You came back.

Come back again.

Their lives had turned upside down. Ji yeon was not seeing sunggyu anymore.  What they used to have,was now all gone. Ji yeon and sunggyu broke up because of their busy schedules. Fans were saddened by their break up.  Anti fans were more than happy.


Then one day, Ji yeon and sunggyu were supposed to go on a show called happy together.  "Hello everybody, this is Happy Together!" Mc said. Everyone clapped their hands.


"Today,we have Infinite's Sunggyu, and Ji yeon from destination(Note:Destination is just a name,not a real group), Hyuna of 4 minute, ji yoon of 4 minute, and Kim hyun joong!" Mc said.  "So Sunggyu,you and Ji yeon have been dating for how long?" The mc asked. "A year." Sunggyu stammered. 


"Ji yeon,how has it been like dating sunggyu?" He asked again. "Fun,i guess. Just to let everybody know, we've broken up." Ji yeon tried not to sound sad.  Truth is, both ji yeon and sunggyu had been miserable without each other. But due to their frequent quarelling,busy schedules,misunderstandings,they broke up. "Oh,im so sorry to hear that!" Mc said.


"So sunggyu,are you single and ready to mingle? Or single to focus on your work?" he asked.  "I mean,mingle if it's right,and she's the one for me." Sunggyu smiled. Ji yeon felt disappointed when she heard that. "Next question,Hyuna, Its been rumoured that you and Lee Joon are dating,is it true?" Mc said. "Nope, we're close friends!" Hyuna replied.


"Next,Ji yoon,you have a very cute aegyo?" mc asked. "Yes,she's our maknae." Hyuna said. "Lets have ji yoon to do her aegyo to Sunggyu then! How about a scenario when Ji yoon is late for a date and she's trying to make it up to sunggyu?" Mc asked.  "Okay!" Ji yoon answered.


"Sunggyu oppa,im sorry i wont do it again!" she pouted and did a cute face to sunggyu. "Awwww,how cute! Great job!" Mc said. Sunggyu kind of blushed.  Ji yeon felt jealous and thought to herself: *I shouldn't be feeling jealous,why am i feeling this way?*


"Ji yeon,can you do a y dance for us? okaay,maybe to sunggyu how about that?" Mc asked. "What... Okay..." ji yeon said. Then Miss A's bad girl good girl song came on then she did a y dance to sunggyu.  Both Ji yeon and sunggyu were uncomfortable. "Well done,y!" Mc said. "Last one,Sunggyu! Can you Sing a song? Maybe 4men's confession?" mc asked. "Ah,sing it to Ji yeon,how about that?" mc asked.


"Uhhhhhh......Sure....." Sunggyu replied. "You're so pretty..."sunggyu sang (and blah blah blah, sings somemore.) "Well done,how romantic." mc said. Both Ji yeon and sunggyu shot a stare at The Mc. "Oh right." mc muttered to himself.  "Thats all we have for today! See you guys next time on,Happy Together!" mc said. Then the cameras were turned off. Ji yeon and sunggyu went to change. 


When Ji yeon was walking out of the building to take a cab,someone called her. "Ji yeon! Wait up!" sunggyu called. Ji yeon turned around and saw sunggyu. She quickened her steps and saw a taxi. She went inside and told the taxi her address.  Just then,sunggyu went inside the taxi too. And it was too late for ji yeon to get out of the taxi as the taxi was moving already. 


"What do you want?"Ji yeon asked annoyed. "Its not safe to tell you now." sunggyu said. "Then shut up until we reach my house,understand?" Ji yeon said. With that,she shoved her earphones in her ear. Ji yeon was hurting so much inside. She looked out the window and thought about the times she spent with sunggyu. He was right beside her and all she wanted to do was just to hold his hand.


She kept thinking of what happened when they broke up and almost cried. "Miss,its $10." the taxi driver said. "I'll get it,here you go." sunggyu paid the taxi driver. "Thanks." ji yeon said and walked out of the car.  "Ji yeon,lets talk."Sunggyu pleaded. "There's nothing to talk about."Ji yeon said as she walked faster.


Sunggyu grabbed ji yeon by the wrist. Ji yeon let go and said"the last time we talked,everything was said and done. There's nothing left to say now."


Then she walked away crying.  Sunggyu ran after ji yeon and pulled her into a hug. "Ji yeon, ever since you left me,i had sleepless nights,aimless days,everything i did reminded me of you. I regretted letting you go,i regretted having fights with you,i regretted not giving you the love you expected from me. ji yeon,im sorry,please can we start over? Come back to me,come back again."


Ji yeon cried even more. "I feel the same,i couldn't perform well,i couldn't eat well, i wouldn't be me,if there was no you. I love you,Sunggyu." ji yeon said. 


"Forever." sunggyu said as he kissed her. 

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