Chapter Three


“That bastard” Hyukjae muttered as soon as he saw the condition Donghae was in. The boy was just staring over Hyukjae’s shoulder with dried tears on his cheeks. He was still shocked. Hyukjae carefully brought his hand up to the cheek whipping the tears away. The chocolate eyes then turned to him and stared.


“Where did he go?” Donghae murmured just staring.


“He’s gone now. You’re safe.” Hyukjae whispered at least he got a response from the boy.


“No. He can’t leave I need my job.” He said his breathing picking up. He was whipping his head trying to find something. “I-I-I n-n-need-“ He began stuttering nonsense, concerning Hyukjae. He grabbed his face and made their eyes aline. 


“Donghae, he was going to-“ The latter didn’t finish his sentence too afraid to say the word. He was just glad he came in time to see what was going on. To see those tears he whipped away and that sadistic smile he punched in.


“M-m-money.” Donghae stuttered again, moving his face and standing up slowly holding onto Hyukjae’s shirt. The latter helped him up holding onto his waist. 


“What?” Hyukjae asked. “Did he take your money?” Donghae shock his head. No.


The boy tightened his hold on the shirt. His breathing was still quick and he was not stable at all. He was shaking and could barely balance. Donghae was slowly losing his vision and his stance he did the only thing he could think of at that moment.


He turned to Hyukjae and held both his forearms tightly. 


The pain that he had forgotten about came back. He let the forearms go and held his head tightly. The pain surged through his whole body. The needles piercing everywhere. The ability to stay awake was dwindling. Hyukjae wrapped his arms around the frail body. 


“The pain.” Donghae whispered and Hyukjae was not sure he heard correctly for the boy collapsed in his tight hold. No longer conscious. Hyukjae picked the boy up and placed him on one of the high chairs, he then turned around his back to the boy and wrapped the limb arms around his neck. Grabbing the thighs he pulled the boy into a piggyback with the head digging into his neck, but he didn’t care. 


There was one problem though. He didn’t know where the boy lived. 


“Let’s go then.” Hyukjae murmured looking at the shut eyes and the smooth breathing escaping those lips.




Hyukjae kicked the door, hoping that at least Miss Young would answer the pounding. She did. Her eyes were so wide though when she noticed the boy on Hyukjae’s back, the face was slightly hidden though. Although one could easily tell he was tiny.


“Were you drinking?” She asked helping Hyukjae in with the small boy. 




“Then what happened?”


“It doesn’t matter.” He said walking to the stairs.


“Who is he?”


“It doesn’t matter.” He said again taking two steps on the stairs.


“Let me help you treat him then.” 


“No. I can manage. You should sleep.” Miss Young was about to retort when the small boy whined definitely out of pain. “Noona. Please.” Hyukjae said looking at the deep frown that had appeared on the face and the sweat that had begun to form.


“I understand. Goodnight.” She said and walked away her footsteps resonating. But eyes still lingering as Hyukjae ascended the stairs.





The wet towel wiped up the sweat and dropped the fever slightly. The frown wouldn’t go away though. He ran his hands through the hair.


“Please be okay.” He said and sat at his desk that was adjacent to the bed. He opened his Chemistry book. This way he could still watch the sleeping classmate.


Chemistry, the subject Hyukjae loathed of them all. He wasn’t even good at it, plus he hated it. He looked once more at the boy then to the page full of Hydrocarbons. He sighed. The first question and he had no clue.


“What are the four groups of hydrocarbons?” He thought, then picked up his pen and began writing whilst saying it. “Alkanes, Alkenes, Alkynes and uh…” He thought but then he heard a noise from beside him he spun his chair to the bedside table to see the boy opening his sparkling eyes which were still puffy. 


“Donghae.” He whispered. All of a sudden the orbs widen and the boy shoot up in bed causing their heads to bump. “Ow.” Hyukjae groaned holding his head.


“H-hyukjae.” He heard the boy panting. “Where am I?” He asked quickly getting off the bed and backing away. Hyukjae stood up out of chair to approach him but thought best to not get too close. 


“You’re safe. Trust me.” The boy frowned then looked around recognising that he was in a room.


“W-where is h-he?” Donghae stuttered voice laced with fear.


“He has a black eye and possibly fractured arm.” Hyukjae said with a smirk. Donghae then put the pieces together, the yelling, the weight that suddenly vanished Hyukjae had-


“You saved me.” Donghae said, then he bowed “Thank you.” He turned his back heading for the door. “I should go my Dad would be worried.”


Donghae was about to place his palm on the door when his hand was held by another warm one he looked up meeting Hyukjae’s concerned eyes. 


“Why do you work so late?” He asked examining the exhausted eyes. Donghae dropped his head.


“I’m not…” He didn’t continue.


“Not what?” He looked back up his eyes showing so much grief.


“Rich. I cannot simply finish early.” Donghae then pulled his hand out and rushed down the stairs.


“Wait!” Hyukjae called out running down too. “Donghae!” But the boy was gone. He looked around and wondered how someone can simply disappear. He went out of the door looking around but missed the small body hiding on the side of the house. When the small body heard a sigh and the door close did he leave his spot and walk home, he couldn't sprint, he’d faint.




“Hyukjae?” Miss Young. “Who was that?” She asked her voice shaking.


“No one.” He said retreating to his room.


“His name was Donghae.” She stated causing the boy to freeze. “Where is he from?” She questioned.


“Just school. It doesn’t matter, I’m sleeping now. Goodnight”



I want to apologize guys! It's been a while and I've been busy with training for Cross Country and studying.

I'm really sorry, but yeah. I have good news though I GOT MY PB DURING TRAINING THE OTHER WEEK LIKE OMFG I WAS SO HAPPY!!!~


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Chapter 3: Hope hae search for new job the better one hopefully :(
HanBaram #2
Chapter 3: Omoooo. Poor haeee
xulikilla_elf #3
Chapter 3: Omoo! Hae, don't run away from Hyuk! He could help you! :(
Thanks for the update! ^_^
layansuju #4
Chapter 3: i hope hae will trust hyuk very soon,so he can help him.thanks alot for the update
riehae #5
Chapter 3: looking forward to nxt chappie... like how how will hyukjae insert his life in hae's...
Chapter 2: I am loving this already!
NeMonkey #7
Chapter 2: i love the simple of the story
still need to know mant things abt hyukjae and donghae
but glad that they finally meet
hope hyukjae could help donghae and make his life brighter
xulikilla_elf #8
Chapter 2: Awww!! I'm so happy that Hyuk saved Hae!! He worries about him! ^_^
I really want to see how they'll start to talk to each other from now on ;)
pilikpoplove #9
Chapter 2: i like that hyuk worries about hae :)
Chapter 2: im glad hyuk came in the right time to save hae,i hope they will be close,so hyuk could take care of hae&help him with his sickness,thank you for the update.