
Disaster Management- Ryeowook Style

Title: Disaster Management – Ryeowook Style

No: 2

Prompt: Coffee- #1

Additional Member: Ryeowook

Rating:- PG

Genre: Gen/Fluff


♥ 규성 ♥

Ryeowook leaned against the elevator wall as he waited for the slow descent to the lower floor, still much too sleepy, but that is what happens when you spend half the night in rehearsals and dress fittings, getting in even later than the others since he had to have most of his costumes adjusted. He was positive the stylist was happier to see the back of him than he was to say goodbye to her.

Apparently she had spent the afternoon readjusting Kyuhyun’s clothes as well and was quite frankly fed up of all idols and their fluctuating weights by the time it came to his turn.

That was the effect of Kyuhyun he supposed.

Always annoying everyone to death.

That was the thought that made him chuckle to himself as the elevator dinged, easily finding the door to the eleventh floor dorm, inputting the passkey and entering, hoping now that he had not wasted the time and the effort to come to the floor and not find what he wanted.

Sometimes he really hated being the official “chef” – a grand title bestowed to him by Heechul and Leeteuk, probably so that he didn’t complain about having to cook for them all the time- of Super Junior.

 It was mainly when he had annoying and tiring late schedules and still! had to be the one to get up early in the morning and make the other members breakfast. He supposed that they would never force him to if he didn’t want to, since they all  probably knew better than to test his sometimes erratic temper, but even so, he had just got in the habit and was often worried about what they would eat if he didn’t cook.

Since their only expertise often consisted of ramen and only ramen, they were at his mercy.

He liked the power trip, but mostly he just liked to know that he contributed to their wellbeing. It was hard work though, especially on days like these when his bones were just that little bit tired and his mind clogged with dreams of sleep.

And even worse, when he got up and realized that they were out of bean sprouts and that he didn’t have all the ingredients to make their broth.


He had a hard life.

That was the conclusion he had come to as he made his way to the lower dorms kitchen, his mind preoccupied so much, with both his grumbles and the wish to sleep , that finding someone else in the kitchen at such an hour actually caught him really off guard.

Especially when it turned out that said person was Kyuhyun.

He would know those massive shoulders anywhere, even if Kyuhyun had yet to turn to him, probably too engrossed in whatever destruction he was causing to even notice that Ryeowook had arrived in the kitchen and was waiting for him.

Ryeowook though, was himself rather caught in examining the kitchen or rather the sorry state the kitchen was in at that moment. When he left the lower dorms the night before, the place was fairly clean. They had ordered dinner that evening and Eunhyuk had washed the dishes here and there and the place was clean, so much different from the state it was in now.

The counters were dirty and covered in tins and bags and coffee cups and the milk was left uncovered and spilt on one of the counters and on the other side the sugar was spilled as well, cut grains lining the counters in messy patterns, the cabinets seemingly emptied and rummaged through, the contents also joining the sugar on the countertops and then there was the coffee beans and grains that seemed to want to be all over the kitchen.

The sink was piled high with used cups and mugs and the floor had seen better days. Ryeowook wasn’t even going to try to guess what on earth it was that Kyuhyun had spilled on the floor.

He supposed he shouldn’t just assume that Kyuhyun was at fault, but come on?

Who else would it be?

He had practically caught the kid red handed, Kyuhyun fiddling around with a cup in front of him, and from the back of him and the inklings of a dark hand print of coffee grounds on the back of Kyuhyun’s t-shirt seemed to be sufficient evidence to conclude that Kyuhyun was the likely culprit for the chaotic state the lower dorms kitchen was in.

Even by the process of elimination it could only be Kyuhyun.

Eunhyuk was never messy enough to leave such a situation behind him and Sungmin was not as stupid as the others to as to not know where something was and rummaging through the cupboard. The only other person that it could have been was Yesung and again, he was also not an invalid in the kitchen and as it was Ryeowook didn’t know if he had stayed over that night, not having seen him.

So really, it just had to be Kyuhyun. No doubt about that.

“What in god’s name are you doing?” Ryeowook asked with a bit of a huff, feeling indignant on the kitchen’s behalf. Kitchens really ought to be respected and treated with care, not the reckless abandon that Kyuhyun had wielded about.

Each glance and look pained his heart, stepping inside and more to the heart of the danger zone as he had deemed it; anywhere near Kyuhyun in the kitchen was cause for concern. If Ryeowook had his way, both Donghae and Kyuhyun would be serving lifetime bans from the scared place, but Leeteuk was thankfully much more forgiving than Ryeowook was.

This was what forgiveness led to though. He hoped Leeteuk knew.

Kyuhyun however was startled by the sound, so focus on his task that he was not mindful of anything else and had entirely missed Ryeowook’s entrance. His loud annoying screechy voice was not the best way to announce his presence Kyuhyun thought, especially since the cup Kyuhyun spilt when he reacted in surprise, the hot liquid sliding along his hand and stinging, Kyuhyun instantly dropping the cup, thankfully in the sink.

“Awww” Kyuhyun groaned, not even bothering to turn to Ryeowook, just placing his hand under the spray of the water. He really wasn’t burnt, but the hot water had touched him and it was uncomfortable in that minute.

“What the Ryeowook!” Kyuhyun exclaimed in annoyance, finally turning to Ryeowook.

 He was now standing at the counters, examining them with a critical eye, biting back his very long list of scathing remarks as to Kyuhyun’s obvious lack of proficiency in this department, poking at the falling bag of something or the other in the counter, ignoring Kyuhyun’s childish outburst.

It was not his fault that Kyuhyun was not paying attention, though he does look up when he realized that Kyuhyun spilt some of the hot water on his hand, Ryeowook approaching him, grabbing his hand to have a look at it, satisfied when he realized that it was exceedingly mild, not even reddening.

With Kyuhyun’s safety settled, Ryeowook was minded to have his answer.

“Why are you destroying the kitchen so early in the morning?” Ryeowook questioned once more, giving Kyuhyun a stern look, waving his hand in the direction of the chaos surrounding them. He really could see no reason for Kyuhyun to be so destructive.

Hell! Kyuhyun wasn’t even normally awake so early, so it was all sort of confusing to Ryeowook right about then.

“Better question, why are you here?” Kyuhyun responded instead, rudely answering a question with a question, displeased that Ryeowook had sneaked up on him and caused him to spill the damn hot water on his hand.

As if he didn’t have enough stress as it was.

 He was going at this since before the sun came up, waking so goddamn early that he was a walking zombie for half of it. He despised waking up early generally, viewing it as a hell on earth to be frank, but for the sake of annoying beloveds he was willing to make the sacrifice.

Yesung had better to grateful, especially since he now had to deal with Ryeowook.

He loved his best friend and all that, but damn, if he wasn’t annoying most of the time, especially when he got that stupid judgmental look in his eye as he did then, looking as if he thought Kyuhyun was an idiot.

Right about then, Kyuhyun did actually feel like an idiot all on his own and really did not need Ryeowook to further add to it. He couldn’t really be mad either, since he was not the nicest person to Ryeowook and more often than not he teased even more, so when he got teased in return he had no choice but to accept it to some degree.

 That didn’t mean he wouldn’t prod right back, especially since his question had Ryeowook scowling.

Kyuhyun always liked to point out that Ryeowook was no longer a resident of the lower dorms and made it his business to kick him out ever so often. This usually occurred whenever Yesung was there, since Ryeowook liked to steal the older man’s attention and Kyuhyun was having none of that. Plus, Yesung was always more minded to be affectionate and persuaded into fun times when the dorms were empty.

Generally though, Kyuhyun just liked to annoy Ryeowook as he did just then.

“I only came to see if you guys had any vegetables. I wanted to make breakfast but the fridge upstairs was empty. Kangin hyung probably used everything and forgot to replace it again. I know you idiots here are pitiful cooks so I figured you guys might have some left from the last time I went shopping” Ryeowook explained in a tired sort of way, the recounting really annoying him. He didn’t owe Kyuhyun an explanation by any means, but he really just wanted to complain about Kangin.

Seriously? What was so freaking hard about replacing the vegetables?? That was so freaking annoying to him. After he had sacrificed his sleep to make a meal for them all, after tiring schedules and no sleep, on a fairly cold September morning, he had to find the kitchen bereft of the vegetables he needed to make the customary stew for that day. This was after he had placed rice in the cooker and now it was much too late to change it into sandwiches or pancakes or something and really, he just felt like eating a Korean breakfast.

To do so however, he needed vegetables!

He didn’t mind that Kangin used them of course. He was glad that Kangin was trying his hand at cooking and making himself more self-sufficient and helping with Donghae and the others, but at the same time, he really wished he was more responsible with it. If he used the freaking vegetables, he really should have replaced them or at least informed him so that he knew that they had to be replaced.

That morning the burst of annoyance that he felt was insane, but since then he had calmed down sufficiently.

 It was when he decided to come see if the lower dorms could be of assistance. Each time he made a list of items they would need for their managers, he did the same for the lower dorms. The only one that cooked really was Sungmin, but Eunhyuk at times could be prevailed upon to make something edible. Yesung was there often, but he usually had his meals at home, so never really saw the need to cook much. Kyuhyun was outright banned from the kitchen, so he never bothered. Even so, Ryeowook ensured that there were the basic ingredients that they would need in the event of Sungmin feeling to eat something in particular. He was pretty sure that it would all be unused, so ventured to the lower dorms in the hopes of finding what he needed.

“Stop stealing our stuff. Go get your own” Kyuhyun directed with a pull of his lips, but it had no real force, since it was not as if he cared what Ryeowook took from their dorms anyway, but what could he really say at that point. He felt sort of mindless and in a way was glad that Ryeowook was here, since he was pretty sure the kitchen wanted to steal his mind.

Since he had been there not a single thing had gone right and he was just sort of tired to be honest.

Ryeowook scowled at him, but that was the extent of his reaction to the comment, instead once more surveying the scene and making a tsking sound to show that he was displeased with the state of things.

“A tornado might have been kinder to the kitchen” Ryeowook commented and this time it was Kyuhyun’s turn to scowl.

It really was not that bad was it? It was not as if he was trying to make a mess or anything, just that he was so unfamiliar with the kitchen that he didn’t have a clue what he was doing most of the time. When he lived at home his mother or his sister would usually do everything for him and when he started to live at the dorms, his terrible cooking and inexperience in the kitchen was clear from the one set and as such Ryeowook normally managed that for him, or just about anyone else to be honest. Yesung was not the best cook either, but he was much better than Kyuhyun and on the off chance that he needed something to eat, Yesung would make it for him.

Wasn’t his boyfriend just the sweetest person ever?

Kyuhyun clearly was a more than smitten.

What he was not however, was happy with Ryeowook once more giving him that critical judgement look and making it seem as if he destroyed the kitchen!

It really was not that bad. He just spilled a few things here and there and emptied a few cupboards and maybe dropped a cup or two because he didn’t realize that the outside would be so hot. He swears he was not an idiot, but he was starting to think he was having a brain fail. It was a good thing that Ryeowook had not seen the pieces of ceramic that was swept to the corner or he would never have lived that down at all.

Kyuhyun sighed.

“It really is not that bad” Kyuhyun protested weakly, though he really had not much protest left in him, sort of tired from the morning activities and really just so goddamn frustrated right about then.

How can making one stupid cup of coffee be so freaking hard?

He had powered through four hour concerts in burning desperate heat and blinding lights, with power choreography and it had not tired him out as much as making this one cup of coffee had done so far.

It felt as if he were losing his mind, sighing in self-pity.

“Really?” Ryeowook gave him a disbelieving look, especially now that he had spotted the shards piling in the corner and once more nodded to the warzone that Kyuhyun had left in his wake.

He didn’t know what Kyuhyun’s definition of bad was, but Ryeowook didn’t think this could be classified as good either. He had to mindful that Kyuhyun was the sort that could be involved in a kitchen fire, so maybe from Kyuhyun’s perspective; it was an accomplishment that he had not burned the building down as yet.

Ryeowook would tease further, but Kyuhyun slumped against the kitchen sink, truly surveying the damage so far and sighed heavily, lacking the rude bratty way he would usually handle something that, making Ryeowook concerned for a second.

“Who knew making coffee could be so hard” Kyuhyun commented, more to himself than Ryeowook honestly.

 Never had he thought coffee making would be so difficult.

Yesung made it for a living in the café and it never seemed that hard to him. Even Changmin said he knew how to make coffee and no one ever said it was the type of thing to drive a man insane. Kyuhyun knew he was average at best at anything that required culinary skills, but for the love of God! Why was this thing so freaking hard to do?

He was dying.

It was just supposed to be a small surprise for Yesung. Obviously it wasn’t anything that special, but he wanted to do something nice for the boyfriend that he had not seen a little while. He had been so busy recently that he had been the one that had been neglecting Yesung, busy with his musicals and reviewing songs and recording, preparing for their comeback and just so much, that he didn’t even have the time to breathe, much less answer a message.

 Yesung had been patient with him however, only showing him kindness and being very understanding.

Which was certainly a lot more than Kyuhyun would have done.

He was the sort that got irrationally annoyed when he was not able to be with Yesung, so he knew how hard it must have been for him, yet Yesung remained as supportive as ever, sending him cute goodnight messages and bending his schedule to suit Kyuhyun’s needs and then allowing himself to be Kyuhyun’s personal cuddle buddy, letting Kyuhyun take as much as he wanted without complaints or any fuss at all to be honest, in fact even going out his way to be less of an and spending time with Kyuhyun, so that Kyuhyun’s mood could be better.

Kyuhyun really wished he could thank him in a better way, but he was still short of time.

 He had to be in the studio at nine and could barely spend the morning with him. It was just supposed to be a small token of thanks for putting up with him and his general grumpiness for the last couple of weeks, at least until he could do something proper. Maybe he would take him out to dinner or something, if Yesung allowed something like that of course.

For now though, he really just wanted to take care of him in that little way.

Yesung loved his coffee and he would surely love if Kyuhyun made a really good cup and served it to him in bed wouldn’t he? He definitely would! He might have appreciated breakfast as well, but since Kyuhyun actually loved Yesung he wouldn’t ever subject him to his cooking. It was kindness to just leave it to coffee.

If Kyuhyun knew it would be this hard though, he would have planned something else.

“Is that what you are doing?” Ryeowook laughed, even though he knew he shouldn’t. Kyuhyun looked so defeated that it was quite pitiful, but really, he couldn’t just not laugh.

The poor child really was just so hapless in the kitchen.

Ryeowook though was confused for a second. Why would Kyuhyun be making coffee? Kyuhyun didn’t like coffee at all as far he knew. He hated how bitter it was and would only drink tea or those non coffee frothy drinks that Changmin likes. So, Ryeowook couldn’t see why he would be destroying the kitchen to make something that he didn’t even drink.

Then it hit him.


Kyuhyun was making it for Yesung!

Well….wasn’t he sweet……….and sappy.


“Wait! Oh my God! You are trying to make coffee for Yesungie hyung aren’t you?” Ryeowook asked with teasing glee, turning to Kyuhyun to give him that sort of look that had the effect of making Kyuhyun want to both bash Ryeowook into the counter and turn away in embarrassment.

He knew he was doing something very cheesy and what not, but that didn’t mean he wanted it pointed out or for Ryeowook to forever over it. It couldn’t be helped though. He was a brat most of the time and this was just the sort of ammunition that you would be a fool to turn down.

Ryeowook would never have let it go and really, he didn’t expect him to.

“You are so freaking cheesy now” Ryeowook continued to laugh, especially given Kyuhyun’s nearly shy embarrassed expression, the teasing cocky nature of his face falling away to leave a little bashfulness, Kyuhyun turning away from him as his cheeks reddened a little.

It was sort of cute really and well……cheesy.

“Oh shut up” Kyuhyun muttered without much spite, supposing that he should have expected Ryeowook to in the situation and truthfully, it was not as if he would die if he was teased.

He loved his boyfriend and wanted to do nice things for him.

Sue him.

“I wouldn’t have even tried if I knew it was so hard” Kyuhyun found himself whining to Ryeowook despite the annoying man’s teasing nature that morning.

He was already so frustrated and so accustomed to being babied when things didn’t work out for him, that the complaining came natural to him.

Ryeowook barked a laugh, but Kyuhyun ignored it, still sulking at the fact that he had made at least eight cups of coffee, not including the two cups that he broke and they all looked terrible and had coffee grains in them and one was actually syrup like and he was pretty sure it was not supposed to look like that.

He didn’t bother to taste them, since he knew that to his very anti coffee pallet, all would taste terrible, but in his mind he had a sort of idea was to how it was supposed to look and most importantly how it was supposed to smell. Whenever he and Yesung had coffee together, in the sense that Yesung would sit with him and drink his coffee whilst Kyuhyun had tea or a smoothie or maybe just some hot chocolate, it always smelt wonderful. It was that scent that Kyuhyun was trying to emulate or at least get close to, but so far he had been met with pure failure.

It was very frustrating. If he were alone, he would have probably spent some time pouting at his misfortune.

Ryeowook observed Kyuhyun with a warm smile. It was sort of sweet to see their little brat of a maknae behave in such a saccharine way. Since his advent of a relationship with Yesung, this new found sweetness was quite a commonality, though it was almost entirely reserved for Yesung. Just because he was a sappy desperate-in-love brat, that did not mean he was even less of a demon to the members of the band. The sweetness was just for Yesung and it was both amusing and terrifying to see. Who would have ever though that demon Kyuhyun could be so kind and considerate?

It really was a sight to behold.

So was the near pout that he was wearing.

It was definitely cute, his endless frustration. Ryeowook supposed he should really help their little maknae out in this situation. Clearly the coffee making thing was not working out for him and it was not as if it would hurt Ryeowook to provide some guidance.

This was the sort of thing that Kyuhyun really would not be familiar with and would require some help from his hyungdeul and Ryeowook definitely enjoyed being a hyung to Kyuhyun, even if the rude brat still point blank refused to call him Hyung unless he wanted something.

Really, he should just smack the brat but then he would have to deal with him whining to Yesung and that would be annoying. Yesung would probably support Ryeowook anyway, which made Ryeowook smile in glee, knowing that he was still so very special to his favourite hyung, but he really shouldn’t put him that position, since then Kyuhyun would pout up a storm and that was always troublesome for Yesung.

Ryeowook couldn’t deny that Yesung really did love the brat as well, as much as that fact baffled him, considering that Kyuhyun was such a mean little demon child and Yesung was an angel to his dongsaengs. Ryeowook supposed, he ought not discount the fact that Kyuhyun really did treat Yesung well.

Case in point being the fact that he was torturing himself just to make Yesung coffee.

Ryeowook was definitely prevailed upon to offer his assistance with that thought in mind.

“It’s not that hard really. Why don’t you use the instant coffee in the cupboard?” Ryeowook directed, walking over to the pantry and trying to find it, then abandoning that thought in favour of rummaging through the mess of items that Kyuhyun had left on the counter tops to find the canister.

As far as Ryeowook knew, Yesung had no problem with instant coffee. He preferred drip, but that was task that Kyuhyun probably was not up too anyway and instant would be good easy way to get the job done.

“Instant? What is that?” Kyuhyun asked with curiosity, walking over to Ryeowook to examine this strange thing called “Instant” .

Was it a brand that Yesung liked or something?

Ryeowook had to resist the urge to laugh at Kyuhyun’s sometimes childish innocence and demeanour, smiling triumphantly to Kyuhyun when he finally located it.

It was Yesung’s favourite brand as well.

“Instant coffee, Maknae. You just have to add water and sugar and some cream” Ryeowook explained as he examined the can, enduring that it had not expired.

Since the last time that Eunhyuk had eaten an expired tin of tuna and nearly ended up in the hospital, it had become a habit. He pried the tin open and examined the contents further, ensuring all was well, before he handed it over to the still confused Kyuhyun, who was dutifully walking behind him like a puppy. It was sort of cute.

“I didn’t even know it came like that” Kyuhyun said in awe, looking at the canister as if it were his saviour.

Really though, he should have been looking at Ryeowook that way. He was the one that saved him. Ryeowook however just couldn’t understand how Kyuhyun could be that dumb not to know of the existence of instant coffee.

 “Are you for real? That is just plain dumb” Ryeowook laughed at Kyuhyun a little, finding it terribly amusing and pitiful that Kyuhyun really didn’t know that instant coffee existed.

For his comment though, Kyuhyun stopped his wonder of the coffee canister to reach over and flick Ryeowook on the forehead.

Which hurt like hell, by the way, Kyuhyun sneering at him a little, before he was back to reading the instructions on the label, Ryeowook glaring at him as he rubbed his forehead, muttering an indignant


“Wait, shouldn’t I make the one that they make with the coffee machine though?” Kyuhyun questioned with a frown, seemingly remembering that he wanted to make something special for Yesung.

He was grateful when the instant was handed to him, but reading the simple way the instructions were lain out, he didn’t think it seemed very special.

What if Yesung thought that he didn’t care enough to put in any effort at all?

He didn’t want it to be like that.

He had tried looking for a way to make that one, but all the online methodologies were too complex for him, which is sort of dumb considering that he was practically a genius and would soon have a master’s degree from a very good university. He really should not be bested by a stupid contraption, but it really had not been working out for him.

“Can you make that though?” Ryeowook questioned with eyes that seemed to bore into Kyuhyun’s soul.

It was as if he were mocking him, but really maybe he was just pointing out something in that sassy way that Ryeowook chose to do things like that.

It was annoying, but it got the point across though.

“No” Kyuhyun admitted, glancing around at the coffee maker that he didn’t even know how to use and probably broke, with the black grains all over it.

“Do you know how?” Kyuhyun questioned Ryeowook instead.

It was obvious that Kyuhyun himself had no idea what he was doing with that type of coffee, but Ryeowook was a good cook generally. Maybe he could help Kyuhyun out with his little problem. His gloating would be annoying, but after the morning that Kyuhyun just had, he really could just use the help and get it all over it. Ryeowook would know, wouldn’t he?

“Maybe you should ask Yesungie hyung. He is the barista after all” Ryeowook pointed out offhandedly, aware that he was saying the impossible since Kyuhyun wanted it to be a surprise, but he had a point in the comment that he was hoping that Kyuhyun would come to all on his own.

He really should be nicer to Kyuhyun, but things like these were his only joys really. It was when he got to torture them for making him endure all the insanity and the lovey dovey stuff that made his blood crawl and his heart ache a bit in jealousy.

“Don’t be ridiculous. Yesung doesn’t even know how to use the machines. He is useless” Kyuhyun pointed out with a snort.

Everyone knew that Yesung was pointless.

 Up till last week he was telling Kyuhyun how annoyed Jongjin was at him for messing up orders at the register and scolding him for not being able to use any of the machines and help their staff when things got hectic. Everyone else knew how to use them but him, which was actually sort of embarrassing. He told Yesung that of course and he pouted at him and then smacked him for teasing him and not making him feel better.

Yesung was adorable, but he was certainly no barista.

Even Naver was probably more useful than Yesung when it came to coffee no how.

Wait………maybe he should call Jongdae or Minseok?

They would know. He remembered them saying something about learning to make coffee, but then he remembered that they were on tour and he would be bothering them.

He could call his sister, but then she would know he was making it for someone else and then he would have to deal with her nosiness and that would not be a good thing.

This was pointless.

“Exactly!” Ryeowook beamed, glad that Kyuhyun got the point.

Kyuhyun gave him a confused look.

Guess not.

He would have to explain it to him.

Some genius he was.

“Yesung doesn’t even know how to make drip coffee like that, so stop worrying. The instant is fine. Normally he just drinks the instant when he is here or he drinks the bitter stuff from the coffee maker. You can use the instant, it’s okay” Ryeowook explained to Kyuhyun as if he were talking to a toddler, hoping that the maknae finally understood what he was saying.

He didn’t see why Kyuhyun was harping so much on drip coffee. It was not as Yesung himself cared very much. Once he got his caffeine fix it was good enough for him and if he got it closer to bed that was even better. Really, Kyuhyun should just let it go and use the instant.

“That won’t be special though” Kyuhyun said a little sadly, looking at the canister again, wondering if that would really be enough for Yesung.

He can’t say he knew what Yesung drank honestly, never in the kitchen enough to pay attention to what Yesung drank. He knew he had coffee there in the morning, but only because he could taste it on his tongue when he kissed him goodbye on the mornings. Kyuhyun normally slept as much as possible and was rarely awake at the same time as Yesung. Even when they had breakfast together, Kyuhyun never paid attention enough to know what Ryeowook handed to Yesung.

If it was instant that was good, but Kyuhyun still wondered if that would be special enough for Yesung.

“You are sappy and sweet now, it’s crawling my blood” Ryeowook shuddered as he observed Kyuhyun bite his lip and worry if his efforts would be enough for his boyfriend to be satisfied.

That was really just so creepy. Kyuhyun was lost to insanity clearly.

Kyuhyun flipped him off with a scowl, but made no effort to deny Ryeowook’s words. The fact that he was so worried over something so simple, really was all the evidence a person would need and there was really no way to deny it either.

He was aware that he was sad pitiful soul now as well.

“Listen, you can’t make that kind of coffee now. It’s a hard process and takes time to learn. If you want you can go to a class like what Minseokkie and Jongdae took to learn, but that is clearly not happening this morning, so just forget it. You are just gonna dirty the kitchen more. Use the instant” Ryeowook advised seriously, giving proper advice to his dongsaeng after he had his little laugh at Kyuhyun’s expense.

He gathered that Kyuhyun really wanted to do something complex, and make that perfect cup of coffee. Even if he laughed at him, he really could respect his thoughts and feelings and his desire to do something nice and sweet for the person he loved.

What he said to him though was the realistic facts of the situation they found themselves in.

Ryeowook was fairly decent at using the coffee maker but looking around he didn’t think they had much more that grinded coffee anyway and it would not be that special if he made it for Yesung since he did not trust Kyuhyun much further than that.

As for the drip coffee, barista style, that was a skill that Ryeowook did not have, though he did have an expresso machine somewhere or the other that one of Yesung’s fansites had sent to him. Ryeowook didn’t really know how to use it well and figured they better not chance it further anyway, since he knew for a fact that if you got the averages wrong, the coffee would be undrinkable and Kyuhyun was seemingly tired enough as it was.

Kyuhyun had long recordings just as he did, plus a mountain of solo schedules, with all his MCing and musicals and recording for his possible solo releases, it was hard enough for him. Ryeowook knew Yesung well. He would be unhappy if Kyuhyun tired himself out or got bothered doing something for him.

So all in all, Ryeowook supposed he gave the best idea possible to Kyuhyun.

“I guess you are right” Kyuhyun accepted, seeing Ryeowook’s logic.

 He had tried everything already and nothing was working and by the end of this little journey he would end up hating coffee and Yesung, so he might as well take Ryeowook’s advice.

“Aren’t I always?” Ryeowook gloated a little with a smug grin, but he was just sort of glad that Kyuhyun was going to let it go and not force himself anymore.

He didn’t think the kitchen could take it either.

Which reminded him.

“And don’t forget to clean this mess up” Ryeowook directed as he picked up some of the used cups and placed them in the sink, sighing when he surveyed the destruction once again.

“It’s really messy” He commented more to himself than Kyuhyun.

“It’s not that bad” Kyuhyun grumbled.

Really, Ryeowook was acting as if he thrashed the place. He didn’t. It was just a little disorganized that is or maybe very disorganized. Not as bad as Ryeowook was making it seem though.

“Either way, clean it up” Ryeowook directed more to the point as he finally got to see about his own business. Kyuhyun’s worries where handled he figured, so he could finally get back to his task, going over to the fridge to look for his vegetables.

“What if I don’t” Kyuhyun questioned just to be a brat. He knew he made the best, so he was responsible for the cleaning up, but it was not as if he was bound to take Ryeowook’s instruction and they both knew that.

“Just do it” Ryeowook answered over his shoulder, examining the cucumbers in his hands and wondering if he wanted to add it to his stew. The recipe didn’t forbid it, but it was not a classic ingredient and did seem to have some life left in it, so it would still be useable and not be wasted if  it was forgone.

“I don’t have to listen to you” Kyuhyun pointed out even as he scooped up pieces of broken mugs and cleared up the counters a little, placing back the items from the pantry and the cabinets to give himself some room and not to feel entirely useless and messy.

“You don’t, but you will when I complain to Yesungie hyung that you made a mess. You may not be a afraid of me, but we both know you are terrified of him” Ryeowook said with a smirk, finally exiting the fridge with his hand full of various vegetables that could be of use to him, piling them on the counter near the fridge so that he could take what he needed and leave the remainders in the fridge, going about his business even as Kyuhyun made a face.

Everyone knew that it was easier to just complain to Yesung and have Kyuhyun die at his hands than to bother themselves trying to get him to behave. It was a very effective threat and they all acknowledged it, even Kyuhyun, which was why he paled so much at the mention of Yesung’s name.

“Fine. I was going to anyway” Kyuhyun gritted out, annoyed that he was unable to protest against such an allegation. It was not his fault that his boyfriend was the devil incarnate and he was terrified of him.

The things Yesung made him endure.

Ryeowook just laughed and Kyuhyun grumbled under his breathe, slapping Ryeowook’s hand away when he made to ruffle his hair in a mixture of mockery and just affection. Ryeowook still continued to laugh, finding it all sort of amusing.

With that settled, Ryeowook was ready to depart. He actually had things to do, other than help their mean maknae with his little romantic scenes.

“Wait!” Kyuhyun said as he grabbed Ryeowook’s hand, impeding his movement, stopping Ryeowook from gathering his vegetables, Ryeowook turning to him with a lifted eyebrow, wondering why Kyuhyun was stopping him from leaving.

“Can you help me? I don’t know how much to put” Kyuhyun said sheepishly, face pulled into cute mild puppy dog eyes flashing at him and Ryeowook hates the way his heart melts at the sight of him.

Kyuhyun is much too mean to be so adorable.

 He really has no idea how Yesung manages to deal with him sometimes.

With a breath-taking smile he nodded eagerly.

He gets one in return and together they go about the coffee making process. Kyuhyun was endlessly enthusiastic and eager and if he wasn’t so frustrating, Ryeowook would have thought him adorable. There was definitely something cute about the way he gathered the prettiest cup he could find and sit it up on the table, watching on with concentration as Ryeowook showed him the usual amount of coffee that Yesung used, or rather, the usual amount of coffee that Ryeowook used for him since he was the one that often ended up making Yesung his coffee in the morning, Kyuhyun very eager to learn.

Ryeowook looked on as he added the sugar; coughing to let Kyuhyun know that he should add a bit more since Yesung often preferred it a bit sweeter than you would expect; a result of his sweet tooth more than likely. He also threw a watchful eye as Kyuhyun contemplated the cream, not much Ryeowook advised, since Yesung normally drank it black, but could be persuaded to add a bit of cream from time to time.

When they were finished, Kyuhyun couldn’t have looked happier, even as he boasted to Ryeowook shamelessly at how amazing he was at making coffee for Yesung. It would have been appropriate to point out how terribly inaccurate that was, but Ryeowook supposed he should just let Kyuhyun have his moment.

Ryeowook stayed and looked on as Kyuhyun wiped the cup clean, making it perfect, setting it upon the serving tray with a small plate with warm pastries that Kyuhyun must have brought the night before, even going so far as to locate a flower and the small vase for it.

Ryeowook couldn’t help the little tinge of jealousy he felt then. He was truly happy that Kyuhyun had found such a love and happiness, especially since it was with Yesung, who Ryeowook truly thought deserved it all.

 He would be lying if he said he never wondered what could have been, but that was a possibility of a past long gone and now that he has seen the  present and the likely future that was to come for Kyuhyun and Yesung, maybe it was all for the best.

The happiness they felt was always pressed against the hardship and whilst he always sympathised, maybe the heavens knew that he was not cut out for that, at least he was not then. Now, he can think maybe he should have taken his chance, let the warm feels grow and see where they would have ended. Sometimes his mind provides all the possible answers, but then again, hindsight is always twenty twenty isn’t it?

He doesn’t like to wonder what if and maybe that is for the best. Everyone was happy where they eventually ended up and that was fate at its best he supposed. He can’t say he regrets either, not sure it was ever the right emotion to describe what he sometimes felt.

He could say it’s jealousy, but it’s more like envy.

He often wondered what it would be like to have someone you loved so much, to be able to just get a dumb goofy grin on your face after you spent hours trying to make a cup of coffee just to be sweet to someone you love and still just be that happy despite the obvious frustration and tiredness.

Kyuhyun has this embarrassing peep in his step as he fiddles around the kitchen, decorating his little surprise tray, ensuring that the pastries are warm and cutely arranged and Ryeowook only pats his shoulder as he gathers his vegetables.

“Good luck” he said airily as he exited the kitchen, vegetables in hand as Kyuhyun mumbles an off handed “thank you”, busy making it his little tray perfect for Yesung.

Ryeowook hopes then that it goes well for him.

♥ 규성 ♥

Ryeowook groaned for the umpteenth time since he realized that he had the distinct misfortune of being as dumb as possible and forgetting the freaking bean sprouts in the lower dorms.

 The one thing that he really wanted and that was the one thing that he forgot. Sigh.

He grumbled to himself as he made his way back through the corridors leading to the lower dorm, not even ten minutes since his earlier trip, just wanting to get the stupid bean sprouts and be on his way. Why was it always him?

Seriously, his luck was just plain rotten sometimes.

Though it seemed, it was at least better than Kyuhyun’s.

Judging from the scene he walked in on, things had not gone well for Kyuhyun at all.

Kyuhyun was seated at their fake kitchen table with Yesung kneeling on the floor at his feet, first kit spread out around him, with a bandage in his hand, him and Kyuhyun bickering, not noticing Ryeowook as yet.

From the looks of things, something definitely went wrong.

“What happened?” Ryeowook asked with concern as he neared the two men that ceased their little bickering as they finally realized that they were not alone.

Yesung was adorably sleepy, dressed in shorts and his old grey t-shirt that he often wore to bed, hair tussled and cute, except for the fact that he looked entirely exasperated and troubled, Kyuhyun not much better, scowling at Ryeowook, but he supposed it was more at the situation rather than at him personally.

It was obvious that the romance had failed.

“This idiot spilled the coffee I slaved all morning on all over my hands and the sheets” Kyuhyun complained as explanation, waving his hand around as he glared at Yesung for a second before looking away.

He was annoyed.

He worked so hard to get that damn coffee finished and how did it all end? With him being burnt and everything wasted, him and Yesung forced to get out of bed so that they could run his hand under the water and change the sheets, least it stain the mattress.

That was not how it was supposed to go!

“I said I was sorry didn’t I?” Yesung said, indignant.

Really, how was it his entire fault all of a sudden? Kyuhyun was the one responsible for it and he was acting like a big baby and it was so damn annoying. He had already apologized a million times and right about now, Kyuhyun was just grating on his nerves. He was so lucky that he was too worried about him and the small burn to his hand to scold him for his childishness.

Kyuhyun scoffed.

“Look, I really didn’t mean to spill it and hurt you okay. I just got a little excited” Yesung explained in a calmer voice, aware that he was letting his emotions flare and that was not the way he wanted to behave in the current situation.

He just wanted to focus on Kyuhyun and ensuring that he had his hand bandaged and in no harm, which was really easy since there was no real harm anyway.

He really just didn’t want this to be a fight when there was clearly no need for it. Kyuhyun was making it hard too, behaving infinitely childishly, pulling his hand away and nearly pouting in his response to the explanation.

“Seriously, would you stop it? The burn isn’t even that bad and I said I was sorry” Yesung said sternly, clamping his hand down on Kyuhyun’s arm, examining the area of redness and ignoring Kyuhyun otherwise, aware that Ryeowook was still hovering not too far away, feeling his weight near his back, Ryeowook peering down at Kyuhyun’s hand as well, probably examining to see if the injury was serious or not.

“It looks okay” Ryeowook comments as a support to Yesung’s diagnosis, looking on as Kyuhyun slouched and grumbled, but allowed Yesung to rub the ointment to the hurt area, waiting for him to finish up with him.

Yesung was over reacting in Ryeowook’s opinion. The injury was mild at best and would fade within the hour, the skin just reddened from the heat of the coffee, but Ryeowook supposed that was just Yesung’s way of appeasing his own mind and lessening his guilt, if Kyuhyun’s version of things was to be believed.

“How do you even live with your carelessness?” Kyuhyun questioned grumpily, aware somewhere in the back of his mind that he really should not be taking out his anger and disappointment out on Yesung. The point of the little event was to make Yesung happy, not to verbally abuse him now that things had gone so wrong.

The words were spilled easily though, both two accustomed with the acidic remarks and cutting words to withhold that from each other. Kyuhyun was never the gentlest and Yesung was good at absorbing Kyuhyun’s grumpiness and sour puss behaviour without taking much of it to heart and for that Kyuhyun was grateful.

Yesung was no one’s punching bag, but it was good that he didn’t always have to walk on egg shells around him about things like that.

 His former girlfriends always hated his snarky disposition and it was always so tiring to keep it at bay and restrained. That was one of the things he loved most about Yesung, the fact that they knew each other so well and could understand and accept things like that. He was always careful to know his boundaries though, never wanting to hurt Yesung or make him feel offended or unappreciated, which he prayed Yesung knew.

The good thing though was the fact that he could always trust Yesung to keep him in line.

“At least I don’t startle people awake and coffee at them!” Yesung pointed out with some agitation, giving Kyuhyun a displeased look and a classic lifted eyebrow meant to say that Kyuhyun was the real idiot in this relationship.

 Seriously, Kyuhyun was the real idiot in this situation and Yesung just couldn’t believe that he was audacious enough to blame it all on Yesung.

Who would ever believe that it was a good idea to startle a light sleeper like himself awake and before they got their bearings, a hot cup of coffee at them? 

His idiot boyfriend apparently.

They were lucky the damage was not more, Yesung jumping a bit, smacking the cup out of place, some spilling on Kyuhyun and the sheets and even on him, scrambling to avoid the heat, which only allowed more to fall.

It was a comedy of errors to be honest, but really, it was all Kyuhyun’s fault.

Who told him to be so dumb anyway?

 Kyuhyun glared at him, but inside Kyuhyun’s heart thumped in excitement and affection.

Yesung always gave as good as he got and somehow that just fuelled the attraction even more.

His adorable precious Yesungie hyung was a little spit fire and he loved it!

“Yah! That was romantic” Kyuhyun protested his innocence.

So….maybe some of it was his fault, but it all came from a good place. He really just wanted to surprise Yesung and have him taste his great coffee and show off for him. He just got a little excited that was all and startled Yesung. It was not his fault that Yesung was such a clutz though!

“How is scaring me romantic?” Yesung questioned with an eye roll, pinching Kyuhyun on his thigh for annoying him now.

Before Kyuhyun could reach over and pull his nose however, they were interrupted by a laugh from Ryeowook, who was forgotten by the two men, who always somehow or the other only had eyes for each other.

Ryeowook would have been offended, but he would be lying if he said he did not find their bickering amusing. It was good to see someone stand up to Kyuhyun now and then and well, he had to admit, Kyuhyun was funny when he was indignant.

They were two very precious people.

“Alright you two, behave” Ryeowook instructed, making his presence more felt, standing even closer and giving them both stern looks, feeling like a parent scolding children, more so when Yesung wrinkled his nose and gave Kyuhyun a dirty look, seemingly saying that it was all Kyuhyun’s fault that they got into trouble, Kyuhyun childishly sticking his tongue out at him and Ryeowook had to bite his tongue to stop the little coo that was upon his lips.

Why were adorable in this annoying sweet/ewwwww sort of way, like an old married couple that you wanted to throw off a cliff, but still couldn’t help but find sweet and cute.

“Are you alright now Kyuhyun ah?” Ryeowook questioned, giving one glance at the area that Yesung had taken care of.

It was just a formality really, since the injury was very mild and Yesung was certainly very excessive in his care. There was no way that it would not be fine.

“Yeah. It is just a small sting” Kyuhyun affirmed, looking down at the once red skin now covered in the white of the ointment Yesung had used.

He knew it really was nothing much, but there was just part of him that could never say no to some Yesung fussing. He enjoyed feeling loved and adored by the older man, he always had this strange affection for being showered in Yesung care, so when the older man made a fuss in the bedroom that he was injured, he allowed himself to be dragged outside and made to sit on the chair for Yesung to fuss over him.

He was sort of ungrateful admittedly, basically sulking because his surprise had ended in disaster after he had worked so hard to get it done for him. Why were they always so romantically challenged anyway? It never worked out the way it was supposed to, but Kyuhyun supposed it didn’t matter.

He enjoyed Yesung’s care immensely and he would be lying if he said he didn’t enjoy the bickering. Ryeowook always teased that it was their form of .

 It really probably was.

His blood always got even more heated and he just really enjoyed the way Yesung’s face would flush from the annoyance and the little fire that he would feel in the pits of his stomach, the attraction and arousal. He liked the fact that he was one of the very few people that could get under Yesung’s skin in such a way. Other people could hurt Yesung. He knew that and he hated it entirely, but with them, Yesung would just sit in silence and allow his mind to go over it all.

With Kyuhyun it was always a bit of fire that came barrelling out to meet him. He loved the fact that he got to see the fiery ill-tempered Yesung. Between them, there was no reputation or façade, they could let it all out, show the nice sweetest parts, and the dark mean sides that thoroughly enjoyed a snarky session of barbed words and cutting remarks.

It was just something that they did and he loved it.

Loved Yesung.

“See?” Yesung pointed out with the air of a vindicated man, his teeth, eyes narrowing to slits as he have Kyuhyun another dirty look, as if saying that he was making a bigger deal out of the situation than it was, but now he would have his revenge.

Kyuhyun had to bite back the smile then.

“Are you alright Hyung? Did you get burned too?” Ryeowook questioned just as precaution, once more interrupting the little argument that was forming between the two love birds, giving Yesung an appraising look, the sort that Yesung would dare not lie when he received it.

“Did you?” Kyuhyun added to the questioned, voice low and soft and looking over at Yesung with some concern etched into his features, a hand reaching out for Yesung, touching his head and making him look at him.

“Just my thigh” Yesung admitted, shifting a little to show the red spot that was vibrant against the paleness of his flesh, Yesung smiling sadly as Kyuhyun hissed and Ryeowook made a sound of disapproval.

“And you didn’t tell me?” Kyuhyun nearly stormed, giving Yesung a stern look, eyes tainted with disapproval and disbelief, wanting to strangle his boyfriend for not telling him before.

In a flash Kyuhyun was getting off the chair and tugging Yesung into a standing position, directing him to get on the table. Yesung seemed to be ready to protest, but Kyuhyun silenced him with another displeased look, Yesung sighing, but was obedient anyway, climbing up to sit on the table, Kyuhyun even pushing Ryeowook aside as gentle hands pushed the hem of the shorts upwards to survey the damage.

 “How could I when you were being such a baby? Someone needs to be the adult” Yesung said with a weak laugh, though there was some teasing in there as well, looking on as Kyuhyun did his examination.

He really did not see any need to make a big deal about it. It was very mild and would heal in a day or so, the skin a little red, in no lasting manner and stinging here and there, but it was not as if he couldn’t deal with it.

 If he said anything Kyuhyun would make a fuss as he was doing then and feel guilty, which judging from the frown that he was wearing as he watched the small injury was already blooming.

Kyuhyun did not comment on the cheeky remark, just focused on Yesung’s thigh, folding back the fabric before he gently touched the surrounding areas of the injury spot.

Yesung giggled.

“Stop, that tickles” Yesung said though a giggle, his small hand coming upwards to cover his mouth and the sound and if there was ever a moment in which Kyuhyun wanted to strangle him it was then.

 How could someone he so goddamned frustrating and annoying and still be so cute that Kyuhyun just wanted to wrap him in a cloth and put him in his pocket where nothing and no one could hurt him, not even Kyuhyun.

Kyuhyun still made no remark, other than to say thank you when Ryeowook handed him the ointment, gracefully applying it with the gentlest touch Yesung had ever felt and Ryeowook had ever seen, his fingers stilling on the spot as he soothed it. Yesung’s hands had since found their way to Kyuhyun’s hair, Yesung absentmindedly almost, his hair in a show of gratitude for his assistance.

Yesung still giggled whenever he touched a sensitive spot, biting back the small grimace each time he touched the affected area, but he knew from experience that it really was nothing much and would heal in time.

He couldn’t stop the giggling when Kyuhyun leaned down and blew on the ointment covered skin, much too sensitive for things like that, but he knew Kyuhyun was just trying to cool it for him and Yesung heart was swollen in affection and that thumping of love.

“I’m sorry…I didn’t realize that you would be so surprised. I didn’t mean to hurt you” Kyuhyun said sincerely, lifting his head upwards to look into the eyes of the person he loved, his fingers still soothing against the skin, wanting to make it all better for Yesung.

He felt like an for not asking Yesung if he was hurt earlier. Of course Yesung would get hurt. It spilt more towards him and the bed sheets than it did towards the tray. It really should have been obvious that he was probably injured.

Kyuhyun could kick himself, honest to God!

He prayed Yesung forgave him for his carelessness.

“I know” Yesung confirmed as he tugged on Kyuhyun’s hair lightly for him to look at him.

He gave Kyuhyun a warm smile and affectionate eyes, wanting Kyuhyun to know that he had no reason to feel guilty. It was an accident that occurred because they were just two very clumsy people that couldn’t do romantic to save their lives. It was no one’s fault really and so far it had no lasting injury or harm and he wanted it to stay that way very much.

He was very impressed and thankful to Kyuhyun for taking care of him so well.

“Thank you for the coffee. I am sorry it spilled. It smelt heavenly” Yesung said seriously, Kyuhyun hearing the regret in his voice and the sadness and apology in his eyes.

It happened and that was unfortunate, but Yesung’s kind words really meant a lot to him.

Yesung was really happy that Kyuhyun tried to make him coffee. He knew it must have been very hard on him and he was really very grateful for Kyuhyun and all the love that he had shown to him. He was also sorry that had a part to play in Kyuhyun’s surprise being ruined. He really did appreciate all the effort though. He wanted Kyuhyun to know that much at least.

“It’s alright Hyung. We can have breakfast together instead” Kyuhyun appeased with a smile, understanding what Yesung meant to say and appreciating the way he chose to say his thanks in the situation. He really was very grateful to Yesung and happy that the older man always tried to make him feel better.

How could one person be so perfect?

“We have to eat what I want though” Yesung said with a smug smile, crossing his hand over his chest, seeing it as good opportunity to have what he wanted for breakfast for a change. They always ended up eating what Kyuhyun wanted, which was totally unfair he would have you know.

“You endangered my life, I should get what I want” Kyuhyun pointed out with a grin of his own, figuring they would settle it one time, his hand reaching upwards to brush Yesung’s hair from his eyes, the other still caressing his thigh, making sure it was alright.

“It was your fault not mine” Yesung reiterated and seemed to launch another round of pointless bickering.

Kyuhyun was all set to respond when he was interrupted.

“You guys are disgusting” Ryeowook remarked with a dirty judgemental look, rolling his eyes at his two brothers who had seemingly forgotten his existence.

Whilst they were continuing their little domestic dispute he had conducted his original business, fetching the bean sprouts and so on, the two idiots so caught in each other that they had not even missed him.

Really, they were so annoying and cute and sickeningly domestic that Ryeowook felt dirty just watching them behave that way.

“I am nearly finished with breakfast upstairs. If you guys wants you can join us” Ryeowook  invited, but more liked stated as he looked around once more to see if there was anything that he needed and had forgotten, really not minded to make the trip to the lower dorms again and get tangled in Kyuhyun’s and Yesung’s business and annoying little flirting.

He knew they were flirting, messed up little weirdos as they were.

“We can just do that” Kyuhyun said, giving Yesung a look that solicited his agreement on the matter.

“Sounds good” Yesung accepted with a shrug of the shoulder, smiling at Ryeowook, even as Kyuhyun went back to examining his thigh, not concerned with Ryeowook too much.

“Hopeless really” Ryeowook sighed as he made to leave, giving both judging look and sighing in relief as he was finally free of Kyuhyun and Yesung, grateful to be away from them for a while, though he knew he would have to deal with the same domestic bickering when they came up for breakfast.

Yesung would insist that Kyuhyun eat his vegetables and Kyuhyun would try to avoid it and they would start all over again until someone teased them and Yesung be too mortified to speak anymore. That would just mean that Kyuhyun would spend the rest of the meal playing with Yesung’s fingers under the table.

Really, they were disgusting and hopeless.

“What did we do?” Yesung questioned with a pout, not sure what they did to annoy Ryeowook, though he was sure it would pass in a little while.

Ryeowook didn’t really stay mad at them for any period of time anyway. He would have still liked to know what they did to annoy him, since it was not nice to bother the other members of their band, looking towards Kyuhyun for the answer.

“He is such a moody little ” Kyuhyun condemned with a shake of the head, figuring that Ryeowook was just being mean.

 It was not his fault that he and Yesung were the chatty types. It was not as if they were doing inappropriate things on counter tops or kitchen tables anyway. Just a little bantering was no reason for him to get annoyed.

He supposed the fact that they both seemed to forget that he was there could be construed as reason for him to be annoyed, but Kyuhyun supposed that didn’t really matter that much. Ryeowook would be over it before they went up to breakfast anyway. They should take measures to prevent his moodiness though.

“You should so something about him Hyung!” Kyuhyun suggested seriously, though he spared Yesung a laugh as he continued to push Yesung’s hair from his eyes, standing there with him so close, wondering if he would be able to steal a kiss for now.

“Leave Wookie alone Kyuhyun ah” Yesung directed with a mock glare, pushing Kyuhyun away so that he could get down from the kitchen table, very serious with his words.

Ryeowook was very good to them and Kyuhyun should always be nice to him. He was a pillar to them both and they were very lucky to have him. So, despite Kyuhyun’s words, he knew Kyuhyun would make things right with him and all would be well in minutes.

The kitchen on the other hand would not be so lucky.

He had no doubt that Kyuhyun was responsible for the chaotic state that their kitchen was in and in a way it instantly became his responsibility to get it clean. It would take some doing, but if he helped Kyuhyun they would have it spotless before time for breakfast. They had better get to work on that Yesung figured, not wanting to leave the dorms in such a state for too long.

“Come on, let me help you clean the kitchen” Yesung instructed as he made his way off the table, standing in front of Kyuhyun, just taking the chance to get one look at his injured hand, wanting to ensure that it was okay and that it would be okay for him to help out with the chores. He would do it himself as a sign of gratitude, but he figured it was a good idea to have Kyuhyun help.

It served two purposes.

One, in that Kyuhyun would be taught responsibilities and the importance of cleaning up after one’s self.

Two, he would get to be around Kyuhyun.

The morning surprise already was such a disaster and Kyuhyun had to leave in less than two hours for the studio, so they would not end up with much time now if they didn’t use all they could get, cleaning not exactly the most romantic thing, but it was definitely something that they could do together, just in each other’s space and it was better than nothing.

“Wait Hyung” Kyuhyun directed as he grabbed Yesung’s hand, stopping him from stepping away from him, dragging him back towards his body, Yesung forced to stand in front of him as he held his hand, seemingly wanted to say something else to him.

“I should at least get a kiss for all my hard work shouldn’t I?” Kyuhyun bargained with a bright smile; supposing that was the best way for ask for what he wanted all morning.

In his mind he figured they would share the coffee and Yesung would be so happy with him that they would spend the hours he had before he had to go to the studio having fun together. That didn’t work out very well for endless reasons, but he figured the least he could get after having such a morning was a sweet kiss.

“You should” Yesung agreed with a nearly immediate shake of his head and bright smile, which made Kyuhyun suspicious.

Yesung was never that forthcoming, unless he was planning something, the mischief playing behind his eyes in a way that Kyuhyun could always tell.

He didn’t have to wait for his anger too long though, Yesung stepping out of his grasp and smiling smugly as he said the next few words

“…….After you clean up the kitchen” Yesung said with a laugh, stepping away from Kyuhyun’s arms after pecking his nose and heading towards the sink to get started on the dishes.

“Hyung!” Kyuhyun whined, wondering why the universe hated him, deprived of a little kiss from Yesung, though he supposed he was just teasing him.

He got a laugh in answer, scowling as he got about the cleaning task, gathering the cups and spoons used, showing off his new domestic charms.

Somewhere upstairs, a certain eternal maknae was busy grumbling his disgust that he had at the “annoying stupid lovebirds” in the lower dorms.

♥ 규성 ♥

A/N: Happy Kyusung Day! Happy to celebrate it once more, especially with Yesung back soon and KRY on the horizons. Hopefully endless Kyusung in our futures.

Also, to commemorate Kyusung Day, all my previous fics that were locked are now opened once more. Feel free to read and ignore, and all that.


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Chapter 1: That part when Wookie was feeling envious towards the 2, well because he can see that the evil maknae loves Ye and their relationship is lovely and all that, and he thought of maybe having exactly that from way before???--- was it with Kyu? With Yesung? Or just a general thought, to be with just someone?
Cenya14 #2
Kyusung!!! Great story, Ryeowook was a great addition to their interactions
TaiShanNiangNiang #3
Chapter 1: Happy belated KyuSung Day!
So cute - all the mishaps with KRY and the coffee.
(Though I almost lost it when Wookie suggested instant coffee. Ew, did he want YeYe to hate Kyu? Instant coffee is scary tasting stuff - kekeke)
Yes I definitely hope for a resurgence of KyuSung love when Jongwoon returns!!!
Chapter 1: Yay, I'm so happy for a Kyusung day fic from one of my favorite authors! It's always like a little treat at the end of my day, or mid-day in this case. lol.
I loved the full Ryeowook pov, it brought a new element of surprise to this fic and I always like getting a firsthand look at another member’s perspective on Kyuhyun and Yesung's relationship. Plus Ryeowookie was funny and sassy and Kyuhyun was adorable with his sweetest-boyfriend-ever-ness. Yesung is about the cutest thing I've ever seen in real life and imagining him sleeping in an oversized tee shirt and boxers is almost too much for me. XD sooo cute. And that part where Kyuhyun was calling Yesung a spit fire, I laughed out loud at his cute/lameness. I thinks it's hilarious every time you add those little comments in Italic, they're so funny.
P.S Have the locks on your stories been opened permanently? If so I can't wait to find some time in the week to re-read the ones that I've been missing out on. I want to extend this Kyusung day to a Kyusung month since I've been missing those two fools bad. I do hope that I get some Kyusung-ness on stage and in interviews in the near future when Yesung gets back. These pics they’ve been posting online have been killing me. They’re teasing us with possibilities!
Also I can't wait for another story, I really didn't want this one to end!
Thanks for the unlocking of all those great fics Naz. :)
yekyu3424 #5
Kyusung day~~ sorry late.. want to read this T-T but don't have much time until Saturday, but will try to find free time for this ><
Chapter 1: Happy KyuSung day!! I really missed your stories! This one is just too sweet and perfect as always! And thank you so so much for unlocking your fics! I never get tired of reading them
Chapter 1: Happy Kyusung day!! :) Lol this story was great. Ryeowook does have to put up with a lot doesn't he? Somehow when Kyuhyun tries to be a sweetheart he just ends up being a brat lol. The coffee was a nice try on his part, but with these two God knows something had to go wrong lol. Thank you for profoundly for the Kyusung day present, I really enjoyed reading 'The misadventures of coffee making Kyuhyun' (and his savior sidekick Ryeowook) XD. I really hope you'll publish more stories for the challenge, but it's up to you. Hopefully there will be endless amounts of Kyusung moments for us shippers to gush about in the future. As always this was really splendid work authornim, thank you for sharing and spreading the Kyusung love :) *gives cupcake*