

Sorry for the late update guys, I can't login to my account for the past few days but hey now I'm back.  I think this chap kinda long idk, oh well enjoy the story. 


It’s 9am and all of them already gear up. After wacthing the video, everyone turns bitter and hate towards the chick even more than they should. The ride to the place is an hour and it’s enough time to make a bulletproof plan. Hands shaking, minds go else where and all they wanted is to get their boyfriends back. The drive felt like 2 days, Yugyeom stayed behind cause his dad thinks he’s ready yet and he just obey and now they in the car with Yugyeom’s dad driving it fast. All his attack squad behind him, face all fearless and ready to strike. They arrived at the abandon factory and it seems like the crazy chick still there so why not we give her some surprise. The plan was Mark acts like he gave up and follow what Suzy wants then Mark gonna ask her that he wants to meet Jinyoung for the last time to say goodbye. When Mark already in the same room as Jinyoung, Mark have to give signal to the squad then the squad strike in. Somehow it sound so James Bond but well the idea is from Jaebum Bond, which is kinda smart in every single way. They  park in the forest near the factory and gearing up, ear piece set, bulletproof vase, guns and all those awesome stuff that you can imagine.

“Mark, you ready?” Junho asked, he’s one of Mr.Kim killer squad

“Yeah, I’m ready. All I need to do is give signal when I found Jinyoung” Mark replied

“Good, if anything happen press the panic button and we all gonna kick in” Mr.Kim pats his shoulder

He just nooded and turns at his friends “guys, if anything happen safe them first then me alright?”

“Are you crazy? Everything goona be smooth like my hair right now, we all going be to okay Mark” Jackson bro hug him

“Yeah Mark, don’t worry we got your back like always. Just don’t let that chick kiss you again, Jinyoung totally gonna skin you alive” Jaebum chuckles and hug him also

“Thanks guys, okay now I’m fully ready” Mark slowly exhales ‘You have to be brave Mark, do it for Jinyoung’

Mr.Kim give Mark one last talk about the plan to make sure that Mark clear about it, eventhough Mr.Kim knows that Mark will ace this mission. When everything all set, Mark drove to the place. He arrived at the abandon factory seeing Suzy’s car still there and few guys standing outside guarding the building, he sigh after mentally count how many guards. They didn’t  know that Suzy hire a lot of people just for this. He park the car and went out, one of the guys walk towards him and asked

“Who are you and what you want? This is private property”

“I’m Mark Tuan and I’m here to surrender” Mark rise both his hand

All guards look shock and quickly contact Suzy then another guard asked him “you come alone or what?” This time the guard look a bit decent and nice

He smile and replied “I’m alone, no weapons and no phone. You can check me if you want”

The guard stood in front of him and start checking him “he telling the truth, okay now you can see Miss Suzy. Please follow me”

“Thank you sir” he replied and start to walk

The factory is bigger than he thought then someone spoke though the earpiece “Mark, it’s me Jaebum. Are you already in the factory?” Mark just hum as replied “Okay if anything tell us” when he was about to reply the guard suddenly stopped and look at him

“Mark,I know you have earpiece and panic device in your shoe. Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone. I’m here to help you” the guard said and look around if anyone hear them

“Huh? Why you helping me?” Mark took a step back

“Cause I just know the real story behind this stupid kidnapping, they beat up your future hunsband and one time he fougt back, he beat half of the gang. I was impress by his strength that time and I’m sorry that I can’t help him but I do keep something that meant a lot for him and you” the guard took something from his pocket and Mark took another step behind then the guard show him his wedding ring.

Mark eyes widen, he slowly walk towards the guard and take the ring. The guard continues “Miss Suzy asked me to burn it but I felt pity towards your lover, so I kept it cause I know you will come and save him” the guard smile at him

“Thank you sir, really thank you” Mark bowed and keep the ring

“Don’t sir sir me Mark, just call me Himchan and we both are the same age, don’t worry. Now lets go and get your lover” Himchan smile and they continue walking

They stopped in front of a pink door with a sign ‘Princess’s room’, Mark scoff at it and Himchan laugh “She thinks everyone love her that’s why she called herself princess which is kinda gross to me”. Mark chuckles ‘this Himchan guy can be funny’ he thought and Himchan knock the door

“Who is it?” a voice asked and Mark knows it’s Suzy’s, he literally gets goosebump after hearing her voice

“It’s me Himchan and I have Mark with me” Himchan clamly replied and look at Mark asking him if he ready for what’s next and Mark just nodded

“OH MY GOD!!! MY HONEY BUNNY MARK!!!!!!!!” Suzy screamed and open the door

She hugged Mark and pull him inside, luckily Himchan come in the room too or not he totally gonna shoot Suzy head

“So Mark, you finally accept my offer?” Suzy smile creepy

“Yes and if I can see Jinyoung for the last time then I can bring you to my parents after that” Mark said boringly

“Oh sure since it’s for the last, Himchan can you bring Mark to the torture room? I need to get ready” Suzy said and start to makeup her face

“As your wish Miss” Himchan bowed and walk out the room with Mark

Mark laughed “I did’t know she’s that stupid uh”

“Tell me about it but hey at least she took stupid to realize your plan okay Mark. Now lets go but all I’m saying is prepare yourself for what’s next” Himchan said frimly

“Is it that bad?” Mark asked

“Nahh I think they already okay since the last time they beat them up 4 days ago, the thing now is just don’t laugh when you heard them” Himchan chuckles

“What do you mean by that?” Mark stopped and look at Himchan

“Just wait and see Mark” Himchan shake his head and continue walking

Mark followed Himchan but still confuse with what just Himchan said then Jaebum asked him again through his earpiece “are you with Jinyoung yet?” Mark sigh “Yah Im Jaebum, I’m walking right now” then he heard Jackson laugh and ignore his earpiece for awhile. They still walking, it seems like the so called torture is way far from Suzy’s room then suddenly he heard someone singing and Himchan already laughing

“Who’s voice is that?” Mark asked

“It’s your lover and his friends” Himchan laugh again after hearing someone’s highpitch voice

Mark laughed too cause of the crack part “are they always like this? He asked

“Yeah, every single day even after they get beated up. I’m the only guard who took care of them since I’m that good with the fighting stuff, I bring them some clothes and food that they want. One time, I brought my sweatshirt and your lover complain that he doesn’t like the color and stuff” Himchan sigh remembering his arguement with Jinyoung about the sweatshirt

Mark laugh “Yeah that’s my future husband and how is it no one notice you helping them?”

“Cause my brother is the gang leader, no one dare to touch me or do anything to me Mark. Come on, I asked them to shower this morning. Hope Jinyoung won’t complain about my stuff” Himchan rolled his eyes

*knock knock*

“Himchan if you come in without any good color clothes then don’t come in! I rather be right now!” Jinyoung shout from inside then it’s Youngjae  “and don’t come in if you don’t bring hairdrier Himchan!”

Himchan sigh “Jinyoung, I bring something better for you and Youngjae please shut up, you broke my hairdrier last time” he unlock the door but the he asked Mark to hide behind the wall for while

When the door open, a flying hairdrier flew towards Himchan but he catch it smoothly “I told you not to throw things Choi Youngjae!” Himchan scream and walk in

Youngjae just ignore him and hug Jinyoung, “so hyung, what you bring for me?” Jinyoung asked nicely

“Oh now only you call me Hyung uh, you spoil brat. Anyway I bring you someone, Mark come in” Himchan look back

Jinyoung eyes widen and he ran towards Mark “Oh my god hyung, you came” Jinyoung said and already in tears

“Of course I come for you baby, now get ready” Mark said and kiss Jinyoung’s lips. Oh how he miss Jinyoung lips

“Hm okay okay but Kun still sleeping there”Jinyoung point at Bambam who sleeping near the wall

“Wake him up, we don’t have time” Mark said and start calling Jaebum through his earpiece “Jaebum! I already with Jinyoung. We in the east side of the building, second floor”

“Okay copy that, close the door and wait till we reach there” Jaebum order

When Mark was about to replied a wild Youngjae jump on him and shout at his earpiece “JAEBUM HYUNG I’M OKAY, PLEASE COME FASTER! I MISS YOU AND I LOVE YOU BABE! BE CAREFUL”

Mark groans and push Youngjae away but Jaebum didn’t replied that, Jackson who replied it “Jaebum fanboying right now, pardon our lame friend there Mark. Stay put and tell Bambam I love him thanks” Jackson said and the line went silents

Mark smile at his best friend and walk towards sleepy Bambam “Hey bam, Jackson said he love you” Mark said and all the sudden Bambam fully awake

But their sweet moment was cut off by a loud gun shoot and screaming, Mark already stand by behind the door ready to fight then he notice Himchan reload his gun

“Are you sure you helping me right now?” Mark asked as the screaming seems to get closer

“100% I’m tired doing this job anywhere, I just tell my brother that I want continue my studies and don’t worry about me Mark, lets just worry about what’s gonna happen after this” Himchan said smiling and Mark smiles back then the door brust open, 4 guys come in with baseball bats

“Nyoung, Youngjae, Bam! Stay back!” Mark shout and attack the guards

Mark fought with 2 guys and the other 2 go to Himchan, Mark try his best not to let them to Jinyoung. He fought smoothly and defeat the 2 guys then suddenly a huge guy come in and start punching Mark, his punch was painful as hell and Mark was already on the floor holding his chest. The huge guy pick him up by the collar and said “say bye to your pretty boy you spoil brat” the huge guy pull back his back his fist ready to punch then

“How about you say bye bye to the light” Himchan said and shoot the huge guy’s head

Mark stumble down and Jinyoung quickly ran to him “hey Yi En, you okay?” Jinyoung asked

“Do I look okay Nyoung?” Mark asked back sacastically

“Nahh you look hot when you fight those guys” Jinyoung replied and helping Mark to get up

“Thanks Himchan, I owe you man” Mark pats Himchan’s shoulder

“No need for that, I enjoy shooting people” Himchan smiles

Then the door brust open again, this time it’s angry Im Jaebum with gun in his hand. He stopped for while, both eyes widen seeing his lover. He drop his gun and hugged Youngjae tightly

“I found you” Jaebum said

“You found me hyung, thanks for coming. I really miss you” Youngjae said and hugged Jaebum back

Jaebum didn’t replied, he just stood there and hug his Youngjae. He miss Youngjae so much and right now he don’t want let Youngjae go anymore


Jaebum pull away and turns behind. Mr.Kim stood at the door smiling and look at the 3 couples. Jackson already eating Bambam’s face, Mark and Jinyoung still hugging each other.

“Okay love birds, let’s go. We already cought Suzy and she suddenly apologizing to us saying that she didn’t know that Jinyoung is the next heir of Park’s Inc. Too bad, I ready asked my man to put her in jail for the rest of her life” Mr.Kim simply said

“Why the rest of her life?” Bambam asked

“Actually, she did something more stupid than kidnapping you guys. She invlove in black market and selling information about other Inc so the moral of the story, ignore all those crazy girls out there alright kids. Now lets go home, I’m hungry” Mr.Kim walk away


They walk out the building and found Suzy in the police car. She lower down the window and start shouting

“Park Jinyoung! I’m sorry I kidnaped you and your friends! I did’nt know that you’re the next heir, forgive me please!” She pleased and Jinyoung just walk away from the scene. The feeling of hates towards the women so big and he couldn’t bring himself to look at her anymore. He just glad that she will be in jail till she died.

He hop in the car, sat beside Mark. Hugging Mark’s arm like a baby koala, Mark smiles and kiss Jinyoung’s head then suddenly Jinyoung groans

“What now baby?” Mark asked after finish on the phone with Himchan. Himchan escape himself by the help of Mark, if the police finds him with Mark. He also gonna be in jail, Mark helps him and Mark also told Mr.Kim about Himchan helping them but then he know the truth about Himchan. That guy isn’t in a gang, his father is the director of FBI and his brother is one of the top ejen in FBI. Mark laugh after hearing that.

“MARK TUAN YI EN!” Jinyoung shout and he was cut off from his thoughts

“Yes baby, I’m sorry. I was thinking of something”Mark cupped both Jinyoung’s cheecks

“That crazy chick took my ring” Jinyoung show his empty finger

Mark laugh and hold Jinyoung’s hand “Don’t worry baby, I found the ring” he said as he slowly put the ring back where it belongs

“Where did you found it?” Jinyoung asked happily

“I have my own way baby, I love you alright” Mark kiss Jinyoung’s lips

Jinyoung gigles “I love you too” he rest his head ontop of Mark’s chest but then he heard something that really don’t want hear right now

“Yah Im Jaebum, can’t you wait till we reach home then you can eat up Youngjae’s face?” Jinyoung asked annoyily

“Can’t I kiss my boyfriend now?” Jaebum asked and all Jinyoung replied is “No” and turns back in front

“Just wait awhile Jaebum, we almost there. Why don’t you be like Jackson and Bambam? They happily sleeping behind there” Mark said and point at the back

“Too bad I can’t take my hand off Youngjae” Jaebum said and hugged the blush Youngjae.

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Chapter 21: That ending!!! OMG. And the epilogue is so good!! Thank you!!
Chapter 21: Nice epilogue!
RubiKgreen #3
Chapter 21: so the Maknae is mine???!!!! :3 hahahaha it was great!! I swear :D
JinyoungsMark #4
Chapter 21: Hahaha..i totally love the epilogue !!the best story,couple!!and omg yugyeom so chessy !yes i've been reading and always with you..hahah xD
Chapter 21: Gomawo for writing the epilogue beautifully
Chapter 21: lmao Yugyeom, that was cheesy Cx
I smiled like an idiot tho hahaha.
Chapter 21: I'm giving you 2 thumbs up!!!! You rock with this story.
romanceworm #8
rereading~it's an amazing sotry btw...
JinyoungsMark #9
Chapter 20: Please do epilogue for this three couple MARKJIN JACKBAM 2JAE >.<