Chapter One

Mister Choi's Ego


"Hyung, is this really the correct direction that we're walking in?"

Jiyong whined for the nth time as he dragged his sore feet behind Seunghyun. They've been walking for the past two and a half hours but it seemed like they were nowhere near their hotel. Seunghyun glanced at his watch then back at the crumpled map on his hands.

"Yes I have a feeling we're near,"


"Trust me"


Jiyong let out a helpless sigh and folded his arms even closer, hoping to find a little more warmth from the snowy weather. Looking at the poor boy behind him, Seunghyun finally accepted the fact that he did not know the way, that they were lost and needed help with navigation. He then slowed down his footsteps and waited for Jiyong to catch up.

"Let's go get some food-"

"Where are we?"

"You're hungry right?"

"Are we lost?"

"I'm hungry~"

Seunghyun whistled as he looked around for a cafe, obviously avoiding Jiyong's question, making the younger one frown.


"Don't what what me! We are lost, right?!"

"What lost- I have a great sense of direction"

"Then tell me where are we now?"

"We're close to our hotel"

"You've been saying that for the past two hours, seunghyun."

"Fine, we're lost."

"Knew it"

"If you think it's so easy, then why don't you do the navigating then?"

"I tried to but you said you'd do it"

"You could've stopped me"

"This conversation is getting nowhere, Seunghyun"

"Are you seriously throwing a tantrum here now, Jiyong?"

"Oh, so now you think I'm throwing a tantrum? Ok."

"Jiyong, I-"

That was it, Jiyong couldn't take it anymore. He was frustrated, cold, hungry and tired, and of all times, Seunghyun just had to be all egoistic about this "I know my way" thing. Jiyong turned around and started walking the other direction. He could hear Seunghyun calling out to him but he didn't care. He just had to get away from this for a little while.


"How long have I been walking this time round ...?" Jiyong removed his right glove and pulled out his iphone, only to realise that it was dead flat. He had been walking for god-knows-how-long and all he wants now is to get to a hotel, no, a bed, nope, actually just a cup of hot cocoa and a nice, warm and comfy fleece blanket for him to snuggle in.

" this . I should've brought my cards or at least some cash with me. Got it all covered? I'm nowhere near covered, jackass boyfriend CHOI. SEUNG. HYUN." Jiyong cursed as he kicked the pile of wet snow in front of him, only to regret it a few seconds later. 

"Non-waterproof boots, ."

Seunghyun's POV

"God damn it, Jiyong where the hell are you?!" Seunghyun panicked as he held the already crumpled map even harder. He blamed himself for being a total to Jiyong earlier and all he wanted to do now is to find his baby dragon. He pulled out his phone and tapped on something.

"Su-mi-ma-sen, wa-ta-shi-wa -" Seunghyun squinted at his phone as he tried to pronounce the romanised words from the Japanese language pocket guide he downloaded back at Korea's airport but apparently, he failed miserably.

"This is going to be a loooooooong night.. Oh dear god, Jiyong, please be safe..." Seunghyun murmured.

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flamingho #1
CONTINUE PLEASE !! That sounds cute already
anonymoux #2