Chapter 01

Fated To Be Together

*alarm ringtone starts ringing*

Sigh. I got up lazily to turn off my alarm ringtone. The day has finally arrived. Day one of senior high. I took my towel and home clothes inside the bathroom to take a quick shower. Once that was done, I wrapped my hair into the towel and also wore my home clothes. Since I've already ironed my uniform, I took it out from my hanging wardrobe. I changed to my uniform, combed my hair and grabbed my bag while making my way down to the kitchen. My twin brother was cooking breakfast.

"Yum, the smell of delicious food." I tried taking the food that was prepared but he slapped my hand away.

"That is not yours. Your breakfast is fried egg with baby spinach and shallots."

"Wow. But I want ham and eggs too."

"I'll cook that for you tomorrow, alright sweetheart?" he messed up my hair and I gave him the death glare.

"Stop it Kang Seungyoon. Grow up please?" he just chuckled.

"I'm already growing up. See, I became so handsome now right? You're the one who is not growing up." I stuck out my tongue and just chuckled while eating my baby spinach.

"So today are we taking the usual to go to school? Or are we finally going to take the car that has been in the garage eversince we were freshmen?"

"No, today's the usual again. I'll let you use the car soon. Just not today."

I sighed. "Fine then." Both of us quickly ate our breakfast and then cleared our plates. We both took our bags and also our mode of transport : SKATEBOARDS and left the house.

I plugged in my earpiece and the music started playing '2PM - Go Crazy'. Both Seungyoon and I skated our way to school since it was not that far so using the skateboard made the journey faster. Soon, we made it to school. Once both of us entered, everyone was staring at the both of us. The whole school call us "The Inseperable Twins" since both of us look somewhat alike and that I was the queenka of the school. I actually never knew who the kingka is but I have a feeling it was my brother. I might or might not be right. Well it's like a twins instinct kind of thing. But anyhow, I'm still glad the both of us were in different classes or else we'll really be inseperable and we might not have enough privacy for ourselves. He gave a kiss on my head, earning some squeals from my brother's "fangirl". I straightaway went to my locker and there were still people staring at me even when they're at their lockers. To be honest, I didn't choose to be a queenka. Everyone voted for me.

There was a lollipop stuck to my locker. I smiled while taking it out and put it in my pocket. I took out my books for the first lesson and closed it. Then, a nicely figured human face appeared just after I closed the locker. It was Bobby.

"Urgh, what do you want Jiwon?"

"Nothing much. What's your plan after school?"

"I don't know. Practice maybe? What's up?"

"Arcade. With Hanbin and I. Probably the rest might end up following. Especially June." I rolled my eyes after hearing that boy's name.

"Ugh, why does he have to tag along?"

"Duh, he's a part of us. Just like you and Yoon hyung. To be honest right here, I didn't know he had such a hot twin sister. Wow."

"Dream on Bobby Kim. Come on, we're late." I dragged him by the collar while holding my books on the other hand and made our way to class. I let go of him just outside the class. The moment I went in, everyone stared at me and some went up to me, handing me candies or food. So much that I love to eat, I need to keep track of all the junk that I eat sometimes. I made my way to the back of the class and sat down at my seat.

"Well if it isn't the queen of the Seoul.." someone scoffed. It was so obvious that June said that.

"Oh dear, you're such a joke. So what if I'm the queen of Seoul? You peasants are under my control too." In class, the both of us just couldn't stop fighting. Some people even label us as the 'Sassy Couple' because the both of us fight each other using our sassiness.

"Woah sassy couple. Calm down. Both of you are just too noisy." Jinhwan came and interrupted our mini fight.

"I know, thanks for rubbing that in." I sighed and started jotting down my schedules on my planner. Jinhwan just chuckled.

"You're welcome. Anyway you joining us later?"

"Maybe not, since the sasquatch is coming." I pointed to June. He almost stood up to fight back, but he controlled and just rolled his eyes.

"But anyway, I still need clothes. So apparently I have to go back home and---"

"You don't have to, princess. I already hand-picked these clothes for you." He gave me a paperbag containing a shirt and ripped jeans.

"No, Jinan, you don't have to. I mean I can really go back and just change."

"It's okay. Well if it wasn't the other boys' help, I wouldn't really need to get all the stuff."

"Aww thank you thank you thank you!" I hugged him preciously and he just chuckled while hugging back.

"Alright. Time for class. See you during break!" he waved and went back to his seat and lesson started.

Once the first 2 classes ended, it was time for break. I took my books and went straight to the locker and put my books and went to the school gaarden since I don't really eat in school. I saw my twin brother, resting at the tree. I went to him and sat down beside him. He gave me a warm smile when I was beside him.

"How was class?"

"It was torture, but I managed to pull it through. Yours?"

"Well it was okay too, just that the girls won't stop bothering me."

"I suppose that's okay since you'll be leaving soon right?" I frowned and rest my head on his shoulder.

"Yeah, I guess you're right."

"Do you really have to leave? I mean you can change your mind. YG sajangnim will understand if you need time off to study for at least another year."

"I wish I could stay but you know this is what I've always wanted right? Become a singer, make everyone proud. I'm sure you're proud of me right?" He wiped my tears that I didn't even know it flowed.

I managed to give a small laugh and took his hand, "Of course I'm proud of you silly. Who wouldn't be proud of their own twin that is going to be successful and famous? I might hate you at times but you know that I'll always love my twin." I gave him a hug and he returned it. I lied down on his lap and close my eyes. The time is really going too fast. I felt that it was only yesterday that my brother was accepted into YG entertainment and now he has to go through a survival show as Team A. I wonder who is in Team B. I let out a soft cry again while letting my tears flow down my cheeks. Seungyoon leaned down to wipe it.

"Yah, don't cry, you look ugly! It's not that I'll be far away from you! Sajangnim said you can come visit him anytime! He also told me to tell you that he has scheduled an audition for you to join the company!"

"OMG REALLY?! HE SAID THAT?! Oh gosh thank you thank you thank you." I gave him a tight hug. He made a choking sound so I got the que and let go of the hug. While both of us stayed there for a while, little did we know things happened in a few minutes.


Well chappie 1 is out. Any suggestions on what to write for the next chap?

Comment down below! Thank you loves :*

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