CHAPTER 1.1 // Dispute

He's Into Her
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"Hey Jessi, why did you call? Do you have a problem?"

"Oh come on Tiff! Relax."

"Then what's the matter? Speak it out!"

Jessica let out a sigh for she doesn't know where she would start.

"Uhm, would you make me a favour? Please?" She acted cute as if Tiffany is just in front of her. 

"Let me see if I can."

"Just say YES okay?"

"Go ahead."

"Can you please excuse me for tomorrow until Wednesday?" Jessica begged in a lower voice.

"What the hell , Jessica? You can't absent. You've been missing a lot of classes recently and your grades are in danger. If I know, you're just going to make lame excuses again." Tiffany responded in an annoying tone that saddened or maybe made Jessica disappointed.

"Tiffany are you for real or what? Do you think I will waste my time calling you, asking you a favour for a nonsense reason? Don't act as if you know everything." she exclaimed in disbelief.

"I'm just worried about you. Do whatever you want then. If you fail this semester, I won't help you. I've been tolerating your abse

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