# FREESTYLE // 031415 OPENED + NEW !!!


01. subscribe jsy. upvotes are optional.
02. one character per person. character changes are available.

03. we will be doing random kickouts so please be aware of your activity. by activity, we don't mean just logging in and logging back off. we need to see that you're wall posting too. at least be active three times a week.
04. if leaving, dating, going on hiatus or just anything - tell us. 
05. yuri and are limited. ( 1/6 ) you may date whenever.  there's no such thing as waiting a week.
06.please talk to everyone. no facechasing jsy !!
07. after you've made your account, add all the admins and everyone on the masterlist. you have a total of 24 hours to make it. extensions are given upon request.
08. last but not least, have tons of fun. xo


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GUYSSS. i have to be on a hiatus for like.. a week or two-- my wifi is - i mean, yeah, and i'm going on holiday. w eeps.
reserving rv's wendy please, thanks. ♡