I Wish For...

Three Wishes
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“And don’t worry about it. I can interpret the wish in your mind so I know exactly what you want or how you’ve pictured it to be.”

Taecyeon contemplates on what his first wish would be. He has to come up with a sequence of his wishes. First would be a common wish that everyone wishes, second would be something he wants to wish for and last one would be a special wish – which will be very important for him later on.

1. A common wish

“I wish for wealth.”

By the snap of her fingers, his wish comes to life. Taecyeon turns around clockwise to take in all the details. It is absolutely perfect. He is standing in the living room of a two-storey house that has a garage, a pool in the backyard and an access to a rooftop terrace. He likes the wide space, unlike his studio apartment which made everything small and compact. It’s like he can actually move around and breath in this new setting.

“Damn! This is exactly what I’ve imagined it would be,” he laughs, grinning from ear to ear. “I mean look at it! And are we near the university I’m attending to right now?” he turns to look at her.

“I believe so master.”

He runs out to the backyard staring at the clear pool in awe. The girl stands right beside him, pleased to know he is appreciating his wish. He bends down to dip a finger into the water. Laughing again, he turns around to give his genie a hug. She appears to be surprised with his sudden body contact but she smiles to herself.

“Thank you! Do you have a name?”

“My name is Yoona,” she bows her head slightly.

He chuckles. “That’s a lovely name for a genie. Don’t call me master, call me Taecyeon. Okay?”

“Yes master,” Yoona says jokingly, causing him to laugh along with her.

Taecyeon continues to wander around his new house, heading outside to find out he has three vehicles in his garage. A black mercedes that he always wanted, a huge motorbike he has dreamt of and of course his vespa scooter that he wants to keep.

“Should I even check my bank account?” he raises a brow.

She shrugs her shoulders. “You might be surprised to figure out what’s in there.”

Because by wealth, he actually meant it literally. Although it’s up to a certain extent in his imagination.

“How does it work then? Unless I use up all my wishes, you’ll be staying or following me?”

Yoona purses her lips. “I’ll go back to the lamp once you’ve used up your last wish. So yes, I’ll be around you every time. Genies have to follow their masters,” she mutters under her breath quietly.

“Got it.”


2. A personal wish

Taecyeon packs his books into his bag after class upon hearing the last sentence of the professor. He rushes to the cafeteria area immediately looking for Yoona. It has been a week since they have gotten along with each other. Taecyeon learned about Yoona’s past stories that she had with other masters she had granted wishes for, and in return he shared stories about his life. They warm up to each other pretty quickly which feels nice for the both of them. At first he wanted her to stay at home but Yoona insisted on tagging along with him. Of course, he gave up arguing with her and decided to let her explore the real world. And so far, he is amused that she is fascinated with her surroundings.

“Yoona!” The girl turns to the familiar voice. “I see you’re liking the food,” he grins.

“Oh yes, it’s really good. How was class?”

He sits across from her. “It’s alright I guess.”

“Guys around here are pretty flirtatious.”


She giggles softly, pointing at two boys at the other end of the table. “Those two approached me earlier and complimented me. Plus three more who walked pass.”

He blinks at her. “Oh,” he says. “Well you’re really beautiful Yoona, if you didn’t know that,” he laughs nervously, his face turning red as he said that.

She flashes him an innocent smile. “Thank you. Any ideas on your second wish yet?”

“I’m still thinking it over,” he scratches the back of his head. “You see…I kind of like a girl here in campus.”

“Oh are you? Wow, well then why aren’t you going for it?”

“I’m thinking about it. Once I get ideas…”

“Taec! My man!”

Taecyeon watches Nichkhun sit beside him on the bench while he sees Yuri sliding right next to Yoona. He tenses up a little, since Nichkhun doesn’t know about his new house or let alone Yoona being a genie. And it’s safe that he should never know even if he’s his best friend.

“Who’s this friend of yours?” Yuri leans forward to Yoona, taking a good look of her face from an angle.

“Yeah bro, you didn’t tell me you’re hanging out with a girl.”

Taecyeon bites his lower lip anxiously. “Guys this is Yoona, she’s new to the campus and we became friends,” his lies coming out smooth.

Nichkhun offers a handshake. “Welcome to Korea U, gorgeous. My name’s Nichkhun, Taecyeon’s best buddy in here.”

Yoona shakes his hand gently. “I’m Yoona.”

“And I’m Yuri! It’s nice to meet you Yoona, what classes are you taking?”

Before Taecyeon can save her from answering, Yoona speaks up for herself. “I’m majoring in theatre, fine arts.”

Yuri nods her head in interest. “That’s impressive. You must be pursuing in an acting career?”


For a minute there, Taecyeon likes how confident Yoona is with her impromptu sayings. She actually did sound like she’s a student from here and it’s pretty amazing how convincing she is. Maybe it’s because of her abilities, he thought.

“Taec, Yuri and I are going to watch a movie today. You and Yoona wanna come?”

Taecyeon glances at Yoona again. “Um, I think I’ll pass. Maybe next time though.”

“Sure we’ll hang out all together. It’s been nice meeting you Yoona! See you guys around.” Nichkhun hangs an arm around Yuri’s shoulder walking off in all smiles.

“What are we doing now?” asks Yoona.

Taecyeon clasps his hands together to think for a minute. “I think we can get some ice cream and work on my second wish. Sound good?”

Yoona nods. “Sounds good to me.”

They visit an ice cream parlor a few blocks away from campus. Both sit comfortably in a booth facing one another with their treats in front of them.

“So I’m not exactly the type of guy who knows so much about relationships and stuff. But there’s this girl that I like and…I don’t really know how to get her attention.”

“Well master, as your genie I think a good way to find out is to approach her with confidence.”

“How can I do that though. I’m p

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Chapter 3: Quite some time since I last read something from you. I don´t even know why... But this was totally lovely! I just love your stories about Taecyoon, they´re the best! And I seriously hope I'll find the time to read your others as well.
For me, this one had a perfect length. Short and sweet, but full of details nonetheless. Way to go, author-nim!
Chapter 3: Aww that was sooo sweet. Yoona the genie ... Taec the wishing guy ... Aladdin, wasn't it? And naughty Jess ...
Thanks for this fic. It's short and sweet. Just how I like it. Why are you so good ...
Anyways well done! Fighting!
razock #4
Short but great story-line. good job. and i want a wish from you. which is- make them true. hehehe
Im-Yeon #5
Chapter 3: Heeee i love this so much. It's just soo sweet. And i'm not bored reading too!!
Chapter 3: Awww, my heart flutters after reading this... <3 So sweeeeeeet! Omo, my heart! *heart attack!* *pants* ㅋㅋㅋ I really love this! <3
Ji-hyo101 #7
Chapter 3: So sweet!!
soshisone27 #8
Chapter 3: #1 update is sweet... thanks for completed this story... :)
Warsonic9620 #9
Chapter 3: Lovely ending so sweet.
Chapter 3: Love the ending