
Struggles of love

They say love is a beautiful thing. It's a 'warm and fuzzy' feeling that makes you happy.
I suppose that's true but why do people always leave out the painful part? How love more often than not leads to feeling like your heart has torn in two? Leaves you in tears and and feeling empty inside? 
I've had a number of accidents in my life. I was even in a car crash and had my leg pretty much shattered on the inside. But this, having a broken heart is the most painful thing I have ever experienced. Sounds silly. I know.
All my experiences with love have honestly never been that great. Always broken up with or unrequited love. I say love but it's not really love. I've only ever been in love once and it's honestly the most horrible feeling ever. It was nice to begin with but it was all over in a matter of months.
He left me.
People leaving me was nothing new but he was different. I loved him. I trusted him. I gave him everything and he left me with nothing. Not even a goodbye. 
One day we were lying on his bed kissing and cuddling and the next, he was gone. It was so sudden....I didn't know how he was feeling. He didn't tell me he was hurting, he was struggling, that he wanted out. I had no clue about any of his feelings. It...kinda hurt. I told him everything, yet he couldn't tell me something so important to him. But maybe that was my mistake for putting so much trust into him. We were never in a relationship, hell I don't even know if he felt the same way as me. But we kissed, held hands, had ...it felt like a normal relationship. Except I never really knew how he felt about me. He was well aware of my feelings for him though...Heh now that I think about it maybe he was just playing with me.
I probably meant nothing to him in the end. He left without notice and that was it. I had never been so broken in my life. I had lost the man I loved and cared about so much. He honestly made me the happiest I had been in a long...long time.
After he left, I was lost. I didn't know what to do. I held onto the hope that he would come back, contact me or something. But no. Nothing. Not a letter, text, phone call, nothing. Even months after he left, I was still waiting. I got into a few arguments with my members and friends over it. They told me to let it go, to get over him. But how could I just so simply forget the man that made me so happy? They didn't understand how much he meant to me. No one understood how I felt. And it hurt. I was alone. 
And even a year after he left, I'm still waiting.
Am I stupid? Or just really ing loyal....?

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