titanium white

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sehun has had enough. this is the last time. he’s been telling himself that for the past half an hour as he pulled up outside the paint supply store. they know him here, he comes by too often, so often the teenager that handles the registry, the one that always looks on the brink of giving up on life from boredom, has asked him if he paints houses for a living. sehun just smiled, tight lips and barely there dimples on his cheeks as he made a beeline for the large cans of titanium white.

"did you get it, sehunie?" baekhyun's melodic voice comes through his bluetooth as sehun is stuck on the same red light for what feels like ages. "it's the last time, baekhyun, the last time" is all sehun says back as he shifts the car back in gear and pushes just above legal speed limit, eager to get home as soon as possible and get this chore done with.


he stands outside their small house, precariously balancing two cans of paint in his arms as two more sit at his feet. sehun is at his melting point by then, having tripped up the three short steps that lift his home from ground floor as he carried up the buckets. he kicks at the door with his foot, unable to get his keys out with his hands occupied, and huffs in annoyance as he waits for a response. the door swings open seconds later, baekhyun's hand still on the knob as he smiles brightly at his boyfriend, motioning slightly to his left. "hi baby, meet the doorbell" he says before stepping to the side, letting a sour faced sehun in before pushing the other two buckets inside the house with his bare feet.


"i had no free hands you evil pup" sehun grunts, carefully lowering the cans on the floor and opting to drop almost dead on their lone, battered armchair. he vaguely hears baekhyun saying something about him putting his long chin to use and shouts back a choice of decorative adjectives, but all he gets in return are baekhyun's childish giggles echoing against the walls.

—the walls, oh the walls! sehun feels like crying as he's left to stare at the mess. ever since he asked baekhyun to move in with him, his whole house has been a bubble of colours that baekhyun keeps popping time after time, splashing his pristine belongings with what he calls "expressing his feelings on canvas". except there’s really no canvas, even though sehun has bought him multiple during their time together, along with easels of all sizes to fit his boyfriend’s needs, but no matter how much he tried, it’s always his walls that get it.



first time it happened, sehun remembers, it was a night baekhyun had no sleep. he was in his senior year of art school, a p

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theperfnerd #1
Chapter 1: 'baekhyun curls up against sehun, legs thrown over the chair's arm as he pecks sehun's cheeks repeatedly. "you sure you want to paint over it?" he whispers against sehun's neck, a practiced exchange between them every time baekhyun 'messes' up. sehun noses his fluffy hair, fondling baekhyun's waist until the smaller man is reduced to squirming and laughing loudly at the tickling sensation. he ends up sitting on the floor, legs crossed and head laying back on sehun's knees, revelling in the way sehun is scratching his scalp. "we have to, pup. knowing you, this will happen again and i'm afraid of how much worse it'd be if it's on top of this" he motions to the wall across them with a socked foot, that baekhyun grabs and starts punishing by pinching its toes.'

this is too cute and their comfort with each other is so well explained I'm just squealing so much because it's too cute and artist baek is weakness and in love sehun is perfect and this was perfect gfdi. ;;;; how could this short a fic contain so much omfg but I can just imagine it. I can totally imagine it. this made my day and thank you for writing this ashsskdj