

“Gyeom, you have to tell us everything that you know” Jaebum said hugging the cry boy, he still shock after hearing the news. Mark already making some phone calls and literally losing his mind. Awhile Jackson just sat on the floor thinking, mind games kept playing non stop.

“J-hope was there during that happened, he said a black SUV suddenly stopped at the roadside and guys wearing black coat came out and pull them in the car. Jinyoung hyung tried to fight back but one of the guy hit Nyoung head and he passed out. After seeing that J-hope hyung ran to them and fight with those mans but it doesn’t end well when one of them point a gun at J-hope, luckily they didn’t shoot him they only hit him and left” Yugyeom finished

“Thanks Gyeom, now don’t cry okay? We will find them together” Jaebum hug Yugeom back. Seeing Mark’s angry face after hearing they hurt Jinyoung really makes Jaebum scared. He sigh “Where’s J-hope now?” he continue

“He already at home, he called me after that thing happened. He tried to call you guys but hyung didn’t pick up” Yugeom replied looking at his hyung’s wooried face. This isn’t what he planned, all he wanted to have a smooth week since now they all know the truth.

“Hey Jae, I called my dad and told him what happened. We need to go to my house right now, Gyeom’s dad and your dad already at my house” Mark said and already packing his stuff and Jackson’s. Jackson still shock about the news and he literally blaming himself for what has happened, Mark look at him and just sigh “hey jack, it’s not your fault okay? Come on, we gonna be late”


“I couldn’t believe this, how can this thing happen? Your wedding is just around the corner and you can’t even make sure he safe? What’s wrong with you Yi En?”Mr.Tuan snapped looking at his son and the boys. They just arrived at Mark’s house and it seems like it’s not only Gyeom and Jaebum’s dads are there, Jinyoung’s dad, Youngjae’s dad and the whole security department and police are there too. Luckily there’s no press so now they can do their job smoothly.

Mark sigh, he just speechless and tired. “It’s not his fault sir” Jaebum spoke frimly, he knows Mark’s dad gonna be like this.

Mr.Tuan surprise seeing Jaebum all serious, he turn and look at Jaebum’s dad and he nooded “So boys care to tell me the full story?”

Jaebum clear his throat “today we got basketball practice like always and 3 of them usually hangout at the gym and wait for us but today they suddenly want go shopping. They said today got sales and stuff. At first I didn’t let them go but Youngjae insist that he still want go, so I let they so coz I don’t want be so clingy then Jinyoung and Bambam also asked Mark and Jackson. Then again we let them go have fun  but we didn’t aspect this thing would happen coz when they arrived at the mall Youngjae texted me saying that they’ve safely arrived. I was actually going to track him after I got his text but think back I shouldn’t be so creepy and clingy so I just text back and say have fun and stuff. You have no idea how guilty I am right now for not tracking Youngjae, if you want blame anyone please blame me and Mr.Choi I’m sorry I put tracking bug in Youngjae’s phone” Jaebum finish and bow

Everyone was shock after hearing Jaebum speech, who knows that Jaebum would put tracking bug in Youngjae’s phone but their fathers just smile at Jaebum. “don’t beat yourself too much alright Jaebum, we gonna find them for sure” Mr.Choi smile at Jaebum

“Thank you sir”

“Now boys I want you guys go shower and rest for while, after this we gonna start this” Mr.Kim order them

“Yes sir” they answer unison and when they were about to head out, Mark’s phone rang and everyone stopped awhile looking at him. He look at his phone and its a private number, Yugyeom’s dad quickly stood up and connect this phone to his laptop. He waited for Mr.Kim singnal to answer and when the line was clear, Mark answer it

“Hello, who is this? “

“Oh hello my prince charming, it’s me your future queen” the person on the other line answer

Mark freeze on the spot after heard the voice “, Suzy what you want”

“Oh nothing, just want to tell you that I have your princess and also your best friend’s too” Suzy replied

“What do you want women, they did nothing to you” Mark angrily asked

“Two of them did nothing wrong but your sweetheart is the cause of my broken heart” Suzy laugh

“You must be joking right now, you think that one kiss last time was real? Oh please Suzy, I didn’t know you’re this stupid” Mark said

“You suppose to love me and not him Mark! I have everything and he doesn’t same goes to his friends. This is what you get for choosing the wrong person for your future” Suzy replied and hangup

“Hey! What;s worng with you ughh” Mark groans and throw his phone

“That need to die, I swear” Jackson finally spoke after 2 hours battling with his mind

They all just nodded, “dad, did you get the location?” Yugyeom asked

“Yeah, I did but it suddenly off damn” Yugyeom dad still trying to get the location

“Wait” Mark suddenly said

“What kid spill it” His dad replied

“Hey Gyeom, did you notice if Jinyoung wearing a ring?” Mark asked and quickly took back his phone

“Yeah he did, it’s sliver cartier right?” Yugyeom replied confusly

“Yes, that’s it. It’s my wedding” Mark excitedly tell them

“Excuse me, wedding ring? Since when you gave him a ring?” Mr.Tuan asked out of the blue

“Dad, can we dicuss this later. I put a tracking bug in it, can you track it sir?” Mark asked Yugyeom’s dad

“Of course I can, wait for while” Mr.Kim replied

“I didn’t know you’re more creppy than I do” Jaebum look at Mark

“Hey I love him alright and Jinyoung always go somewhere and didn’t tell me” Mark sigh

Mr.Tuan and Mr.Park just laugh after hearing what Mark just said, “well that’s my son, like to keep things for himself” Mr.Park laugh off

His laugh was cut off by Mr.Kim “Okay I found it already. They in a abandon factory at east side and currently it’s moving”

“We have to move fast or th-“ Mr.Choi word stuck when they heard a lot scream

“ mum” Mark ran down stairs and seeing his mum and Jinyoung’s hugging each other in front of the laptop

“Hey mum what’s wrong” Mark asked and all of them already arrived. Mrs.Tuan didn’t say anything but she point at the laptop, Mark was confuse by it so he pick up the laptop and saw there’s a video

“Guys, you have to see this”Mark said, when he play video it was nothing at first then suddenly Suzy’s face came out “Hello aunties, its me your beatifull Suzy. Mrs.Tuan your son just broke my heart and when to this ugly guy” the camera moves and Jinyoung’s face show up, his face was bruised and bleeding. Mark can’t handle this anymore with Mrs.Park crying beside his mum damn it’s not helping, then the camera moves again and now Youngjae and Bambam show up their face also covers with bruises. Mark can heard Jaebum cursing behind him then he look beside him, Jackson crying quitely beside him. All he can do now is hug his friend then he turn  his attention back to the laptop due of Suzy’s voice

“If you want your boyfriends back, Mark must agree to marry me and I will let them go. If you don’t agree, say bye bye to your boyfriends.” Suzy smile for the last time and the video end

“ that women really lost her mind” Mr.Tuan sigh and trying to confront his wife

Mark didn’t say anything, he just stare at the blank screen. Still can’t get over what he just saw, he sigh as he get up “Guys, I’m sorry. It’s my fault all this happen, if I didn’t screwed last time all of them won’t be in situation” he look at Jaebum and Jackson

“Hey dude, come on it’s not your fault all those crazy chicks likes you. We all are your friends remember, we gonna go this through together alright” Jackson said awhile wiping his tears

“That’s so cheesy Jackson but I agree with you. We gonna get back our boyfriend even if its cost” Jaebum laugh and they just hug it out

“But hyungs, it seems that she doens’t know who is Jinyoung, Youngjae and Bambam really is. She keep repeating that she have everything and they don’t, means she more stupid than we thought she is” Yugyeom said

“Yes Yugyeom is right, she seems so clueless about them and I don’t know she trying to make herself more stupid than she is right now” Mr.Park sigh

“Okay everyone, it seems like they have stop moving for now so tomorrow dawn we gear up and give her the worst nightmare she ever had” Mr.Choi said with anger

“Yes sir” they replied

“We still have to plan out everything so everyone please meet me in my room and boys you go rest, it’s gonna be long day tomorrow” Mr.Tuan simply said

The boys went up and they decided to sleep in Mark’s room since they’re not sure if they can sleep tonight. Now they all laying down on the floor, beside each other and just stare at wall, then Yugyeom broke the silents “hyungs, are you sure we gonna get them back?”

“Of course we will Gyeom, don’t worry alright? Now go to sleep” Jaebum replied and pats Gyeom to sleep

Jackson already snoring, since he cry a lot today and Mark just can’t seems to shut his eyes knowing his Jinyoung is with a crazy girl “hey Mark, go to sleep. Don’t think too much, we all here with you don’t worry” Jaebum calmly said

Mark sigh “I know, hope everything went smoothly tomorrow. You sleep too Jaebum, goodnight” and he got no replied, he turns his head and saw Jaebum alread sleeping with Yugyeom hugging him. He smiles and close his eyes ‘Nyoung please stay safe, I’m coming for you’ 

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Chapter 21: That ending!!! OMG. And the epilogue is so good!! Thank you!!
Chapter 21: Nice epilogue!
RubiKgreen #3
Chapter 21: so the Maknae is mine???!!!! :3 hahahaha it was great!! I swear :D
JinyoungsMark #4
Chapter 21: Hahaha..i totally love the epilogue !!the best story,couple!!and omg yugyeom so chessy !yes i've been reading and always with you..hahah xD
Chapter 21: Gomawo for writing the epilogue beautifully
Chapter 21: lmao Yugyeom, that was cheesy Cx
I smiled like an idiot tho hahaha.
Chapter 21: I'm giving you 2 thumbs up!!!! You rock with this story.
romanceworm #8
rereading~it's an amazing sotry btw...
JinyoungsMark #9
Chapter 20: Please do epilogue for this three couple MARKJIN JACKBAM 2JAE >.<