
Empty, No More~

The water was cold as it fell on her head and drenched it slowly. She shivered in effect, against the cold tiled floor but still stood under the running water. Her bare skin reacted to the cold, flesh standing up, her lips quivering to a beat that only she heard.

She was hurting and she had never known how to cope with it. She is not someone who voices her worries to people easily. She wears a smile for a mask and live on everyday, hoping for that change. It's all good and okay until she can't take it anymore. She breaks down and loses herself and once empty, she fills herself again. Right then though, she was totally empty and the pain was unbearable.

He had come home to find it empty. He had to look around for a while before he heard the shower running in the bathroom. He surveyed their bedroom to find her clothes and bag on the floor, scattered and her shoes toppled haphazardly. He also noticed that the geyser was not switched on and it didn't even take him a second to figure out what was happening. He threw his backpack next to her mess on the floor and undressed himself.

Tears were fighting against her control to overflow and she was deliberating whether she needs to succumb to the pressure already or fight this longer. She hugged herself against the cold that she willingly let attack her and trembled, secretly wishing for a source of warmth around her. Like a prayer that was answered, she felt him wrap himself around her. She jumped in shock for a second before relaxing in his hold, him holding her closer to his bare skin. He had always been warm, she recalled. Pale but unusually warm, as opposed to the common misconception of him being a cold being. He is cold, if you had to describe his personality in some way but he is also the warmest person she knew.

'It's too cold here.. Leave please.' she silently instructed, worried for him.

'Not without you.. ' he whispered.

'Not yet..'

'Then I'll wait here with you.'

Yoongi knew how she was when she was happy, when she was sad, when she was moody and when she was hurt. Compared to him, she's always been much more expressive. Soon though, he noticed that she expressed only happiness well. She always wallowed alone when she was sad or hurt. He found that similar to his own character, he doesn't really share and care either. However, seeing her hurt was something he could never accept.

Both of them were drenched in cold water now but didn't move or talk, still held still in their embrace. Yoongi didn't break the silence until he felt warm drops of water fall on his arms. She was crying, she was letting it go.

'Bad day?'

She nodded against his chest and leaned onto it. Despite having her back to him, Yoongi could see the pain her face was portraying right then. He closed his eyes and sighed as he bent down and kissed her shoulder.

Lately she had been going through a lot and he knew that. There was pressure at her work and despite all her tries, shifting to another job has been hard. There was also expectations from her family for her to settle soon. She was deliberating so hard to whether quit her job and study further but financially she wasn't sure if she will make it. Her friends were disappearing one by one and she could never get used to it and to add to it all, he wasn't mostly around as well.

Becoming a singer after years of training, Yoongi achieved his ultimate dream of letting the world know his music but felt that he had to pay a price for that every time he considered the distance between his loved ones, his family and her. He makes sure he comes home everyday when he's in the city and makes sure he calls her daily when he's abroad but somehow he feels a pit of guilt in his stomach everytime he thinks about her. She's always been there for him as a support, as his energy and as his comfort. He was distraught that he couldn't be that for her to the best of his abilities.

'I'm sorry.. ' he whispered as he trembled against her.

Her eyes shot open instantly and she turned around to face him, breaking their embrace. His face was filled with worry and guilt and she didn't need any explanation to understand his thoughts. She pushed off the drenched fringe from his forehead and placed a soft kiss while delicately cupping his cheeks. When he opened his eyes again, he saw her smiling at him, all warm and calm.

'There's nothing to worry about here, you hear me? I'm alright. You know I just needed a release right? This is absolutely nothing! Please don't feel any guilt whatsoever! I'm simply glad that you are home. I'm alright now! See, I'm fine. Come let's get out of this cold shower. I'll make us hot cocoa and you can tell me about the new song lyrics today okay?'

He stared at her in disbelief. He didn't understand how the situation turned around so quickly now it was her consoling him while it should be the other way around. All the tears had left her and her eyes were swollen but there she was, looking up at him with such a warm face and her beautiful smile, assuring him that everything was okay. He couldn't understand it, even after being four years together, what she saw in him for her to stay with him till now.

He took her cheeks into his arms as he bent down to kiss her softly. It was slow, but needy. He was desperate and thankful and his kiss was reflecting it. Her whole body shook with his touch and her tears started to escape again, only this time out of happiness. Breaking the kiss, they stood under the water for a while, their foreheads together, breathing hard.

'You know I'm not leaving right?' he stuttered, as if he was in fear. 'You know that I need you right? Even if I'm late, I'll always come home to you. I'll be there somehow. You know that right?'

She nodded faithfully for everything against his forehead, her arms around his neck, locking them tighter. Her tears were not stopping at anything.

'You know that it's okay to be sad right? You know it's okay to speak about it right? Please don't hurt yourself like this. I can't bear to see you this way. You're the strongest I know. Just.. Just talk to me, I'll listen. No matter how long, I'll listen!'

And that was it.

She broke into fiercer tears, as she lost her will and fell on her knees, sobbing hard. All the pressure she had bottled up inside her was flowing out with her tears and her screams were releasing all the stress. He slowly kneeled next to her and allowed her to bury her face in the crook of his neck and hugged her tight as she cried. He kept brushing her back gently as she pulled for breathe between her tears and kept humming 'it's okay' to her in his deep and alluring voice.

'It's too hard for me.. It hurts too much.. I am lost.. ' random sentences of worry escaped and he allowed her to cry a little longer before he took her face into his hands. 

He clearer the water off and pushed her drenched hair strands away from her face. He kept staring at her as he admired her honest self there. He learned closer and kissed both her eyes, one by one before moving to her lips and placing a small peck. He helped her up and wrapped her in thick towels after turning off the shower and led her out. Both of them didn't talk as they dried themselves and dressed up for bed. Yoongi made them both some hot coffee, which they had in silence as well, with him calmly observing her.

As they got into the bed to sleep, Yoongi pulled her into his embrace, allowing her head to rest on his arms, close to his neck. He put his other arm around her and pulled her close. Before she could say anything else, he leaned close and spoke slowly.

'I know that life is hard now and I also know that change will come soon. However let's live in the present okay? And I know a very important fact that will give you a lot of happiness.'

She looked at him with soft and hopeful eyes as he flashed his adorable gummy smile. 'What is it?'

'Tomorrow is weekend!'

They both burst into a soft laughter as they hugged each other closer than before. She felt a sense of relief take her over as she rested her head on his chest. Soon her ears were filled with his snores, something he does only when he's extremely tired. She felt sorry for stressing him out but was in every way thankful for his existence in her life.

She was empty no more. He fills her up every time.

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Sugailysm #1
Chapter 1: AWWW! This is so heartwarming, I love this! Great job ^^ !