That's what you get!!!!!

Unexpected Valentine's [Sequel]

"P-Patty?" I whispered.

"Hah! Look who's here? It's Patty, long time no see " Serena said.

Patty let out a smirk "I knew you guys were behind these" she said.

"Patty, what are you doing here?" I asked but she ignored me so is the other two.

"Oh~really? So why didn't you tell Aaron? Afraid he'll save this right here" Serena pointing at me.

"If I have evidence then you two will already in jail enjoying your life" Patty said her face turned serious "Let her go!" she said firmly and clearly.

"Why would we?" Serena asked. "Because I'll let you guys go or else......"

"Or else what?" Reen asked fiercely.

"Or else you guys will regret it" Patty said giving them dead glares.

"Get her!" Serena shouted as they ran towards Patty and attack her. But unlike me she move quickly, she make her hand into a fist and punch Serena in the face and kick Reen on the stomach with her super looking high heels. Who knows this girl has some skills in fighting.

"You little !" Reen shouted as she start to run towards Patty with her knife when Patty is still in the process of pulling Serena's hair.

"Patty!! Be careful!" I screamed. Urg! Why do I have to get locked here. I want to help her. Patty hearing my scream quickly turned around and did a karate kick on Reen again while she's still pulling Serena's hair.

"AAAAAAHHHHHHH~!!!! It hurts! Let go of my hair!" Serena yelped. Reen then started to attack Patty again but some how Patty manage to grab her hair also and she tied both of their hair together and tied them into the shower and the water. "COLD!COLD!THE WATER IS COLD! TURN IT OFF AND LET US GO STUPID !!!!" I heard Serena and Reen screamed.

Patty then comes towards me and unlocked my lock with a key. She let out a sigh "that was close" she said.

"P-Patty? W-Why did you saved me?" I asked.

She didn't answer. "Isn't better for you if I just die and you can have Aaron?" I asked again.

"You really think I'm that kind of person?" she asked. "N-No..." I replied.

She let out a small smile. "I saved you because I want to make myself happy" she said.

"Huh?" I asked confused.

"Oh right! You're too stupid. You won't understand me if I said it that way right?" she said.

"Hey! I'm not stupid!" I protested.

"Fine,Fine! Whatever! I saved you because I know that Aaron....he love you. If I let him go...then he'll be happy with you. And when he's happy, I'm happy. So I saved you to make myself happy! Don't ever think that I like you because I DON'T! I just do it for my own sake" she said.

"I-I-never said you like me" I said. "But you were thinking about it right?" she asked.


"Gui! Are you ok? Did you get hurt anywhere?" Aaron suddenly rushed in.

"A-Aaron? What are you doing here?" I asked. "Patty called me, she said you're in danger" he said looking at Patty. "Thanks" he said.

"When did you talk to me like a stranger?" Patty asked but Aaron didn't answer her. "It's alright" she said as she headed out.

"Patty!" I called. She turned around. "Thanks!" I said. She nodded. "I'll let you guys take care of the two idiots" she said.

"Are you ok babe?" Aaron asked after Patty left. "I'm fine" I said.

"Did you know that Patty can fight?" I asked him in amazement remembering the fighting scene just now.

"What?" he asked confused.

"S-She just totally knocked out Serena and Reen just know! She kicked them and pull their hair and-and~"

"I know she does" he said. "You do?" I asked.

"I met her at a karate lessson" he said.


"But that's not important anymore" he said. My face light up. "What's more important is that you're ok" he said giving me a kiss on the forehead.

"Awww~" I squeals.

"Come on! Let's go, you must be tired of all the drama" he said.

"Go where?" I asked. "To my house" he replied. "Why?" I asked. "You'll see" he said as he held my hand.


"I already called the police. Let's just let them have some nice shower for a while" he said as we walk to his car hand in hand.

"Hey!!! Hey!!! Guys? Anybody there? Can you stop the water? It's freezing cold!!!!" Serena yelled.

"A-Ah-Achhooooo!!!!!" they sneezed.

"I told you so jie! We shouldn't do this! Now we're going to have a cold" Reen complained.

"Shut up already! I'm freezing cold!!!!" Serena yelled.

                                                                 *THE END*


Please don't yell or kill me! *scared*

I know the ending totally but hey! GuiLun are together!

You should be happy about that!!!!

Sorry for ending this story in a rush but I really don't know how to continue this anymore if I don't end it now so yeah~

I really hope that you would like the ending..........(most of you won't)

But thanks for reading anyways! Thanks for all of your supports guys :)

I really truly appreciate it!!!!!!!!!! XD

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eRnah_hanRe07 #1
Chapter 11: ..' cute story..
..' I like it..
..' keep it up.. :)
-HaeFany-Forever- #2
NIACEEE STORRRRIEEE :D ( Nice story ) Eheheeess~
Like the twist XD <br />
I loved this story :) <br />
thank you for updating
sweetghost #4
oh my its finish already I want another sequel ...<br />
hehe but too sad I know you will not do another sequel..:) but I love the ending..:)<br />
jiejie #5
woah, Finish already? *pouts*<br />
But i like it!<br />
*squeal* I love Patty, hahaha!<br />
At least this is different. I mean, in dramas or movies it was always the male lead that saves the female lead. At least in here, the rival saves the female lead, hehe.<br />
Good job!<br />
Can't believe you finished this story mei<33 *sob sob* <br />
But hey!! I like it and yeah!! like you said GuiLun together ehehe
Finished? o.o Nooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
Should have more GuiLun moments le -.- <br />
Gosh!! thanks GoD! that Gui was saved ^_^ <br />
Other wise Aaron might kill himself if Gui died,lolz <br />
Those Two serve them for trying to kill Aaorn's ghostie XD XD <br />
YAY!! so GuiLun are together :DD <br />
OK!! I am just so so happy heehehe ... <br />
PS: Oh do you know that our GuiGui said Happy Birthday to Aaron on Weibo?? and she even said that she will visit Aaron's filming set when she got back to Taiwan XD XD <br />
Ahhhhh!!!! so happy that our GuiGui remembers 007's birthday :DD
hahahahaha that was quite short. <br />
Patty?? O.o unexpected...<br />
hey but now you've got a reason to call it the "unexpected valentines sequel" XD<br />
O.o wait...this IS the right fan fiction...right? (scared that I'll mix it up AGAIN) <br />
Its already over!! Ah I envy you, you could do three fan fictions at once!! <br />
If it was me, I would fail terribly and end it even more rushed than you!! >< (*hint hint LOVE AND MONEY) <br />
Keep writing GuiLun fan fics!! I'm gunna be the first to read them!! (if..if i get to use internet....)
kekekekeke ..... fine!! fine!! >:[ <br />
Bring it on girl ==> NOW!! let's the war begins! <br />
I am sure! You might explore in NO time and don't say that I am evil or abuse you later XP <br />
Uhh!! Awww!! that's so scary .... PLEASE don't delete it *innocent face* ... BUT hey!! I doubt it ... do you dare sacrifices/delete this story because you want to make me depress?? Well, if you dare ... I am sure your other readers here will skin you alive HAHAHAHA :P :P <br />
OK! NOW! ENOUGH blabbering xD xD ... go to the point?? <br />
Are you serious?? how could those two evils come to someone's house and try to kill people like they aren't afraid of law/any thing?? o.o <br />
Although they can or can't kill the person but according to their act it's enough to make the two-poison sisters live happily in prison FOREVER XD lolz <br />
Okeke!! I WILL SHUT my mouth NOW!! BUT before I go ... who is COMING?? O.O <br />
<br />
<br />
half right? IT'S BOTH OF THEM?? O.O<br />
Gosh, Aaron better save her!<br />
Or someone! <br />
Oh wait im guessing....DANSON??? :D<br />
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