I want to kiss you

let me kiss you
  It was getting late, and the fact that most citizens would be fast asleep at the time was a comfort seeing that they were out to celebrate. With Jackson's constant questions about the local bar menu, Jaebum finally decided as the four oldest of the group, they should go out and have a drink together, celebrating their near completion of one year of debut.
  But now, an hour - or two, he's not sure no more - the other three were varying from tipsy to drunk, Jaebum finds himself the most sober and still nursing his first bottle. He had lost count how many Mark had as the other were in a giggling kissy mood by then. Jackson had decided to switched to his native language after he had announced that hangul made no sense when he's drinking. Jinyoung was talking and laughing all at once, his words barely understood.

  "Hyung! Mark hyung!" Jinyoung called out, laughing when the older shot him a tipsy smile. Feeling mischievous, he pointed to his cheek, maintaining eye contact with the older, "Come here, and give me a kiss."

  He laughed at the sight of Mark bounding up to him with his lips all puckered up. Laughing, he shook his head, not willing to let them get on any part of him. But he couldn't find his words in time before finding himself in the older's arms and given a big kiss on the cheek. Laughter spilled from both of them, as he shoved Mark away only to get a playful pout as a reply.
  While it did annoy him to see them, it gave Jaebum a chance to hide the last bottles of alchohol from their sight and sighed very loudly, "Looks like we're all out. We should go home now."
  "Oh, but hyung, you didn't finish this," Jackson said, snatching the bottle Jaebum didn't finish and down the rest in one go.
  They had to walk home, since they didn't want their managers to know they're going out again. Jinyoung swore he didn't need any help in walking as he was walking perfectly alright if he would say so himself. It's just that at times he needed something to lean on while he does so, like this wall that just happened to be there. A magic wall, Jinyoung giggled to himself.
  He heard something like a slap near his head and turned to see Mark waggling his eyebrows at him. He squinted just to be sure - is that JB? No, wait. It is Mark. Mark who is drunk, and probably doesn't know what he wants or what he's doing.
  Mark who was his lips and his eyes glinting predatorily in the night.
  Hmm, maybe he does know what he's doing, Jinyoung thought, slightly interested. But no, nope, wrong person.
  "Wrong person," Jinyoung slurred out, jabbing the older's chest. He looked around for the right one who he's sure is around somewhere.
  But Mark was leaning in, and soon they were so close, their nose brushed and their breath mingled. Something was nagging at the back of his mind but with the up close approximation, he couldn't quite put his finger on it. But everything was going dark, and Jinyoung couldn't quite grasp his mind till he finally decided -  this.
  With the alchohol in his system, he wasn't sure what happened next. One minute Mark was all up in his face lips puckered, and then he was gone.  Jinyoung blinked, confused. The cool air brushed against his skin, and for a moment he sobered up a bit.
  Jaebum was trying his best not to wrangle Mark right there right then for what he attempted to do to the younger. He had to keep telling himself that the American was drunk and so was Jinyoung, neither was fully aware of what they were doing. He guided Mark towards the Hong Kong native who was rambling in chinese about something. Recognizing the foreign language, Mark happily turned to cling to the younger.
  Jaebum turned back to Jinyoung who was frowning, his eyes casted on the ground. Worried, he went to the younger and bend down so their eyes met. He could see those beautiful brown eyes getting glassy by the minute. His lips forming a trembling pout.
  "Jinyoung," Jaebum said, gently. He recognized the tell tale signs of the incoming waterworks. "Let's go."
  Jinyoung curled his hand around the older's hand, tugging him so Jaebum would stumble forward and putting him in the same position Mark was in earlier. Jaebum pulled away slightly, managing to stop himself from toppling over completely.
  "I'm sorry," he said, clinging on to Jaebum unwilling to let go. "I'm sorry."
  He sighed, the younger shouldn't apologize. There's nothing to apologize for. It's not like they were together or anything. Even if Jaebum didn't stop them, it's not like Jinyoung were cheating on him or anything. It won't even really be his business anyway. Jinyoung can kiss whoever he wants. He didn't need to apologize.
  "What are you thinking about?" He asked, curious.
  "There's nothing for you to apologize for," Jaebum told him.
  Jinyoung frowned, tilting his head to the side, before grabbing the older's collar and pulling him in.
  "How is it that Mark is the only one who would kiss me," Jinyoung continued, leaning in so they were nothing more than a breath away. "When you're the one I actually want to kiss."
  His mouth went dry, "Jin-"
  He was cut off, when a hand curled behind his neck pulling him down for a soft kiss that deepened by the minute. It was everything he imagined and more. Jinyoung's lips were soft though rougher than a girl's. They mold perfectly against Jaebum's own. There were no fireworks, but the feel of cool air around them just made it better.
  He'd love to think that the kiss was meaningful, that it could be the start of many. But with the alchohol taste in the other's mouth, he was sure it was anything but. That didn't stop him from trying to savour the moment while it lasted. on that bottom lip was-
  "Jaebum hyung!"
  Snapped out of his trance, he pulled back, remembering where they were. Out in public where strangers could easily see them, maybe even recognize them. They weren't even out with just the two of them. They were out with two other members - Mark and Jackson.
  Mark and Jackson. , where was Mark and Jackson?
  "Jaebum hyung! Mark, no, your breath stinks!"
  He finally saw them, where Mark was trying to hold a struggling Jackson in place, his lips all puckered up for a kiss. Jackson, never one for drunken kisses, resisted as hard as he could.
  Seeing the situation, Jaebum lets go of Jinyoung, ignoring the younger's whine and pout. He quickly pulled Mark away from Jackson, who breathed a sigh of relief. Mark on the other hand, started laughing and his arms shot out towards the Hong Kong native, wanting to try again. Jaebum pulled his hands together and guided the older home. He glanced back to see Jinyoung pulling Jackson to his feet, trailing behind them.
  "Jaebum ah, let me kiss you," Mark said, leaning in close to the leader. 
  Jaebum quickly backed away, dodging him. Putting on his most stern voice, he said, "Stop it, Mark. You're drunk."
  Mark pouted and groaned frustratedly, "Why won't anyone kiss me?!"
Not beta-ed. A spur of the moment thing, inspired by this.
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tootoothree #1
Chapter 1: This is a hyung-line fic that everyone wants to read tbh. ^^
citriaokta #2
Chapter 1: I want to kiss mark...