
Youngjae took a deep breath, lifting his head, and proceeded to look around the room cautiously as if he was worried someone was in there with him. The black haired, newly high school graduate, was about to write up a list on Word about his feelings, and he absolutely did not want to be caught writing “mushy, girly feelings.” Especially when they were about a heavily frowned upon topic in the Choi family.

After examining the room thoroughly from his computer chair, making sure not even a ghost was around, Youngjae turned towards the blank document, placing his fingers tentatively on the keyboard.  

God smite me down if I’m doing something wrong.

Waiting a few seconds to see if a lightning bolt would come down and zap him for having “unnatural” thoughts, Youngjae decided to proceed.

I like Im Jaebum.

A boy.

He’s from Seoul...at least I think he is. He posts a lot from there. We’re pretty far apart.

Youngjae froze as he heard the wood in the apartment creak, fingers ready at a moments notice to minimize the document and open the ready to go Naver page. Luckily, it was only his Dad retreating from the kitchen, with what Youngjae assumed was another can of beer. The man always drank at least 3 cans after getting home from an awfully long work day. It was something Youngjae could only dread, as he was sure he’d be into that lifestyle after graduating university.

His Dad must’ve sat down, as there weren’t any more noises, and Youngjae resumed typing his annoying, gay thoughts out.

Not that it matters, anyways.

I’m just a follower on Twitter who, occasionally, favourites a tweet.

I’m nobody in his sea of thousands 5987 followers.

Youngjae definitely did not just bring up Jaebum’s profile just to make sure he was getting the correct number.

I don’t even know why I started following him. He and I, we’re almost opposites.

We even live on the opposite sides of the country.

Seoul and Mokpo.

He suddenly sighed, realizing that all he was doing was getting himself unnecessarily sad at the fact that they would never interact in person.

Unless, of course, Youngjae decided to pursue the career of “saesang.” 

...Being a salary man all of the sudden sounded much better than an irritating fanboy who may be mental in the head. 

The sound of his the handle on his door turning tore Youngjae out of thoughts, and he rushed to minimize the document and open Naver. With in the search bar, he had typed ‘Apink’ and without second thought, he slammed the enter key down as the door opened.



“Yes?” He twirled his chair, hoping that he didn’t appear nervous or sweaty. It was all he could hope for as his father stared at him, eyes going between him and the small glimpse of the screen he could see.

“Aren’t you supposed to be studying?” The man asked, eyes going from the computer to Youngjae slowly. It looked as if he were disappointed at what his son was doing, which Youngjae could understand somewhat. Idol music wasn’t exactly well received, especially among the older generation.

He could only hope his small smile didn’t look horribly forced. “Yeah...I’m sorry. I’ll get back to it.” Youngjae was praying that his voice wasn’t shaky. It didn’t feel like it was, but at this moment he could only hope his Dad would leave him in peace

The man pursed his lips, merely nodded, before shutting the door to let his son study in silence. 

“Good night...” He whisper called, knowing that whenever his father came to check on him, it was usually because he was about to go to bed. 

Spinning back to face his computer, he brought the document back up and resumed writing his thoughts out.

It’s weird, being attracted to someone who you only see on the internet.

At first, I thought it was nothing. 

‘Why would it be anything?’ I had thought, but the more he tweeted...

I fell. 

I fell for a 21 year old guy.

It was strange writing that out, even if he had been constantly thinking about it for the past week. Before, he was floating in a cloud of denial, because who their right mind falls for somebody over Twitter? Let alone a complete stranger...and someone of the same gender at that. 

It only took a couple of selcas to slap Youngjae into reality.

He had always firmly believed that he was going to ask the girl who had been in the same class as he was since elementary out, eventually fall in love, get married...maybe have two or three kids. 

Now, he was sitting and writing up a document about his gay thoughts.

It was weird.

Life was weird.

I wish I knew him in person...

Help him out with....whatever.

From what Youngjae knew, Jaebum currently wasn’t attending any sort of classes, so that ruled out helping him out with academics.

Who knows, too, if he’s gay.

What if he was?

Im Jaebum could possibly fall for Choi Youngjae.

A smile tugged at his lips as he wrote those words out, feeling his heartbeat rise at those thoughts. That would be nice, wouldn’t it?

It’s unlikely to happen though.

Why would it?

That was unfortunately the reality he had to deal with. Never seeing Jaebum in person, nor having the pleasure to be near him....and have Jaebum fall for Youngjae. Despite that, he had only one wish.

I think I’d like to see his smile in person once before I die.

The smile on Youngjae’s face was nothing like the earlier one, in fact it was the complete opposite. He contemplated not saving the document, but decided against it. Saving it, he titled it something ludicrously and saved it in his file. 

Which, did in fact, contain . 

Even if someone were to access his computer somehow, they would have to dig through various video files to find the document. They would have to be extremely dedicated (or desperate) to try to find dirt on Youngjae.

Like his parents.

Putting his computer to sleep, Youngjae took his phone and began getting ready for bed. As he was doing this, his phone lit up with a Tweet that displayed on his lock screen. He never did figure out why, that on occasion, Twitter decided to notify him of a tweet. Youtube also did this rarely, too. Youngjae wasn’t too bothered by it though, so as he went to the washroom to brush his teeth (“You’re teeth will thank you in the future!” His mother used to drill this into his mind when he was younger.) he swiped his phone to open the app.

What he saw nearly made him walk into the frame of the washroom’s door.

Jeff B @Def_soul_JB
Going to Mokpo soon ... any suggestions? •ㅅ•a”

Holy .

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PikaBow2 #1
Chapter 8: When you're still waiting....
mahomaho #2
ettenimus #3
Chapter 7: o jaebum....
absoleto #4
Chapter 8: I just read this and an update would be great, I love to know what would happen
badjok3s #5
Chapter 8: A update would be awesome SO YEAH, PLEASE
wintersplash #6
RubiKgreen #7
Chapter 8: I've been waiting for you to comeback and finish this!!! I've been dying here!!! *-*/ heheheh please you have to finish this, please please pleas author-nim ♡
fficaddict #9
Chapter 8: no need to ask (read it with sassy)