Kim Jonghyun's Final Confession


During a flight to their next tour destination, SHINee find themselves in a deadly situation when their plane malefactions, sending it hurtling towards the ground. Fearing that this will be their last moments together, Jonghyun decides to make a confession before it’s too late.


Two things inspired me to do this story. The first was a dream that I had about someone confessing their love to me because we were about to die. I can't remember the details exactly as I'm not feeling too well at the moment. The second was the news from two weeks ago about Harrison Ford (Famous for playing Indiana Jones in all four movies), who safely crashed his plane when it malfuctioned, saving the lives of everyone on board.

This will only be a maxinum of 2 chapters long I imagine, and the chapters probally won't be that long. This is just a short project to help me get back into the writing again, and entertain me while I'm recovering. I could work on my main stories, but I don't want to be pushing myself too hard as I'm not feeling well.


NOTICE: Due to the tragic event in the Alps, the update for this story will be postponed for a while in respect to those who lost their loved ones.


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AmoGra #1
Chapter 2: this sounds really good! I can't wait for the update :) take your time though, I don't want to rush you ^^'
I'm busy tomorrow, so it'll be up on Sunday now I imagine.
MissLocket #3
It's a pretty nice idea. I already like it. Take the whole process slowly so you can enjoy the process as you wish. Get well soon.