I Fell in Love While on Anesthesia

I Fell in Love While on Anesthesia

Today is the day for his surgery. He had gotten into an accident and now his nose demanded surgery. He was laying in his bed waiting for the nurse to bring in the anesthetic for his surgery. He felt so bent out of shape and sore that he was ready to tear his nose off of his face, but he was so drained of energy that he wasn’t able to lift his arm. A few moments later, the door opened and a boy walked in with a clipboard in his hand and dark blue uniform and white sneakers were his attire. He stood beside his bed and said, “Alright, Kim Jonghyun-ssi, the doctor is ready for the operation. My name is Kim Kibum, I will be administering the anesthesia dosage. Now, I want you to start counting back from 100.” Jonghyun was dazzled by this boy, who knew that this boy could be a nurse? He listened to the beautiful boy and began counting down, “100…99…98….97…9..6” The anesthesia kicked in and Jonghyun felt incredible! He felt all of his pain and soreness disappear and an interesting silliness began to kick in to the point where a sleepy, goofy, grin came upon his face. Kibum looked at the other nurses that came in and instructed, “alright, let’s get him off to surgery.” As he was being rolled off to surgery, Jonghyun suddenly found some energy and grabbed Kibum’s hand and slurred, “I love you Kibum-ah~” Kibum nodded and began to pry off the patients hand, he had administered enough anesthetics to know that these patients get very delusional when under an anesthesia. He pried Jonghyun’s hand off and replied, “Yes, yes Jonghyun, everyone loves you too.” He was then rolled off to the operating room for his surgery.


When Jonghyun was in his recovery room after his surgery, Kibum came in to check on his vital signs. He jotted something down on his clipboard when he heard the older boy groan. Kibum continued writing on his clipboard completely unaware that the older boy woke up and was now looking up at the younger boy. Kibum finished writing and looked at the older, “Jonghyun-ssi, your vitals are fine; you will be making a full recovery.” Jonghyun nodded groggily and reached for the younger boy’s hand and held it, “d-don’t go.” Kibum looked down at the patient who looked up at him with large groggy eyes. “Jonghyun-ssi the anesthetic still hasn’t left your system; you still have a small amount left.” Kibum told the older, and also reminding himself that the patient was delusional. Jonghyun’s gaze became a piercing one, “I k-know, my head is c-clear.” He replied. Kibum was a bit taken back by that and said, “Well, that’s good, now don’t talk just rest.” Jonghyun shook his head, “I-I m-meant what I s-said. W-will you g-go out with me?” Kibum began to blush slightly, “Jonghyun-ssi you are asking me out while dosed with anesthesia?” He wondered. The older nodded. “This is love to you?” Jonghyun smiled tiredly and said, “Love can reveal itself in unexpected ways.” Kibum smiled back, “alright, it’s a date.”

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Chapter 1: Jajajajajajja I loved it, nice one-shot (y)