A Monster

My Destined Angel


“Tea time is such a soothing time isn’t it?” asked Seohyun as she passed the plate of biscuits towards her older sister. Usually on Sundays SeoHyun makes tea and biscuits and spend time with Sunny. Sunny, being the bubbly and active girl she is, does not enjoy tea time.  “Seohyun, this isn’t the 1970s.” said Sunny taking the plate of biscuits. “Whether it’s 1970 or not, you still haven’t answered my question.” responded Seohyun taking a glimpse at her cup of tea. The two may be sisters but their personalities are far from similar. “It’s pleasant, I suppose.” said Sunny impassively using her hand to support her head. Taking brief glances at the clock and the tea over and over again, Sunny threw her hands off the table. “I’m tired of sitting here.” complained Sunny. Seohyun looked at Sunny and placed her cup of tea down and looked at the clock. “It should be time for Taemin to arrive.” said Seohyun disappointed that he was not on time, when she evidently said for him to come at 1 in the afternoon. “It looks as if he’s running late.” continued Seohyun taking a sip from her tea. Sunny blew at her bangs and slumped in her chair sluggishly. “Looks as if? He’s half an hour late.” cried Sunny annoyingly.

While Seohyun and Sunny killed time for Taemin to come, all noises left and was substituted by the ticking clock. Tormenting Sunny to the point that she had to break the stillness, “Unnie, I was having a perfect nap, why’d you scream?” said Seohyun wiping her eyes. “It was too quiet.” said Sunny getting up from the floor. “Until Taemin arrives, we have to wait.” said Seohyun, “This boy, causing us to wait.” continued Seohyun getting off from the couch. “Eh? Where are you going?” asked Sunny turning on the TV hoping that her favorite bands are on. “Calling him obviously.” replied Seohyun grabbing her cell phone. “Put it on speaker, I want to hear too.” said Sunny.

“Hello? Oh! It’s you, Noona!” said Taemin cheerfully. “Taemin, where on earth are you?” said Seohyun. “I’m just walking to your house.” replied Taemin, Sunny over heard Taemin’s reply and she grabbed the phone from Seohyun. “It takes you an hour to walk to our house?” yelled Sunny. The door bell interrupted the two and Sunny went over to the door and saw no other than Taemin at the door. “Now you come?” said Sunny annoyed. “Noona, I can explain.” said Taemin faintly, placing his hands up in a surrendered position. Taemin entered the house seeing Seohyun tidying up the table. “Hello, Noona!” greeted Taemin cheerfully. “Taemin, what took you so long?” asked Seohyun eyeing him with her gentle eyes. “Come on, I don’t want to listen to Taemin’s little adventure of him walking to our house.” whined Sunny. “But Noona, its interesting.” said Taemin grasping onto Sunny’s shoulders shaking her. “Go on.” said Seohyun taking a seat at the table. “Well you know the highest floor?” asked Taemin also taking a seat together with Sunny. “Isn’t it the top floor that our parents said not to enter?” asked Sunny, “Naturally,” replied Seohyun. “Well back to my story, I saw a dove fly to the balcony.”  Continued Taemin, “So?” acknowledged Sunny flatly, Taemin eyed Sunny and looked at Seohyun. “So doves aren’t very popular in our neighborhood. Are you saying that a dove distracted you for an hour?” said Seohyun. “That’s not it!” yelled Taemin, “The thing is, I saw a girl behind the glass door.” continued Taemin. “What do you mean you saw a girl behind a glass door?” asked Sunny. “Do you know that door with the glass panels? He’s saying that he saw a girl through It.” confirmed Seohyun. “But it might’ve been mom or dad.” said Sunny. “Sure, possibly your dad wanted to grow long hair and wear a rosy dress.” said Taemin sneered. “Then it would be mom.” replied Sunny. “But mom never leaves her hair down.” stated Seohyun. “Does that mean we have an alien in the house?” said Sunny trembling to the reality that a stranger’s in their house. Seohyun got up from her seat, “Well then, let’s find out.”, she said “You mean open the door?” asked Sunny astonished. “I say we do it.” Taemin said also getting up from his seat.

The three climbed up the stairs, they have already passed 3 floors and were now on the fourth floor, the walls became narrower where Seohyun was left to lead and Sunny trailing behind Taemin. “These walls are so narrow!” yelled Taemin as he followed Seohyun up the stairs. “Tell me about it, the walls are scratching my Arm.” added Sunny. “Wait, there’s a door!” yelled Seohyun as she stopped and pointed at the door that stopped right after the last step. Opening the door, Seohyun victorious smile faded into disappointed frown. “What is it Noona?” asked Taemin as peeked his head through the door. “More stairs.” whispered Seohyun. “Hey! What’s through that door?” yelled Sunny from behind. “Sunny Noona! Come on!” said Taemin as he dragged Seohyun up the winding stairs. “Yah! Wait up!” yelled Sunny as she caught up with the rest of the two. Climbing the winding stairs was a pain for them, neither one of them knew when the stairs will end. While Seohyun and Taemin climbed the stairs mindlessly, Sunny counted the steps she climbed to consume time. “Noona! Another door!” yelled Taemin as he pointed to another door. “This better not lead to another set of stairs.” said Seohyun under her breathe. Seohyun opened the door to reveal a brightly lit room with decent furniture and everything. There were books scattered on the ground, some closed some open. There were sweets and candies in a basket near a pile of books, and a glass door leading out to the balcony. And Taemin was right, there was a girl a sitting right in front of it. Her dark brown hair shone in the natural light of the late afternoon sun. Her rosy dress compliments her milky white skin.  “See Noona? Told you there was a girl.” whispered Taemin in Seohyun’s ear. Seohyun scowled quietly and stepped foot into the white room. “Haven’t your parent told you to knock first before entering?” Seohyun stepped back and looked at the girl, surprised by the sudden question from her. “Um, I’m sorry for the intrusion. Can we come in?” The girl turned around so she can see the faces of the three and let out a sigh. “Sure, some in.” Seohyun walked in taking glimpse of toppled books and baskets of sweets. “Who are you?” asked Seohyun as she stood behind the doll like person, Seohyun focusing on the glass hoping to see a faint reflection of the girl’s face against the glass. “The question is, what am I?” corrected the girl. “I see, what are you?” asked Seohyun.

“I am… somewhat like a monster.” 


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KISSmeBecca #1
love! lol, when i saw "monster", i thoguh of Big Bang's song... >.> <.< >.>
Which is awesome X3
I'm feeling this like an anime X3
This is so interesting!!!
Wawawawawawa!!! I already like it girl!<br />
Hope you update soon :D