
Beast The Sales

If there is one thing in the world that can rival Min Yoongi’s love for music, it is sleep.

Assuming his numbers are correct – and they are (he’s done the math on this, twice) – Yoongi figures he would spend 51% of his time writing and composing, and 49% rolling around in the sheets. Actually, skip the rolling. That takes too much energy. Yoongi would spend 49% of his time lying dead to the world and he doesn’t care who knows it.

Unfortunately for Yoongi, the whole world seems to know it but doesn’t care – because the life of an idol never stops.

Between an ungodly amount of hours spent in The Cave scratching out lyrics and searching for the right beat, and another eternity of hours practicing the choreography until they’re as good as dead on their feet, it’s a miracle that Yoongi and the rest of BTS find time to sleep at all. Not to mention the fan meets, the interviews, the variety programs, the radio shows, the music shows, and the Bangtan Bombs…

Yoongi has to hold back a snort at the morning press junket when a group of A.R.M.Ys ask him, “Oppa, why do you act so lethargic?”

Trust me, ladies. It’s not an act.


Flash forward to nine hours later and Yoongi is ready to change his numbers to 100% sleeping 100% of the time.

With heavy limbs and tired eyes, the rapper drags himself across the dorm and down the hallway to his and Taehyung's shared bedroom; each step bringing him closer to his goal.



The word runs through Yoongi’s mind like a news bulletin as his brain reminds him that tonight is one of those rare evenings where BTS is free of schedules. It’s not even 8 o’clock yet and all seven boys are home, absorbed in their own activities to the point that the maknae line is quiet for once...

...which means that Yoongi has a shot of getting some decent shut eye instead of the usual crash and burn at four in the freaking morning. And really, that is the best damn thing he has heard all day.

Yoongi is so psyched at the prospect, he fails to notice that Taehyung is sitting in the dark in a mountain of blankets on his side of the room.

Without so much as a "Hi, hyung" or a "Goodnight, hyung," Taehyung watches Yoongi make a beeline towards his bed; the light from the hallway helping to illuminate his path. The younger boy is always impressed by how the other can expertly navigate between the dirty piles of clothes on the floor.

“He’s like a bat, hyung!” Taehyung says excitedly to Seokjin one afternoon, as he watches the eldest member of BTS fold laundry. “I bet he can see everything in the dark.”

“That’s owls, Tae. More importantly, someone needs to pick up that mess before one of you gets hurt… and it's not going to be me.” Seokjin quickly adds when he spots Taehyung’s hopeful expression.

Taehyung pouts. “Whatever, hyung.”


Taehyung continues to observe Yoongi, as the rapper throws the covers back with the finesse of a musical conductor but climbs into bed with the grace of an arthritic old man. He eventually lowers himself into position – not without some mild grunting – and turns to face the wall. A few minutes later Yoongi is fast asleep, snoring softly.


Taehyung chooses this moment to leave his blanket fort and tiptoe across the room. He hovers briefly over Yoongi's prone form, cataloging the curve of an ear, the dip of his nose, the angle of that jawline...

Yoongi muttering in his sleep brings Taehyung back to his real purpose: with skillful hands, he gently grips the blankets pooled around Yoongi's waist and draws them up to the sleeping boy's shoulders. Any loose material he spots is soon tucked under Yoongi.

When Taehyung is certain there are no places left for Yoongi to catch a draft, he folds his arms and steps back to admire his work.

Huh. Hyung looks like upside down ssambap.

He snickers quietly at his own wit before stealthily returning to Fort Castle Blanket. From the depths of his makeshift dungeon (all castles have dungeons), Taehyung unearths a laptop and wakes it from sleep. The wall behind him becomes flooded with light as the glow from the screen causes the boy's features to look more alien than normal.


Glancing once more in Yoongi's direction, Taehyung sees the bundled lump sigh and pull the blankets tighter. He smiles and begins to type.

Now we wait.

Yoongi is proud of Namjoon's recent solo success. He would never think of stealing his dongsaeng's spotlight because the kid deserves to be recognized. But he can't deny that MFBTY choosing to collaborate with him over the silver-tongued leader is a dream come true (literally).

In his dream, the song is coming along great – up until the part where Tiger JK goes to rap his lines and lets out a startling cry of anguish.

Yoongi stares slack-jawed at his sunbae, wanting to ask what? But the edges of the dream are already blurring and he finds himself blinking at the ceiling, wide awake.

Apparently the groaning was not just confined to the dream: it’s also coming from across the room. To be precise, Taehyung's side of the room.

Yoongi turns his head to the left and squints, his eyes needing a moment to adjust to the difference in light. When they finally do focus, he sees a distressed Taehyung pulling at his hair and baring his teeth at the computer in his lap. The vocal seems unaware of how much noise he's making as he continues to gripe nonsense, typing frantically on the keys.

"What do you mean 'Another customer is in the process of purchasing this seat'? How is that possible? I was almost to the payment page!"


"Omo there's another one!"



Yoongi feels his eye start to twitch. With great effort, he sits up and swings his legs out of bed.

"This is ridiculous. How can all the spots be taken? That one is clearly–"

"Yah, Kim Taehyung. Do you want to die?"

Taehyung gulps at the voice. His whole body freezes to the spot except for his eyes, as they travel up from the screen to see the disheveled boy looming just behind it. Taehyung grins sheepishly, trying to play innocent.

"Haha, oops. Did I wake you, hyung?"

Yoongi growls low in his throat, obviously not in the mood for shenanigans. Taehyung backpedals.

"Ah~ sorry hyung. I'm almost done. I promise to be quiet from now on."

Yoongi knows that Taehyung means it and immediately drops the irritation he was holding for being woken up from a deep sleep. (Not that he could stay mad at the kid for long anyway. Taehyung just has that effect on people.) Yoongi sighs and climbs into bed next to a bewildered Taehyung.

"What are you doing, hyung?"

"Seeing what has you so worked up, you weirdo. Now show me."

Taehyung does as he's told and turns the laptop screen to face Yoongi. The first thing the rapper notices is the computer clock in the corner. According to the time, Yoongi was asleep for only half an hour before Taehyung had his little outburst.

Just great. So much for getting a good night's rest.

Taehyung sees Yoongi visibly sag beside him and feels guilty all over again. (If he weren't terrified of Yoongi putting him into a chokehold, Taehyung would say that hyung looks pretty darn cute rubbing his eyes like that.)

Yoongi recovers and takes another look. The second thing he sees is that Taehyung has a browser window open to an announcement on their upcoming concert in March. Upon closer inspection, it's the booking page to buy tickets.

"Taehyung, are you–" Yoongi can't even finish the sentence; the idea is too ludicrous. The kid wouldn't be that weird, right?

Then again...

Yoongi looks askance at the younger boy and is met with puppy eyes. The rapper pinches the bridge of his nose, his worst fears confirmed.

"Taehyung, why are you buying tickets to our own concert? You're going to be in it!" His frustration from earlier returns tenfold at the realization that he has once again fallen victim to his band member's ridiculous antics.

Taehyung flinches and stares silently down at his hands. From out of nowhere, a stream of word vomit ensues.

"I– I just wanted to understand our fangirls better, hyung. I read the responses we get on Weibo and YouTube and Twitter, and so many of them are international fans that regularly ignore their own timezones to check our status updates and prepare gifts for our birthdays. Not to mention they're always waiting in long lines to see us perform, and greeting us at the airport or at our schedules when they could be doing something else. I realized that A.R.M.Ys go through a lot to give us their love and support, hyung, and I wanted to see for myself what it's like."

Yoongi doesn't know what to say. The answer is so simple and so Tae, the older boy can't find it in him to fault the younger for his actions. Instead, he rests a hand on the boy's shoulder and waits for Taehyung to face him.

"In that case, let hyung help you get front row seats."

The square grin he receives is the best anti-fatigue medicine in the world. With renewed vigor, Yoongi sets to tapping on the keys.

Change that to 50% composing and 50% making Taehyung smile.

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Neno99 #1
♡♡ tae is so cute my baby
AlondraExo-L #2
Chapter 1: This is so adorable!!!!! Taegi is my otp and now family thinks I'm wierd (not that they didn't before) because I fangirling to hard ^_^
Chapter 1: OMFG YOU HAVE TO WRITE MORE GOD I WISH I COULD WRITE THIS GOOD. This was soooooo cute and adorable and it gave me massive Taegi feels I'm going to cry hahahaha. They were so in character I LOVE it <3333333
Chapter 1: Awww... if this were any sweeter it would be ice cream. So CUTE!!!!
Favorite line: "the rapper throws the covers back with the finesse of a musical conductor but climbs into bed with the grace of an arthritic old man"... hahaha.
Chapter 1: Awwww!!! This so cute I loved it!!
Chapter 1: oh my god. That is the cutest ever and so incredibly well written.

Thank you for sharing it!!
kthyng #7
Looking forward to reading this! ^__^