
Thank God For The Fire Alarm

Jimin jerked all of a sudden as a loud, incessant, buzzing sound rang through the house, so loud that the boy, fresh from his deep sleep, sat up immediately, his face contorting at the disturbance. He turned to take a quick glimpse at the digital clock that sat on the bedside table, the red glow of the digits clear enough to read and see. 3.07AM. Seriously? 


Jimin groaned, his hair looked like a bird's nest and probably smelt like one too, his jammies wrinkled and in the ugliest state ever, apart from the same pair of clothes before he went to bed. He grabbed his cell phone and wallet, and dragged his tired feet out the room and into the living room. He pressed his face on the front door, his eye peeking through the peep hole to see what was going on. All he could see through that one, tiny hole was a bunch of tired people in a hassle, rushing to evacuate the building for who-knew-what reasons. He was absolutely knackered, he would have collapsed on the carpet floor right there and then, but perhaps if the fire alarm still weren't buzzing and nagging like some middle-aged woman on her period, he would have. But not today. He staggered over to the window that provided a full view of the hallway, to see large amounts of smoke billow through the window just a few apartments away on the floor above his, and maybe a few flashes of flames if his tired, blood-shot eyes were not messing around with his usually perfect vision. He should get out of there before the fire spreads to the other floors and possibly his flat. 


He d in the dark (he was too drowsy to look around for the light switch) till he found the house keys, taking hold of the jingly metal things and faltered his way out to the main hallway of the building. 


He regretted it, honestly. 


Every neighbor, family, couple, bachelor, widow, spinster, teenager, whatever kind of person would be living in such a dilapidated bricked building, was probably out in the same hallway, and Jimin knew immediately that something happened up front that jammed the entire corridor. He somehow felt lost, like he was a measly rat in a giant maze, trying to find his way out, but apparently the old couple in front of him refused to co-operate and started protesting instead. He lifted his hands up to his face and started rubbing his eyes, as if such an action would help get the sleepiness out of his system. He could hear people screaming with every ounce of urgency in their voices in front, for the crowd to move so they could leave the place before the fire would engulf them all in one gulp. That made Jimin panic even more. He could, by now, feel the beads of cold sweat drip from his forehead. He was on his tippy toes, trying to look front to figure out what all the commotion and congestion was all about, but his vertical disadvantage made it extremely hard for him. 


All of a sudden, the door just behind him, not more then three feet away, swung open from the inside, and stumbling out was Hoseok, his neighbor from next door. With a quick twist of the head, Jimin glanced at the barely-clothed boy, but his stare stayed in its place. God, he sure had been admiring this heck of a boy ever since he moved in, but he has never seen him like this. Hoseok was - well, except for his Superman undies. His hair was as wild as the jungle, untamable and a danger to the comb, thick strands of brown hair in a medium ash shade stuck out in every angle and corner there could possibly be, his eyes were drooping from the same drowsiness that probably took hold of Jimin barely five minutes ago, and just his face told Jimin that he was lost and knew nothing about what was happening at the moment. Not just that about Jung Hoseok, the twenty-two year old man had the perfectly-toned upper half of a body. With abs that looked like they had been sculpted by the angels from heaven out of marble, an extremely toned chest, biceps (and probably triceps as well) that were attached to his perfectly tanned arms, nasty scenarios began to enter Jimin's already messy thoughts. Oh, the things he would do to Hoseok. 


Jimin couldn't help but gawk at such beauty, and not to mention the bulge that was more than obvious to this hormonal boy through Hoseok's Superman boxers. He thought it was cute, that he had such boxers, but the hump in his briefs overpowered that. The younger boy could feel the blood rush up to his cheeks, since he could feel the heat from his face. In fact, his entire body was heated up, and he wasn't exactly sure if it were from the fire or from this equally spicy man.  His mouth was held agape, his eyes stayed on Hoseok like he was going to have him for a breakfast that was five hours early. He watched with admiration as his jaw accentuates with every nervous gulp, as his hair sometimes covered his dark eyes when his head turns from left to right in confusion. "Excuse me, but what's going on?" Jimin practically jumped back at the raspy, deep and husky voice. Did he always sound like that? No, he just woke up, that's probably why. He looked up to find the same man whom he'd been staring at ever so obviously for the past five minutes or so looking back at him expectantly, waiting for an answer to the mess that was created by some fire alarm rung at three a.m in the morning on a Monday. 


Jimin's eyes traveled down his torso and up to his beautiful facial features, and he realizes this is the first time he's seen his eye candy at such a close proximity. God, he looked even more perfect and god-like this close. He shook his head, getting himself out of a dreamy daze. Answer the boy his question, Park Jimin, "O-oh, uh," He stuttered, and Hoseok blinked, eager for whatever answer he was going to tell him next. "The fire alarm rang and I saw some smoke a few flats away from upstairs, we're trying to evacuate the place but something happened up front, so now we're all congested and stuck in this corridor." That came out better and much more fluently than he thought it would. Hoseok's pink, totally kissable lips formed the shape of the letter "O", as an act of realization and knowledge. He mouthed a thanks, before standing next to Jimin and making him feel extremely uncomfortable and awkward. He didn't have much time to think though, because he cheered under his breath when he suddenly saw the crowd finally moving forward slowly but surely, and began taking slow steps towards the fire exit along with everyone else in his Winnie The Pooh pajamas with long sleeves and pants, it suddenly dawned on him how embarrassed he should feel that Hoseok has seen him in such monstrous clothing, but he was too focused on getting out to be embarrassed and he immediate wishes that the whole situation would be solved and be over as soon as possible, so he could get as much as sleep as he could get before starting another hectic week at work.

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Valentine0 #1
Chapter 1: I really enjoyed this fic author-nim ^^ thank you