee shop across his apartment. He has been living in this place for how many months but he never had the chance to visit the place. It was quite popular among his neighbors and some of his friends. When he entered the place, he appreciated how comfy the place felt. It was like the perfect place to relax. But what really caught his attention was the guy behind the counter. This guy was a little bit taller than he was with dark brown hair. And his smile was beautiful. Like really, really beautiful. Kibum thought that this guy's smile can light up the room, cure any kind of disease, and bring world peace. Okay, that was kinda exaggerated. But there wasn't a word that can describe the beauty of his smile.

"Hello. What can I do for you?"

And that was the man who stole Kibum's heart speaking.

At the moment, Kibum was on his way to the said coffee shop. He needed to get away from the stress college was putting on him. And he also kinda wanted to see Jinki. Through the days that he was visiting the coffee shop, Jinki's smile grew wider, if that was even possible. And those smiles made Kibum's heart flutter and cheeks go red.

"Good Afternoon, Kibum. What can I do for you?"

That was Jinki. He knew Kibum's name when he asked him once because he realized that Kibum was becoming a regular customer.

"The usual."

"Sure. Take a seat. I'll bring it to you once it's done."

With a nod, Kibum walked to his usual spot by the window. He took a seat and patiently waited for his order.

"Here's your order, Kibum."


Jinki walked away after that. Kibum was left alone to eat and wonder how someone could be so perfect. After a while, he just watched people walk by. Tired students, rushing adults, smiling children, lonely teenagers, happy couples. He wished he could be like those happy couples. But how could he do that if he couldn't even have the courage to start a conversation with Jinki? He sighed and began to leave. It was pointless. He'll probably get over it soon. Just as he was about to stand up, he saw something written on the napkins that came along his order.

"can i take you out on a date?

All Kibum could do was stare at what was written on the napkin, that he didn't even notice the presence of a certain someone beside him.

"So, uhh. Can I take you out on a date?"

Startled, Kibum looked up to see Jinki staring down at him with a nervous smile on his face. Kibum thought he looked adorable.


"Really?" The way Jinki's eyes lit up with hope Kibum of a child when given a lollipop.

"Yes. Really."

"Thank you!" Jinki pulled Kibum and spun him around.

"Oh my god. Stop. This is embarassing."

Jinki stopped but his arms were still around Kibum's waist.

"Well Kibummie, as you can see, there are no customers around."

When Kibum looked around, they were indeed the only person in the place.

"So, are you free tomorrow night?"

"Yes I am."

"Great. I'll pick you up at eight."

"Sure. I'll text you my address."

"No need. I know you live in that apartment across the street."

"What. Are you stalking me?"

"No. I just see you walking out of that apartment every afternoon when you come here."

"Oh. Okay."

"I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Yes. You will."

"Bye Kibum. Take care."

"I will. You too. Bye Jinki."

Kibum left the place with a smile on his face. Maybe they can be one of the happy couples on the street, too. He was already looking forward to their date. 



so basically, i ran out of ideas at some parts lol. anyway~ what do you think? :)

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Chapter 1: Auw.. They are so adorable
_-Maimai-_ #2
Chapter 1: Awww so cuuuute :33
SashaHRH #3
Chapter 1: Yes!!!! Perfect ;) Sequel, please?
key_umma #4
Chapter 1: this is cute, really really cute
please write more onkey, thanks