
And When The World Ends


The first time Siwon heard the news was when his secretary interrupted his daily afternoon meeting with a slightly panicked expression while showing him the tablet. Thinking nothing about it, he remembered dismissively waving the man away, sure that it was some Internet hoax.


It was another forty one minutes later where the President of the United States made a short but definitive announcement on public television that he knew the world would end. Soon.




Siwon bowed his head, allowing his words to sink in for the other party. It was ironic he thought to himself, it needed the world to end to give him the courage to do what he should do, a long time ago.


He took off his engagement ring and placed it on the coffee table and whispered his goodbye. Never looking back, he punched in a short message on his phone and sent it.



'See you soon.'


Under the harsh glare of the stage lights and empty stage, Kyuhyun gasped lightly before a bright bright smile broke out on his face as he held on tightly to his hand phone. Somehow, the tight uncomfortable clench on his heart seemed to loosen at the the prospect of seeing him again. After seven long years.


After he got the news amidst the rehearsal, it was as if the Pandora box at the deepest recess of his mind got opened, unstoppable as memories of him, of them, filled his entire head. Nothing but Choi Siwon.


And the realisation struck him full force.


He is still madly in love with him.

Totally. Utterly. Deeply.


He never stopped.




Siwon pulled his thick blue coat tighter around him as strong gusts of wind swirled ominously, his black black eyes on his private jet inching its way out of the tarmac.


He caught the grateful smile of his secretary seating by the first window of the private jet and tilted his head to acknowledge the other.


He had given up the last seat back to Korea to the other man.


A beep.


'Hurry, Won.'


He barked out a bitter laugh. The message was just like Kyuhyun. Sharp and to the point.


He missed him. So goddamn much.


Kyu. Kyuhyun. Cho Kyuhyun. His Cho Kyuhyun.


His bright brown eyes are probably the last thing he sees before he falls asleep. Every single night. For the past seven years.




Staring at the familiar number on his phone, he brushed the glass surface gently. Taking a deep breath, he pressed the dial button, only to hear nothing but static at the other end. Once, twice and then he stopped on the fifth try. 


He tried again as he was standing at his balcony as chaos reign on the street below him, his hands shaking a little as he typed his message, knowing very well it might be his last.



'Kyu, Remember I love you. I always do. And always will. Yours forever, Won.'


Kyuhyun could feel his heart shattered into a million pieces when he read the incoming message as he swallowed back a desperate cry.


And he knew Siwon was not coming back.




Siwon stood stoically at his balcony, sipping his Americano as he faced the rising sun. The first rays of sunlight enveloped his still tired body, warming his face. Maybe it was the knowledge that the end was final, that it was near, made him more appreciative of the paranomic view in front of him.


It was with a tinge of regret, as he thought about the harsh punishing lifestyle he embarked for the past few years. He could have, no, he should have learnt to slow down and look around him.  But he did what he thought he should, throwing himself into his work, so that his mind would not think of him. The person he left behind.


Things had spiralled out of control so quickly after their budding relationship was discovered. Even though their company tried all ways to stem the media's intrusion, the damage was already done. Their group went on hiatus and everyone went their separate ways, some staying in the industry while the others taking on other ventures.


And he went back to being the ordinary person he was supposed to be. An aspiring businessman. A filial son. A loving fiancé. An agreement with his ex-company so that Kyuhyun could carry on what he loved doing. 


But it was worth it.


Seeing how the other had grown and became such an accomplished musical star. Beyond any doubt, he knew one day Kyuhyun would own the stage. And it did not take him long to do that. He was so, so proud of him.




The cab driver apologized fervently as he let him off eight blocks before Siwon's apartment, unable to inch forward anymore in the chaotic crowded junction. Kyuhyun smiled faintly and thanked him in halting English before opening the cab door. He did not even bother to take his small luggage out of the boot.


When his rubber soles hit the pavement, he just ran.



Siwon squinted as his eagle eyes spotted a familiar speck in a distance.  He swore lightly and then a wide smile bloom on his stubbled face.


He did not care as his ceramic cup slipped from his hands, splattering all its dark bitter contents onto the marbled floor.


Barefooted, he let himself out of his apartment and then he ran.




Trying to catch his breath, he skidded to a stop. For the other was just across the tiny street. Within reach. Straightening himself up, he stared hard, unflinchingly even though his heart was beating erratically. 


"Are you trying to be a hero again? Choi Siwon?" he questioned as he folded his arms, taking a step forward.


"Yeah, I guess," replied Siwon, with a half smile, his dimples clearly shown as he moved off the pavement, going closer.


"Well, you are an idiot," Kyuhyun retorted while furrowing his eyebrows, as if in irritation. Then he took yet another step towards the other man.


"I guess we both are," Siwon finally said before closing their distance, his bow shaped lips curving upwards.


Was it minutes or mere seconds, he was not sure as he just stood there, drinking in the vision in front of him, still not quite believing the other was there. Then he locked eyes with Kyuhyun, gazing intently and catching the myriad of emotions reflected in those beautiful, beautiful expressive eyes. 


Fear, Passion, Hope, Want, Desire ... Love.


Oh, he still loved him. Kyuhyun still belonged to him. He could see it so clearly in his eyes.



Kyuhyun stayed silent, unable to tear his gaze away. Why would he? When the other loved him so much. Even after all these years.  


He understands it now. Eyes don't lie. Especially Siwon's.


He raised his left hand tentatively, bringing it to rest lightly on the warm cheek of the other man. Caressing gently and smiled when Siwon leaned towards his palm.


"So...what is your last wish...before the end of the world?"


It was a bittersweet moment as Kyuhyun answered honestly, "Make love to the only love of my life and stay in bed."




Panting harshly, Siwon rested his head on the sweaty back of Kyuhyun before attempting to pull himself  out.


"No..." Kyuhyun shook his head, his hands pressing Siwon's thighs to his, "Don't, I want you still in me."


Nodding his head, Siwon buried himself even further into the soft, warm familiar body, placing soft kisses on the smooth expanse of pale skin beneath him, "Like this, Cho Kyuhyun?"


Lacing their fingers tightly, Kyuhyun turned to look at him, straight into his eyes while his cheeks still flushed from their intense lovemaking "Yes, like this, till the end of the world, Choi Siwon."

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Chapter 1: Again... a lovely written short... such bittersweet ending... <3
lovinkyu #2
Chapter 1: Touching storyline and beautifully written as always...
Chapter 1: Wow so beautifull, what a magnifician wish Kyu have there,.
kyuwon1013 #4
Chapter 1: whew!a heart warming Wonkyu story.❤❤❤
Angela17 #5
Chapter 1: Lovely... So lovely... I miss WonKyu so much.. Why do they have to be every where separately... :((
Chapter 1: It was so emotional until the last part cracked me up.
Chapter 1: Me first! And yes, I have to cry! Oh... beautiful!! Always! Love it, Nippy!