The zombie apocalypse

Spring fling
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Chapter 18 The zombie apocalypse

By eleven o´clock Haru had asked Hyukjae if she was allowed to wake her uncle five times. She stated that he wasted the day and all that he could have done instead of sleeping. Every time, the raven-head explained that Donghae had gotten back early in the morning and needed his sleep.

The sixth time she got an okay in reply. Happily, she ran in to the bedroom and- with some help from Hyukjae- she crawled over to where the sleeping man laid. The little girl placed both her tiny hands on her uncle´s cheek and then gave his wet sloppy kisses all over his face.

After a few moments of the sudden assault Donghae stirred under the sheets. He wrinkled his nose in an adorable manner and let out a low mumble.

When Haru began to litter pecks again Hyukjae couldn’t keep his laughter in anymore. The sound made the younger male open his eyes, looking between the laughing man by the bedside and the little girl sitting on her knees next to him.

A bright grin took over Donghae´s face and expression. Seconds later he joined the laughter with his own gleeful mirth. Haru giggled with them and patted the shorter man on his nose. Minutes went by with the three of them joking around with each other before the oldest of them all decided that it was time for food.

He lifted Haru off the bed, back on the floor, told Donghae to take a shower and get dress before coming out and join the other two in the kitchen for lunch.

Donghae told him that he would be as fast as possible, looking forward to eating. Something he hadn’t done for hours now. Poor thing.

Fifteen minutes later the three of them sat by the table, a traditional Korean breakfast in front of them. Haru had oddly enough wished to have breakfast for lunch since she knew that her uncle was a big fan of the traditional concept. Being weak when it came to the little girl (apparently it wasn’t reserved to only Donghae) the house´s cook had agreed with it.

The gesture made Donghae teary eyes while kissing the toddles cheeks, forehead and nose. He received high-pitched giggles of joy at the action. Making the younger man doing it all over again.

When the kissing fest was done they settled down and ate their lunch. While they ate Haru told the brunet all about what she and Hyukjae had been up to the afternoon and evening before.

“It seems like you two had a lot of fun together. Promise me Haru that you won´t tell your parents about this, okay? It will be our little secret that I had to go to work while taking care of you.”

Haru nodded in understanding, promising to keep it all to herself. She went on about the previous day, telling her uncle about the big playground, the swings and her proud sandcastle.

“And then there sat a lady next to Mister Jae and made funny faces at him. But I saved him! Aren’t I a good girl Hae-oppa?” The young girl grinned at the man in question, puffing her chest proudly.

“You´re the best girl Haru! We wouldn’t want that weird woman to steal Hyukjae away, now would we?” He patted the girl on top of her head, casting glances under his lashes towards the other man.

“No, we don’t. I told her that he was taken.”

Donghae´s eyes widened at the information, his mouth falling open, gaping at his niece. A light pink blush spread over his cheeks, making the brunet diverting his sight around the bright apartment. Once in a while he cleared his throat. But didn’t end up saying anything.

Brushing the weird reaction off, Hyukjae asked the doctor to-be how it went over at the hospital during his shift the previous night. Donghae cleared his throat again before squeaking out that it went well.

In a hast Donghae scooped the rest of his food into his mouth and the excused himself from the table before sprinting away.

Rubbing his neck in confusion Hyukjae followed the brunet with his eyes.

Haru seemed oblivious to what was going on (not that Hyukjae had any idea of what it was that was going on either). She continued with her food, with the occasional comment or question. Being unsure if he should follow and see how Donghae was doing or leaving him be, the older decided on the second option.

When the toddler thanked for the food like the well-raised child that she was the kindergarten teacher thanked her back for eating. He then took her out of the highchair and asked if she could go find the other male while he did the dishes. The girl agreed in a heartbeat and started running around in the apartment.

Hyukjae finished with the cleaning the kitchen and walked towards the living room. He had heard the moment the toddler had found her uncle and how they talked in a hush by the sofa. Curious as he was the black-haired man tried to eavesdrop on the conversation but fell flat. The two where way to good at sneaking around than he would have liked.

Drying his hands on his pants from soap and water, the resident made his way over to the television and the other two occupants. He sat down on the sofa, listening to the fairytale that Donghae was reading to the little girl.

The younger man changed his voice whenever a new character said something, painting a picture about every character and the story in itself. Soon enough both Haru and Hyukjae was listening intently, making `oh´s´ and ´ah´s´ every now and then.

They read some more books, altering between Donghae and Hyukjae being the storyteller. The time went by in a blur and soon enough the younger man´s phone began to ring. He picked it up slowly and read the name showing on the screen.


He went quiet while listening to what the other man on the line said. The brunet hummed and then rose from his seat.

“Oh, we aren’t in the apartment. Well, we are in an apartment but not mine. Wait I´ll come open the door for you. Hold on.”

With that the younger man started walking over to the front door. Hyukjae and Haru leaned over the back of the couch trying- and failing- to see what was going on in the hallway. They heard voices as well as some shuffling. The next moment Donghae came back into the living room. Three other people behind.

Haru let out a happy yelp before she rolled off the furniture, down to the carpet on to the floor and ran over to a young woman. She hugged her tightly, receiving a kiss from the lady holding her. “How was your weekend sweetheart?”

“It was super funny mom. We played in the park and ate pudding. We also watch movies last night and read books just now.”

“I think I´m getting jealous that I didn’t stay with you.” The girl and her mother laughed, until the daughter continued telling her about what they had done.

Hyukjae stood up as well and joined the other people inside his apartment. Two total strangers and one that seemed familiar. He stopped next to Donghae and looked over to him with raised eyebrows and questioning eyes.

The elder lady smiled at the raven-head and gave him a once-over. “You seem familiar boy. Have I met you before by some chance?”

“I think I helped you take out your bag from the back of a taxi before. And met you in the lobby a few times. Mrs. Lee, if I remember correctly.”

“That´s where I remember you. Oh, it´s such a pleasure to see you again. It´s not often that you meet kind young men like you nowadays.” She smiled while looking at the familiar man.

Hyukjae laughed awkwardly, telling her that he was glad he could help her.

“You know each other? How come you haven’t said anything before?”

The house owner directed his view over to the shorter man next to him. “How could I tell you that I know her when I didn’t have a clue that you knew her? How do you even know her to begin with Hae?”

“She´s my mom.”

Shocked was a mild understatement to what he was feeling. The lady before him was Donghae´s mother. Whom the older had met a few times before. Way earlier than he´d even talked or seen the brunet. He looked over to the couple in the living room opening. Then that meant that the man in front of him was the younger´s older brother and his wife.

This was something he wasn’t prepared for. He didn’t even wear a decent outfit. Sweats and a washed-out t-shirt were not a good way to impress anyone. If Donghae didn’t disapprove of him his family surly would.

“Well, since the two of you don´t know him, this is Lee Hyukjae, my neighbor and best friend. Hyukkie this is my older brother and his wife. And my mom you already know it seems like. How I don’t get, but good for you I guess.” Donghae shrugged his shoulders.

“Nice to meet you. My silly brother has told me a lot about you. I feel like I´ve already known you for years. The only thing that was missing was a face to it all.”

“The pleasure´s all mine. Hae talks fondly of you, something my sister and I would never do. Haru also said the same thing about feeling like she already knew me before seeing me. She is a very sweet girl.”

The younger woman thanked him for thinking so highly of their daughter.

Being the good host he was he offered the party to take a seat on the couch while he would go to the kitchen and fix something for them all to snack on. He excused himself, making his way into the other room. Behind him he heard Donghae hush his family after they had said something.

As the resident filled the kettle with fresh water a figure appeared by his side.

“Do you want help with anything? I can take out the cups and plate. Yeah, I´ll do that! I should help out with something, it is after all my family. I know you weren’t expecting this and I´m so sorry about it. If I had known they would have come at this time and then invite themselves in I would have told you beforehand.”

“It´s no problem Donghae. Neither of us knew this was going to happen, so now we just have to go with the flow. It just amazes me that I talked to your mother a long time before I actually met you. I never asked you this but how long have you lived in this apartment complex of ours?”

Donghae snorted at the comment. He then winked while saying; “I guess we were fated to meet each other, in one way or another. I´ve lived here for almost about a year so the gods worked pretty fast.”

With that said, the younger opened a cupboard, took out five mugs, then closed it and walked over to the coffee table. He came back and fetched smaller plates as well as spoons.

Two days before Donghae had bought a cake that he had saved in the fridge. Shockingly enough neither of the sugar obsessed males had opened the box so it was alright to serve it to the unexpected guests. When the water was done he poured it into a teapot he had filled with leaves. He then took a hold of the things and brought them to the living room. He put it all down before taking a seat on the mat underneath the table.

A blabbering brunet friend of Hyukjae´s took the place next to him and told his family members to dig in. They did so after thanking the raven-head for his kindness.


Three hours passed before the four Mokpo-residents had to head back to their hometown before it became too late in the evening. They all said their goodbyes and thanks by the entrance. Haru gave Hyukjae a drawing of him, her and Donghae, as well as a couple of kisses on his cheeks. He gave a peck back on the young girl´s own cheek while saying his goodbye.

Donghwa shook his hand, thanking the younger for taking care of his hopeless little brother. Hyukjae joked with him that it wasn´t an easy task but that he´d had gotten used to it by now. The man laughed and agreed that it was a task few could handle. Donghae who had heard it all grumbled and shoved his friend slightly.

He got a hug from Donghae´s sister-in law and the latter´s mother. All of them waved to one another as the elevator doors closed. When the duo closed the front door after themselves they both let out exhausted sighs.

The younger man promised to clean of the table and do the dishes as a thank you for everything happening all weekend. Not having the energy to tell the other that they could do it together like usually, Hyukjae accepted the offer and went to lay down on the soft bed.

He closed his eyes and embraced the oncoming nap he was close to fall in to.


The week began anew. July had come, bringing vacation time for Hyukjae with it. Donghae went to the hospital in the morning like any other day, leaving the older all alone in the apartment. He had been used at being alone before meeting the younger. Now a day without the latter made him uncomfortable. Something that hadn’t happened before.

With the extra time he suddenly had, he decided to be useful. After the weekend having Haru over the flat had collected small piles of clutter. Her uncle was also a contributor in making a mess around the place.

He had cooked breakfast for them both and even being ambitious in the morning and made a lunchbox for Donghae to eat at the hospital. According to him nothing could be compared to the taller man´s cooking skills.

When the latter left the apartment, he promised to be back by five in the afternoon, so they could have dinner together.

Hyukjae immersed himself in cleaning up the mess throughout the flat, he washed clothes (both his and Donghae´s) and changed bedsheets. While he had a quick lunch, he aired out the place, while talking with the doctor to-be who happened to have his break at the same time.

They talked about random things. By the end of their conversation the younger was telling him that Haru hadn’t talked about anything other than Hyukjae all the way back to Mokpo, much to the other three passengers´ misery.

“Hyung texted me and said that she started to remind them of me. I should teach her that everyone doesn’t enjoy listening to your own voice as much as you yourself. I´ve heard it all my childhood, even nowadays as well to be honest. Something that I find odd. It´s charming when people have stories to tell, and random questions can start interesting conversations. Some humans are way too dull for people like us. On second thoughts, maybe I should just leave her be. Her true friends won’t treat her badly.”

Hyukjae couldn’t help but snicker, but all the same agree with what the younger said. It was one of Donghae´s many charms, take that away and he wouldn’t be himself.

The rest of their lunch the kindergarten teacher told the other about what he had been up to during the morning. He mixed it up with complaining about have too much free time on his hands now that his vacation was here. “How will I make the days go? Sure it´s nice to have slow mornings but after a while I will have done everything I need to do.”

“Well, you can find a new hobby, or go to the beach. It´s the best weather for it. Oh, now I also want to go to the ocean. Why am I stuck in this white, boring place when summer is happening outside…?”

“You do know that the coast is hours away, right? We live in the middle of Seoul, Hae. It´s not a stone throw away if we feel like going to the beach. If you have some days off during this month we could take a trip to a beach-resort. By only if you want to.”

“I would love to! As soon as my vacation begin we will go. No take-backs now. It was your suggestion so it´s a deal. Now I want to work even less than

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Lavender05 #1
Chapter 20: This is such a sweet story 💙💙
1582 streak #2
Chapter 20: Aww, as confident as the previous night made him, Hyuk still had a bit of uncertainty and insecurity left, enough to take Donghae's rejection of a morning kiss as a complete rejection. Good thing Donghae explained quickly and went to brush his teeth so they could continue on to have a nice and affectionate morning.

Donghae finally got to kiss his personal chef and embrace him from behind while he was cooking. And he definitely didn't forget to continue their kissing after breakfast! Haha, the man works fast to make up for any lost time. 💕

He gave the most honest, open, and detailed confession too. About how deep his feelings have gotten, how bad the jealousy he's felt, what he wants with Hyukjae, to be with Hyukjae. Overwhelmingly, wow.

Hyuk didn't miss a beat returning his detailed confession with his own, either. They're both so possessive of each other, ahh. Silly guys really could have been together since nearly when they met.

Of course others had to interrupt them during their next steamy makeout session. Wouldn't blame them if they both (but especially Hyuk) want to keep their good news about finally getting together to themselves, before their friends and family disturb their peaceful lovey dovey domestic bliss bubble even more. Sure, they'll be happy for them, but they might want to enjoy a bit more alone time, ya know?

They really laid everything out on the table, even things they might be embarrassed to share. But guess it makes up for all the time repressing their feelings and not saying important things. Good thing they both see each other's value so clearly and love the qualities that other (foolish) people seem to want to discard them for. They really seem a perfect match. Especially here for how much Donghae is determined to hype Hyuk up from now on.

Hahaha Hyukkie actually telling Junsu he's demoted from best friend, savage! But yeah anyone can tell there's no one closer than Donghae in his life now. And Donghae declaring to everyone that Hyukjae is his now and they must stop trying to set him up with (other) random losers, priceless. Almost as priceless as Sora orchestrating this reconnaissance plot behind the scenes after all.

Lol, it's like the rest of the world and all witnesses disappear when they're lovey-dovey together. So much for keeping their relationship a secret to anyone for any longer. 😂

Cute ending! 💞
1582 streak #3
Chapter 19: This dramatic "not-couple" having a moment, holding hands and embracing in the hospital lobby. 😂 Can only imagine poor forgotten Yunho's exasperated face, these two are so ridiculous. He's a really good hyung lol.

Donghae just needs to be "selfish" for both of their sakes, and share what's on his mind.

"I'll be waiting for you in bed," indeed. 😏 Haha, you could mean it the way it sounds, if you two would just COMMUNICATE. At least Donghae is back to his good-natured, rambling self. All is right in the world, until probably the next time Hyukkie is volun-told to go on another awful date and his jealousy flares up again. Wish they would both just spare each other the torment and confess already lol. Then you can enjoy all your couple behavior, like comforting cuddles to sleep, in an official capacity. Other nice things too.

What a fated coincidence, both being out with their friends at the same place. (And hello, Yunjae! Another OG OTP.) So much for Hyuk protecting Donghae from his own meddling friends, though they were bound to meet eventually. Haha, Hyukkie calling him out in front of everyone (and basically exposing them both too) that Donghae practically lives with him. Oddly, no one seemed to delve into that though.

At least Donghae's friends shared some helpful information, letting Hyukjae see that he receives special treatment from his neighbour-roomie. So maybe he won't be so sure his feelings are one-sided. Yunho dropping the biggest truth-bomb too. 👏

Too bad the night took a turn when Hyuk's friends do what they do best, and Donghae drowned his obvious angst about it in alcohol. But at least Hyukkie was already there to take him home. The drunken semi-confession-rant. The drunken kiss. The drunken throwing up. Poor Hyukjae must be so confused. But it's kinda progress that might not have happened if Donghae never had his inhibitions lowered with "truth serum" like that lol.
1582 streak #4
Chapter 18: Tsk, it's just another wrong move to ask a kid to hide something from her parents. Donghae ought to just deal with the consequences of his reckless choices. He really treats the little girl like his co-conspirator...that will probably backfire at some point, because children are not exactly vaults of information lol.

It would almost be fated, Hyukkie meeting Donghae's mother before, if he and Donghae didn't live in the same building. That makes it less shocking. 😂 He's sweet but ridiculous too, thinking he ought to dress up to impress people who came into his apartment without any warning. Sheesh.

Donghae apologizing that they invited themselves in - he basically invited them in rather than taking Haru back to his place! Also, doesn't he see that "inviting yourself in" to Hyukjae's place must run in the family? Lmao. Thankfully, Hyuk is just so laid back and welcoming. The little exchange he had with Donghwa when they were leaving about looking after Donghae was funny, though.

Hahaha, yeah I bet Haru talking nonstop about Hyukjae oppa does remind them of Donghae. 🤭 The way Hyuk still remembers the first food he cooked for him too, they're both seriously so far gone for each other. Sigh.

Junsu has appeared for the first time! Idk...seems like someone else is Hyukjae's best friend these days. It's pretty comical that he consulted his shamen grandmother for Hyuk's soulmate though. (Though she probably has that gender detail right.) Everyone really is obsessed with his love life/lack of one, I still don't get it. It would be a different matter if he asked for them to set him up all the time...

Can understand why he's scared to let any of his group of meddling "friends" meet Donghae. Hyuk doesn't want their "help" to ruin his friendship with him. Ironically, constantly agreeing to their attempts to "help" his love life and going on these blind dates seem to be what is upsetting Donghae more and more. Only he's too dense to see it. Though Donghae needs to communicate, too.

Of course, his latest date seemed too "normal" to be true. Warning bells ringing the second he asked Hyuk back to his place! How scary and unhinged, no matter how nice he seems, the disconnect from reality and all the dangerous weapons can't really be ignored. Another narrow escape, thanks to Yunho's call. 👍
1582 streak #5
Chapter 17: Haru is cute, and it's nice to see Donghae in uncle-mode. Hyuk is as happily accommodating as ever, he really just goes with almost everything. While it's not always a good thing, (like agreeing to all those blind dates,) his open willingness to many situations can be seen as a virtue.

It's the first time Donghae has gotten audibly upset, that we've seen. Being called in to work. Though Hyukjae is so right, it's wrong - especially for Haru's sake - to just leave her with him so abruptly. That's so much responsibility that Hyukkie didn't agree to, also. It's pretty bad that he forced it on him, but I guess Donghae is just used to getting his way with Hyuk being so damn (whipped for him) accommodating. 😔

Haru really does know some things, huh? Haha, Hyukkie oppa is taken lady! The way he didn't question what the kid meant by that...

While Hyukjae did really handle the unexpected situation with grace and deserves the appreciation and thanks, hopefully Donghae won't do anything like this again. There's still a lot of communication that needs to be worked on between them, no matter how sweet they are.
1582 streak #6
Chapter 16: It's new and scary for Hyukkie to have feelings, so it must be overwhelming. Especially with a misunderstanding. As bright and talkative (nearly to a fault) as Donghae might be, it looks like he has trouble with communication too sometimes.

Guess he's the type that avoids people when he's upset, rather than talking about it. Though, if he thinks he needs to hide why he's upset about, it's confusing for poor Hyukjae, but somewhat understandable. Since Hyuk is hiding the same thing. Just a shame that he thinks Donghae might be upset to know about Hyuk's feelings. 😭

Poor Hyukkie falling asleep without his usual precious bedmate. Donghae was obviously just as restless and troubled as him, sneaking into his bed lol. These dummies, they need to clear things up and not waste time apart or worried over assumptions.

They had a deep conversation and Donghae opened up about losing his father. Even with a misunderstanding between them, they're still so close and comforting to each other. They should still talk about why Donghae got weird (for him) and ran away from Hyukkie in the elevator, though.

Instead, they just carried on for another week like nothing, until he got weird again.

Proud of Hyukjae for leaving that date after only a few red flags, rather than suffering through it to the awful end like he usually would. Progress? He's getting a backbone and more self-respect, it's great to see.

Yes, Hyukjae, friends don't usually watch movies while entwining their fingers, or sleep while holding each other, among countless other things you two do. Hopefully they'll have a clarifying talk about many things soon.
1582 streak #7
Chapter 15: Donghae really has made himself at home at Hyukjae's place, even greeting him after work with "I'm home" lol. And Hyuk reinforces that by shopping for him when he gets groceries (even underwear!!!), and automatically including him in every meal he prepares.

Oh, is Donghae finally showing interest in Hyukjae's dating life? Maybe even a bit of jealousy? Meanwhile, Hyukkie's family is treating Donghae like he's his boyfriend already. The childhood stories and photo album. 😂

Sora trying to force them to kiss but just smacking their heads together, smh, if this is part of her plan to "see if Donghae has feelings for him" it really . But Donghae had definitely won the parents over already.

Hyuk's talk with his father was so sad. He really can't bring himself to hope and risk the pain of rejection, but moreso of losing his precious friendship with Donghae. He lacks so much confidence in himself, and who could blame him after all the mistreatment from others.

Cue mother with the "we decided" another date for Hyukjae to go on. Why can't everyone let him make his own decisions??? Though maybe, seeing his reaction to the latest set up, Donghae will be the one to make a move and show that he also has feelings for Hyuk, and end this blind dating nonsense. Fingers crossed.
1582 streak #8
Chapter 14: As awful as she can be to him, Hyuk's noona actually is protective of him huh. But no one can beat how protective Donghae is of him. And he doesn't hide his affection under layers of meanness or cruelty. His feelings seem a lot clearer now, catching up with Hyukkie's. Their little exchange was very sweet. Is it finally happening...?

But if only they'd got to make that conclusion before his mother did. It seems like she's going to go around bragging to anyone that listens about her doctor son-in-law. 😅 It's kinda funny and kinda cute, but poor Hyukjae must be embarrassed.
1582 streak #9
Chapter 13: The stark difference between bubbly, silly, energetic, clingy Donghae and sick, tired, sincere, sad, clingy Donghae. Hyukjae's heart. Of course he had to take such good care of him in that state. Patient Donghae is even needier than student-doctor Donghae.

This is not the first time that Hyuk has felt some fluffy feelings for Donghae, but it's the first time we've seen jealousy stir in him. Apparently a first experience for him, too. It's getting more serious. Maybe that means he might make a move soon?

Though he seems to worry what he's feeling is one-sided. Even though Donghae's words, smiles, and body language are all green lights. Can't blame Hyuk for thinking that way, of course, what with his experiences with people. He probably can't let himself hope. Even less with this precious friend and best constant companion, who's also his neighbour. It might be too complicated to chance rejection, so he's doing it to himself subconciously before it has a chance to really happen.

Interesting how, despite being so clingy, we haven't seen Donghae have jealousy spark every time Hyuk mentions the myriad of dates he's been going on. Though, maybe he's better at hiding it, or doesn't feel threatened because they've all been failures. Still. It makes you wonder, if he really does share similar feelings with Hyukkie, or if it's just platonic closeness.

But unintentional couple outfits! 💕 Good that Donghae is feeling better.
1582 streak #10
Chapter 12: Aw, precious guy, crying over a drama. Though Donghae seems sentimental and emotive in general, Hyukjae could probably sense that there was something that hit home there, too. Even though he didn't try to delve into it.

It's cute that they've both really gotten into the habit of Donghae being in his space, regardless of if Hyuk is there or not. (Irl Hyuk could never, at least without complaining about Donghae inviting himself over, haha.)

I guess Hyukjae doesn't share about his closeness to Donghae with his busybody friends, or else surely by now they would be like "you're basically dating already, go for it!" c'mon. Or are they so certain that /they/ have to be the ones to choose Hyukkie's significant other, that they ignore the obvious. If so, that's toxic. But kinda unsuprising, considering the types of people they keep setting him up with. Birds of a feather, and all that.

Speaking of, Minho trying to offload someone he rejected on him. Really selling the guy with that detail! Also "not the most well trained" - is this a man or a dog? Red flags waving so hard. Still don't get why all these "friends" are so invested in Hyukjae's love life. Maybe they should focus on their own.

At least Donghae has simple demands of him. Food and company. And is intrusive in an endearing way. (Or maybe Hyukkie is just whipped.) But he's a better friend than all the others. Isn't trying to pressure him into all these awful interactions with randos like the others. They're definitely the ones desperate for Hyuk to date, not the guy himself. Too bad he's too much of a people pleaser to firmly say no, even though he pretty much knows how it will go every time.

Meanwhile, the kindergarten teacher and med student definitely seem to draw strength from the exhausting world (and people in it) and recharge in each other's presence. Very sweet. Even if they simply stay friends, what they have is so nice.

The audacity of this latest "date" to decide what Hyukjae would eat and drink. There are actual people like this, which is scary. And it's usually the tip of the iceburg, and later they want to control everything about their partner. Smh. The guy was a real arrogant piece of work about it, too. Not only being controlling of a complete stranger's choices, but looking down on Hyukjae's culinary senses, and mocking that he doesn't drink. Joke's on him, Lee Donghae considers Hyuk to be on the level of gourmet chef, and all other opinions are irrelevant. 😌

I guess since the jerk was paying, Hyukjae stayed so that coming to the dinner wasn't a complete waste of time. But seriously, he should start just walking out of blind dates when they take such awful turns. Or better yet, actually stop agreeing to them at all. Hopefully he can have more self respect. He deserves to spend his time and energy only on people that deserve it.

I know we should be concerned that Donghae is sick, but I'm just laughing at how eager and happy Hyuk was to have that excuse to leave without any more forced smalltalk with that insufferable a-hole. Thanks Donghae! 😭