Renewed Vows

My Life With You


2058, Italy

Kyuhyun drummed his fingers against the window as he hummed to the old Korean song wafting from the speakers, he slowly patted the blindfold place over his eyes and asked curiously, "A clue?"


A low chuckle then an expected reply "Nah, a secret."


Kyuhyun frowned and pouted his lips subconsciously. 


"You better stop doing that or I will have to stop the car to get those lips."


"Frisky old man," Kyuhyun muttered under his breath but smiled anyways as a familiar hand tugged his, placing their intertwined hands on the gear.


"Only to you, Kyu," came the calm expected reply. 



He could feel the car coming to a complete stop and waited for his side of the door to open.

As they clasped their hands tightly, Kyuhyun got out of his seat slowly, placing one foot down on the pebbled walkway carefully before the other. With his walking stick placed gently onto his hand, he allowing himself to be guided forward. He could feel the other's hand at the small of his back, ensuring that he would not trip and fall. 

Five minutes later, Kyuhyun looked around the room in stunned silence, his brown orbs still adjusting to the afternoon light streaming in. "Won?"

"Familiar place?" Siwon asked, his black black eyes crinkling, showing the crows feet at the corners of his eyes. As he stepped closer and his greying hair caught the sunlight, Kyuhyun gasped silently. He has always been the visual, the goodlooking one in their group but now, even when the years has passed...he still looked...devastatingly gorgeous. But, that was not the reason they were together...well...not the main reason at least.

With sudden realisation, Kyuhyun locked eyes with Siwon. How could he not know? This is where they exchanged their vows. Their self written vows in Korean, much to the amusement of the Italian mayor who probably did not understand a single word they had said. On that unforgettable day.

"Kyu, thirty years ago, you made me the happiest man on earth," Siwon said quietly as he wrapped his arms around the most precious person to him. He brushed Kyuhyun's cheeks affectionately, taking note of every wrinkle and freckles decorating his slightly sagging skin, loving him that bit more. He brought their interlaced hands up and played with their similar platinum rings on their fourth fingers before placing a chaste kiss on their linked for fingers. Then, he saw Kyuhyun swallowing thickly, knowing that the other was keeping the tears at bay. "And now, what say you we stay together for another thirty years more?"

It took another two minutes for Kyuhyun to finally composed himself enough to answer. He pressed his lips to Siwon's left ear and with certainty replied "I am not sure if we will have another thirty years on earth but...yes, I will stay with you from this life to eternity."

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Chapter 1: Frisky old man... hehehee XDDD

These two are still so cute even after sooo many years... awww~~~ <3
Chapter 1: so sweeetttt
Chapter 1: Aaaw romantic even this old :D
Chapter 1: I am crying because I want them to be this way. And because of Won's tweet
kyuwon1013 #5
Chapter 1: Wonkyu was immortal and their love is not aging even years passed by...
Chapter 1: Stunning at cheesy old hubby Siwon...
'Tears start b'
wonkyu forever♡♡
Angela17 #7
Chapter 1: Cheesy old Siwonnie... So sweet...
heartbabykyu #8
Chapter 1: Awwwww *wipe tears*
After 30 years Siwon is still so cheesy