Weird Encounter

Winter Child

"Hey Yoon shin, remember me?" Jinyoung said

Yoon shin looked at him dumbfoundedly.


i know him? he knows me?

"Yah! jinyoung, don't make fun of her, she's just new" Sandeul remarked. "how can she possibly know any of us?"

"....hmm,fine. guess you don't remember anything then.." And with that, jinyoung left the two of them.

"Sorry about that Yoon shin, i don't know what jinyoung was talk--" but before sandeul can finish what he was saying

Yoon shin, chased after jinyoung. She found him in the stairway leading to the rooftop.

"hey!" She called out, while catching her breath

"oh" jinyoung turned around and saw her at the foot of the stairs.

"what is it?" he asked and took a few steps down.

wait, what the hell, am i doing??  Yoon shin thought to herself. i just chased after him without even thinking.crap.

" well, um.. i'd just like to ask, how do you know me?"

"your a new student, that's why i know you" he smiled teasingly. and took another few steps down the stairs.

"wah! so you were just teasing me?" i can't believe this, but i have this feeling that i know him...

"well... let's just say..." taking the last few steps of the stairs, jinyoung was now infront of yoon shin.

Leaning over her, he wishepred "i know what happened to you 1 year ago.."

"What?" Yoon shin was surprised. how come he knows....

"you were in an accident, am i right?" jinyoung said. "and now you have to repeat your senior year of highschool"

"h-how come you know, about it?"

"that's because, we were friends before." jinyoung said it, matter of factly. " and you were my senpai"

he winked at her and said "bye unni!, it's sad that you forgot about our friendship" and walked away, leaving yoon shin at

the foot of the stairs.


Yoon shin returned to the classroom, after her encounter with jinyoung. She took a

quick scan of the room to see if he was there. She wanted to ask more.

Someone tapped her on the shoulder, she turned around and saw sandeul beaming at her and holding

a bag of food.

"where'd you run of to?" he asked "oooh, let me guess, did you confess to jinyoung?"

"wah! of course not, i don't even know him"

"haha, just kidding, oh, i bought us some food, come on let's eat our lunch, im starving!"

They sat down at their desks and ate their lunch. Yoon shin, kept on replaying what jinyoung told

her. He said we were friends before? how come i never saw him visit me at the hospital. urgh, this

is making my head hurt, maybe sandeul knows something..

"hey sandeul, how long have you been friends with jinyoung?"

"hmm, maybe for a year? i'm not sure, since i only transferred here after winter, last year."

last year... that was when i had my accident.. so he doesn't know what happened..

"why'd you ask?"

"oh, nothing..just curious"

"so, yoon shin, what school did you come from before transferring here?"

"uh, im a repeater..." she replied awkwardly.

"oh.....EHHH?!?!?!?!?!?!?" sandeul was surprised, that he almost choked on his food. "how come?"

"well, i got into an accident last im here again"

"Ah~ so that's why jinyoung knows you"

"uh,i guess so, but i don't remember him at all, i kinda lost some of my memory"

"EEEHHHH?!?!? wow, you've been through a lot unni" sandeul said, pouting

"ah, yea...don't call me unni, it feels weird"



Throughout the afternoon, yoon shin never had a chance to talk to jinyoung again.

She was busy catching up with schoolwork, since she enrolled in mid-october.


it was the end of the day. yoon shin fixed her stuff and went to her shoe locker.

To her surprise she found a note placed on top of her shoe.

"Still don't remember me? if you want i can tell you. i'll be waiting for you

at the school gate"



End of chapter 2.

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YAAAHHHH!!!!!!!! YOU'RE hanging me in the air!!! <br />
i love it ^_^<br />
update soon^_^
NyanKat #2
MORE!!!! waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!!<br />
<br />
thank you for the update today!!!! >3<<br />
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NyanKat #3
please update soon....this fanfic gets more and more interesting.....>3<<br />
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PLEASE UPDATE(only if you can)
update soon :)