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CavityFree Reviews

Hello, and welcome to CavityFree Reviews.  Worried about your story's hygiene?  Need a little filling? Well, you've come to the right place. :D

Please read EVERYTHING below before requesting our cleaning services.




- Subscription is not mandatory, but you must leave a comment confirming you've read your review WITHIN a week after your review is published.  If you have time, please let us know what was/wasn't helpful. Since we are brand new to reviewing, this is especially helpful for us. 

- Reviews are karma-free, but it would be nice of you to upvote if you found the review helpful; consider that your "payment." :D

- M/M, M/F, F/F are all fine.  Any genre is fine.  Any idols are fine, though there are some groups we are more familiar with than others. Personally, we think it's better when the reviewer isn't too familiar with the group, because then s/he can give accurate feedback on how well you fleshed out the characters.

- Please do NOT submit:

stories with , adult/minor relationships, and mental illness unless you are sure that you treated the topic seriously.  [Hint: if you are not sure, you probably haven't] 

stories that are longer than 10K or incomplete.

- One of us is busy with upcoming AP/SAT/ACT/other awful acronymed tests, so don't rush us please. However, if we do not return your review 2 weeks after you've been put in the "review in progress" category, feel free to bug us.

- Please do not cancel your request once it is in progress.

- We will be concise but hopefully thorough with our reviews. If you'd like more detailed explanation we are happy to provide them.  We will be respectful with our reviews and back up claims, so please do the same in return.

- Please give credit where it is due.


"Grading" Rubric (out of 100)

We would hope that our comments are much more helpful than the numerical "scores" themselves.  Since there are so many types of stories in the world, scores are not an accurate reflections of how enjoyable a story is.  For example, a story with an OC with a nondistinct personality is naturally going to get little points in characterization, even if it was an intentional choice on the author's part.  Or, we might give a sci-fi epic less points than a character study because the rubric emphasizes characters more than setting/worldbuilding. We suggest you look over the rubric to make sure you are okay with our scoring criteria before requesting a scored review.  If you are here simply to receive a grade, this is probably not the right place for you. If you'd like us to just give you an overall commentary about your story without points, that's fine. Just indicate so in your form. 


In general: 5 = good!, 4 = you mostly have it, 3 = passable, 2 = needs work, 1 = poor.  I don't do fraction points.  I try very hard not to score based on feelings/impressions and I follow a specific checklist for each point I give/take away so that it is as objective as I can make it. Of course, this means that more unusual/experimental stories may get scored "unfairly" but this is the only I way I can think of to make sure everyone is being graded the same way.

The Cover Page (+15)


Title (+5)

Correct spelling/grammar if relevant. Appropriate to plot and tone.

Description/Foreword (+5)

Correct spelling/grammar. Appropriate to plot and tone.

Appearance (+5)

Nothing distracting. If there are images/embellishments, they enhance the story.



The Words (+25)


Mechanics (+10)

0: French

1-3: poor; constantly distracted from story

4-6: needs some work

7: my personal threshold for being distracted

8: very good and not distracting

9: near perfect (<5% mistakes)

10: perfect

Word Choice (+5)

Appropriate vocabulary and figurative language.

Sentence Structure (+5)

Diverse. Creative. Correct.

Voice (+5)

Distinct. Connection to reader. What some might call "writing style" or "emotion" of the story.



The Story (+30)


Content (+5)

Clear conflict or theme.

Value (+5)

Entertaining, creative, touching, true-to-life, etc. (varies by genre)

Flow-Organization (+5)

Logical sequence of events. Purpose of events. Shape.

Flow-Pace (+5)

Pace. Transitions.

Exposition (+5)

Information presented clearly and sensibly. No info dump. Realistic dialogue.

Description (+5)

Sufficient detail.



The Characters (+30)


Depiction- Realistic (+5)

Believable and non clichéd.

Depiction- Compelling (+5)


Development- Consistent (+5)

No OOC-ness.

Development- Change (+5)

Did the character change, for better or for worse?

Depiction- Role in story (+5)


Development- Interaction (+5)

With others and with environment.



Reading Experience Since this is subjective, no points will be given/taken.  You may certainly take our opinions with a pinch of salt (just no sugar D:...please!)
Overall Score (+100)

In general, 60+ is an above average story. 85+ is something I'd put on a rec list.

Rubric is subject to change, in which case I would re-score your story if it gives you more points. Again, the comments mean more than the scores.


Sounds good?  If you would like our cleaning services, please comment below with this form. (form has been updated)



Scored review (longer) or just general comments (shorter):

Anything specific you'd like us to comment on as we perform your cleaning:

Anything else (warnings, disclaimers, explanations, playlists, etc.):


Easy, right? :D We look forward to "brushing up" your story so that you can put your best face forward!

Like this story? Give it an Upvote!
Thank you!


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Chapter 1: Title: The War of Dream & Paper
Link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/943166/the-war-of-dream-paper-hyuk-vixx-ken-sanghyuk-jaehwan-hyuken
Scored review (longer) or just general comments (shorter): longer
Anything specific you'd like us to comment on as we perform your cleaning: Nothing specific
Anything else (warnings, disclaimers, explanations, playlists, etc.): nope. Thanks in advance!
Chapter 1: Title: No.
Link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/853783/no-romance-originalcharacter-exo-exok-sehun-ohsehun
Scored review (longer) or just general comments (shorter): Scored review, so I will know precisely how much the story lacks of everything that it lacks of (?)
Anything specific you'd like us to comment on as we perform your cleaning: Tell me everything that needs to be cleaned
Anything else (warnings, disclaimers, explanations, playlists, etc.): Contains , I hope it's alright. If it's not, you can ignore my request ;)

Thank you!
Title: Dark Ties
Link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/543164/dark-ties-jessica-romance-snsd-taeny-taeyeon-tiffany-yuri

would you like us to nitpick a lot on your grammar?: No problem

Specifics: Characterization

scored review please. :)
daydreamer23 #4
Chapter 1: Title: Road of Trust
Link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/638948/road-of-trust-adventure-fantasy-friendship-supernatural-exo
Scored review
Would you like us to nitpick a lot on your grammar?: Yes
Anything specific you'd like us to comment on as we perform your cleaning: Descriptions, transitions, and character development

I have requested, thank you.
Scored review (longer) or just general comments (shorter):
Would you like us to nitpick a lot on your grammar?:
Anything specific you'd like us to comment on as we perform your cleaning:
Chapter 1: Hi, I'm interested in submitting a review but my story is currently incomplete. Would you be willing to give it a go?