

“What taking you guys so long?” Jackson asked with a boring face

“You think it’s easy to plan a weeding?” Mark sigh looking at Jackson

“Can you guys just stop before I cut your ” Jinyoung snap and unlock the door. Both Mark and Jackson quickly shut their mouth and cover their lowwer part

“Wow hyung, your house so big!” Bambam run around the house

“Oh please kun, your house at Thailand is like a castle so shut up and what did I said about running around in the house?”Jinyoung cross his hand and look at Bambam

“Sorry hyung” Bambam hug Jinyoung arm

“Okay guys make yourself comfortable, I will make drinks and later we can start talking” Jinyoung said and make his way to the kitchen

‘Hope everything will be okay after I tell them’ Jinyoung sigh and start working on the drinks

While in the living room, they all asking Mark about the weeding and what he gonna do after the weeding, Mark laugh seeing all his friend so excited about the weeding. Then Jinyoung came back with drinks and snacks on a tray, Mark smile at his boyfriend and pull Jinyoung to his lap. Hugging Jinyoung from the back is his favorite thing to do and he can sense that Jinyoung like it too.

“Okay guys, let’s start. And I’m gonna tell you guys everything and starting from how I met this Wang Ka Yee then Youngjae , Kun and lastly Yugyeom” Jinyoung smiles

“Why me first?” Jackson protest

“Coz I met when you’re in your worst and we’re were best friend back then. You, Mark and me” Jinyoung replied look a bit sad

“The story goes like this” Jinyoung start “After I left LA, I went Hong Kong and stay there for a year and though out the year I met a boy who attend international school and always in the gym pratice fencing day and night. I first went there my Chinese still broken so I talk to people using English then my parents decided to put me in that international school as Jackson. I enter that school in the middle of the year so everyone was wondering why I enter so late, I didn’t have any friend for a month coz everyone said that I’m a dangerous kid so they kept their distance. One day after school, I decided to walk around at the park then I saw a group of famous kids walks along the way and there’s a guy where whenever he talks everyone will laugh but then when his friend went home, he sat by himself and start crying. I wonder why he suddenly crying coz he was happy and literally light up the world. So I went and sat down beside him under a shady tree. He didn’t notice that I sat beside him, he kept crying and saying that he’s tired and want everything to stop. It pains me seeing him like that so I hugged from the side, he jump and shout at me why I hugged him then I told him hugs a the best way to get rid of sadness then he just stood there look at me like I just kill his dog. I get up and hugged him tightly then he brust again. I confront  him till he stop crying, after he stops I asked him what’s his name and he replied his name is Jackson Wang then I asked him why he cried but he didn’t tell me anything. He just smile and asked what’s my name, I told him my name is Nyoung. He laugh after hearing my name, I was pissed off and I curse in korean then he stops and hit me coz he doesn’t understand. Then I told him that I’m a korean and we both just sat, telling about ourself. After a few days, me and Jackson become best friends and he stops hanging out with his old group coz he tired to act like he’s okay so we both stick to each other like a twins. Jackson bring me everywhere he go, like his own gym that custom for fencing and he even teach me basketball eventhough he at it. I won’ lie, I fall in love with him but it’s a short crush coz a weeks when I was walking home from school I saw Mark inside a car. I try to hide but Mark saw me first. I know Mark didn’t tell you guys this at the hospital just now but maybe it’s the best for me to tell it. Then Mark chase me and when he cought me he kept telling me that he loves me and stuff, my heart stops for awhile and I cried coz I love him too but I also crying for Jackson. I felt sorry for him but I think back why should I coz he didn’t feel the same and yet again I was wrong, Mark stay at Hong Kong for 2 weeks and I bring him along wherever I go and I told Jackson that Mark is my lover and that time I can see sadness in Jackson’s eyes but he didn’t do anything, he just hug me and said congrats. I was clueless about it so I just leave it behind, three of us become best friend really quick but after I told him about me and Mark, he starts to spend more time in the gym and training extra. I blame myself for that, he train so hard untill he passed out and he didn’t wake up for 3 weeks. Mark already left, so it’s just me and him. Then one day, he woke up screaming. I was there and the first word came out his mouth is Who are you? I was shock then that time I decided to leave since he didn’t remember me.” Jinyoung finish and wipe his tears “I’m sorry Ka Yee” he look up at saw Jackson crying awhile Bambam hug him

“W-why you didn’t say anything Nyoung?!” Jackson scream at Jinyoung

Jinyoung just smile “coz after I left, you become better in every single way and I don’t want ruin it again. My duty is to helped you and I did”

Jackson stand and pull Jinyoung for a hug “I thank to God for sending you to me and I really glad I can meet you again Nyoung” Jackson sobs

“Hey that’s what friends for” Jinyoung smiles and wipe Jackson’s tears

“I didn’t know Jackson when though that during his childhoon” Jaebum sigh

“Everyone has their own past and life goes on. Remember the past, look forward to the future but don’t forget to live in the present” Mark said

“Yeah and I also know that Kun know about Jackson past” Jinyoung look at the younger

“Huh yeah, sorry hyung. You were drunk that time and you told me everything about Jackson where makes me confuse but I kept it okay till now” Bambam avoid Jinyoung’s eyes

“Since it’s you so I will ignore it. Now who’s next? Oh my Choi Youngjae baby” Jinyoung smirk

“Yah Park Jinyoung don’t call my boyfriend that” Jaebum said and quickl wrap his hand around his boyfriend

“Geez no fun, okat let’s start since Youngjae one is kinda simple but a bit confusing in a lot of ways” Jinyoung look and Youngjae and continue “I first met Youngjae is a coffee shop near his school at Mokpo, I stayed there for 9  months only but meeting Youngjae gave me a big impact in life. That time, I just finish school but I didn’t go the same school as Youngjae then I went to the coffee. It’s was a small shop and very cosy, I went there like everyday then one day it’s was raining and luckily I arrived at the shop fast. After I settle down with my drink, a boy walk in with a red umbrella in hand. He look like a nerd and stuff but I was wrong, after he order and sat all the girls around him was giggling and literally stares at him till can make a hole in his face. Then I look at him thinking ‘what so great about this guy’, so  I just ignore it continue what I was doing. After long boring hours, I decided to play the piano that close to counter. I played Lay me down by Sam Smith, I really into it then suddenly a voice start to sing the song. I looked up and saw that famous boy already holding the mic, his voice was so nice and I literally melt with his voice then I thought maybe this is why all the girls likes him. After the song finish, he went up to me and said you played well hyung! Oh my name is Youngjae, we shakes hand and I wonder how he know that I’m older so I asked how did you know my age? And my name is Nyoung, nice to meet you Jae. Youngjae smiles hearing the nickname I gave him then he point at my table, I saw your books hyung he said then we both laughed. We sat togther after that and talk about school, life and well about boys.  I didn’t know that he’s a gay like me, he literally giggling around when a cute boy walk in the cafe and that time I  just found someone like me. After a fews days hanging out, we both become close and one day I catch a cold, Youngjae was taking care of me most of the time then suddenly after my cold was gone, I can’t find Youngjae at all. I went to the cafe and all he still wasn’t there, I waited for him everyday then one the last day of autum a little girl gave me a letter and it was from Youngjae. In that letter he told me he have to move to Seoul and he was scared to tell me so he just went without saying anyting. Youngjae the one who left me and I know he still remember me but he just kept quiet. Am I right Choi Youngjae?” Jinyoung finish and look at the younger

“I-I’m sorry hyung, my dad force me to follow him and I don’t want see you crying. Yeah I still remember you but I thought you just look like Nyoung so I ignore it” Youngjae hold his tears then Jaebum quickly hug his boyfriend, well who like seeing their lover cry?

“It’s okay Jae, I still love you don’t worry” Jinyoung smiles and pats Youngjae’s head

“So Youngjae story isn’t as sad like others then? He just left you” Jackson look so confuse

“Yes hyung, Jinyoung hyung didn’t do anything to Youngjae and the story is actually confusing” Yugyeom sigh

“It is but well it’s Choi Youngjae” Mark grins

“Okay okay enough with Youngjae hyung, now it’s my turn! Faster hyung!” Bambam protest

“There’s a thing called patience kid” Jaebum snap

“Jaebum stop scolding my baby” Jinyoung give Jaebum a death stares

“Okay okay I’m sorry geez” Jaebum replied and pats Bambam’s head

“Good now, let’s start and you guys should know that Kun’s story is kinda basic so yeah” Jinyoung look at his friend and continue “I met Kun at the lobby of his father’s company and he really pain in the since small. I stayed at Thailand for a year and I didn’t go to school there, I just help my dad and be a babysitter for Kun. Hm nothing really happened tho , I just take care of him and play around. He didn’t remember me that much since he was just 6 years old when I met him and that time he can’t say my name, so he just called me brother in Thai. I met him on his birthday and I left him on his birthday too, yeah it’s sound sad but what can I do? I was just a boy that time and Kun was like my baby brother. I also know he asked his dad about me but he got no answer due of my smart brain” Jinyoung smirk at Bambam

“Wait, that’s it?” Youngjae ask

“Yeah, like I said Kun’s story kinda boring and basic” Jinyoung  replied and take his drink

“But hyung you do glad right meeting me?” Bambam asked

“Yeah a bit, you were a spoil brat last time and now still the same” Jinyoung look at the younger

“At least you glad, that’s enough for me and I’m not a spoil brat ok” Bambam protest and look at his hyungs. Half of the nod but there’s Jackson hugging him  ‘at least I have Jackson’ he said to himself and kiss Jackson’s cheeks

“I don’t get it, how can Bambam didn’t remember you hyung” Youngjae asked

“His parents spoil him with toys and stuff, how can he remember Jinyoung when he can barely remember the face” Mark simply said and everyone agreed with it

“Huh hyung can you continue?” Yugyeom said with low voice and that’s make Jinyoung worry coz Yugyeom story is kinda well rough

“Okay, let’s start” Jinyoung look at the younger closer to make sure if he’s okay

Jinyoung sigh and continue “Yugyeom. I met him when he was 14 and I met him before I met Mark and Jaebum at Seoul, yeah that time I already at Seoul. But when I met in the dance studio, he was cleaning the studio and not dance. I wondered why so I asked one of the stuff there then they told me that they didn’t allowed Yugyeom to dance in this studio due of his father’s job. They were scared if suddenly his father brust in and make some choas, then I wonder why can’t he just go to other dances studio and I got the same answer. The studio was kindy give him the cleaning job and the younger just agree with it. I felt pity for him, well who doesn’t right? After that the class starts then I have to introduce myself to the class and like always I said my name is Nyoung then suddenly I heard a soft voice repeated my name, I looked around and my eyes falls on the boy who standing at the door with a mop in hand. I smiled at him but he just ran away, that time I thought he hates me or something then I someone told me that he is a very shy kid that always hide his eyes under his front hair and that’s makes me smile. One day, the class started a new dance and we all have to pair up for a small competition. As you guys can see that I don’t have any friend that time so I thought to just do a solo then I stayed back at the studio to think a dance, after a long think I went out to grab a drink then when I came back I saw a boy dance so smooth and I was amaze by it so I just stood there and watch untill he finish. After he finish dancing, his phone rang and the conversation was with his father and it’s not a nice talk. They were arguing about something and after he hang up the phone he brust in tears. I wondered what did he argued about, when I was about to go in he suddenly get up and walk out the room. I think he didn’t notice me or something so I went inside to get my bag then suddenly someone pull my hand and walk out the room. I start to panic, I tired to pull my hand away then when I look up I saw the boy who cried just now so I just let him pull me the-“ Jinyoung’s words was cut off by an annoying kid

“You just let some random kid bring you to somewhere god knows hyung?” Bambam asked and literally everyone look at Bambam with a shock face. No one I repeat no one can suddenly cuts Jinyoung’s words when he telling a story. Mark just laugh ‘oh Bam you really have a deathwish’

“You want die is it Kun?” Jinyoung look at him with a bit of I’m gonna kill you  in his eyes

Bambam quickly look away “huh sorry hyung, it won’t happen again. Please continue hyung” as he hug Jakcson’s arm

“Good, as I was saying. The boy bring me to the studio rooftop, he let go my hand and turn look at me. I can see tears still at his eyes then suddenly he spoke hyung, please don’t tell anyone that I dance in the studio. They will kick me out for good, please hyung I had enough trouble in my life he finish with tears. I just look at him and went to hug him, it’s okay I won’t tell anyone okay? Please don’t cry, I’m here I said to him. I hold him untill he stop crying then we went to an ice-cream shop, since he’s still a kid so I thought maybe ice-cream can make him happy and I was right. We sat there and talked about what happened, he told me that his name is Yugyeom and his age. Then I asked him what happened just now during the phone call, he was shock that I know about it. He just kept quiet so I thought he doesn’t want tell me about it, so I just left it since you can’t force someone to tell you their problem right? Then suddnely he spoke my dad was the one who called me just now, he said that he have to go to Busan for 2 weeks and mum is at Japan for work too. I told him why he always left me at home alone then he suddenly get mad and telling me that he work this hard for me and stuff  he finish look down at his ice-cream, tears already form.  I was shock that time seeing someone who when though the same thing as me but he more worst so I try to make him happy hey Yugyeom don’t you worry okay? Everything gonna be alright and I’m gonna be here with you. Don’t be sad I smile at him and he smiles back, it’s the first time I see his smile and it was cute. Day passed, I decided to make him my dance partner. At first he didn’t agree with me but after long sulk and he said yes but we didn’t pratice at the studio since everyone hates him so we pratice at his house which is huge as , I still amaze with your house Gyeom. Then the dance competiton day has come, Yugyeom still scared if the manger of the studio didn’t let he dance, I told him don’t worry he will get to dance. After that I told the manger, he was pissed about then I told him that my dad sponsor this competition if he didn’t let Gyeom dance I will take back the sponsor. The manger laugh at him and said I was lying so I just show my card and left. Suddenly a boy came to me and told me that Gyeom can dance tonight. Well it’s Park Jinyoung, no one can say no. Then it’s my turn, we went to the stage to stanby suddenly Gyeom hide behind me and said hyung my parents are here, how come they here hyung? I thought they were busy he hugged me from behind. I just smile and replied I called your parents and tell them to come Gyeom. It’s time to tell them what you can do Gyeom I finish and turn to look at him. He just nodded and we start dancing, that time I can see his parents was so proud of him and I was proud of him too. After that, we waited for the result and guess what we won! Yeah we won, after I took the medal I just went off. I turn back seeing Gyeom and his parents all happy so I thought it’s the best time to leave and I did. I also know he asked his dad to track me down but you should know something Gyeom, your dad and my dad are best friend. They played golf every Sunday with Marks’ and Jaebum’s dad, so don’t think that I didn’t tell you that to ignore you if you asked about me” Jinyoung chuckles

“Oh my god, no wonder he always change the topic whenever I asked about you! Ugh but it’s okay hyung, I found you alreay” Yugyeom smiles and went to hug Jinyoung

“Aw my baby all grown up” Jinyoung pats Gyeom back

“Hey Nyoung, you should tell them about the studio” Mark said to Jinyoung

“Ah what studio?” Jeabum asked

“After I left Gyeom, suddenly a studio called Gyeom and asked him to join the dance group. The studio name is GOT7 and that’s studio is mine and also I make Gyeom as the co-owner” Jinyoung simply replied

Everyone was shock about it then Jackson spoke “You really don’t know what to do with your money uh Nyoung?” and everyone laugh at it

“Hey shut up Ka Yee. I also build your second gym, a coffee shop for Youngjae and help Kun’s mum open up her hotel ok. I did it for everyone’s goods” Jinyoung finish look so proud of himself

“What?” they all said unison

“Why you guys so shock? I do a favor okay, just to tell you guys that I still remember you guys. Now it’s time to sleep. First room is mine, second is Jaebum and Jae’s , third one is for Ka Yee and kun, lastly Gyeom takes th-“ Jinyoung was cutt off by Yugyeom snoring

“Huh nevermind Gyeom take the sofa. Now go wash up and sleep” Jinyoung order and everyone being a good kid listen to him


“Hey hyung is this shirt make me look fat?” Youngjae walk out the bathroom and stands in front of his boyfriend. He wears an over size t-shirt and Jaebum’s boxer

Jaebum just stares at his boyfriend and gulp “ Oh no baby, you look just fine. Now come let’s cuddle”  Youngjae gladly jump next to his boyfriend and hug Jaebum

“Baby, are okay after listen to Jinyoung’s story?” Jaebum ask as he plays with Youngjae’s hair

“Yeah, I’m okay with it but I do feel sad for others. Their childhood is kinda rough tho” Youngjae sigh

“Not everyone have a nice childhood but it’s okay tho now we all get to be together again?” Jaebum kiss his boyfriend forehead

“Yeah, I’m glad we all meet. I love you hyung” Youngjae said and snuggle closer to his bofriend

“Me too and I love you too baby. Hey don’t you want do something tonight?” Jaebum asked with a smirk but Youngjae didn’t reply. He look down and see his boyfriend already snoring, he chuckles ‘Goodnight my love’  pull Youngjae closer and drove into slumber


“Bam stop playing with your phone and come lay down with me” Jackson whines

“Wait hyung, I’m replying my brother’s text” Bambam push Jackson’s hands

Jackson whines again and rolling around on the bed then suddenly he stops. That’s make Bambam curious so he said goodbye to his brother and make his way to his boyfriend. He peek at Jackson shoulder and saw Jackson’s sleeping face, he chuckles and kiss Jackson’s cheeck. He switch off the lights and hug his boyfriend from behind, suddenly Jackson turn and pull Bambam closer “ I love you bam” he said and kiss Bam’s forehead. Bambam chuckles “I love you too hyung” he kiss Jackson’s neck and both of them went to dreamland together


Mark help Jinyoung clean up the living room and take care of Gyeom for awhile since that kid had nightmare all the sudden. After finish everything, Jinyoung kiss Gyeom’s forehead and went up to see the others. They went to everyone’s room and Jinyoung kiss everyone’s forehead before heading to his room. Mark smiles seeing his boyfriend loveble since and he glad that they still together. They fresh up and just lay down beside each other till Mark the first one who asleep. Jinyoung smile and kiss his boyfriend’s lips “Goodnight Yi En, I love you so much” then Mark reply by pulling Jinyoung closer to him.

“I love you too baby, now let’s sleep. I’m tired as ” Mark replied

When Jinyoung was about to reply, Mark already snoring and he hug Jinyoung tightly. Jinyoung smiles seeing his boyfriend like this. ‘I’m so glad everything when smoothly, now I can have my weeding peacefully’ Jinyoung said to himself and also drove to wonderland

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Chapter 21: That ending!!! OMG. And the epilogue is so good!! Thank you!!
Chapter 21: Nice epilogue!
RubiKgreen #3
Chapter 21: so the Maknae is mine???!!!! :3 hahahaha it was great!! I swear :D
JinyoungsMark #4
Chapter 21: Hahaha..i totally love the epilogue !!the best story,couple!!and omg yugyeom so chessy !yes i've been reading and always with you..hahah xD
Chapter 21: Gomawo for writing the epilogue beautifully
Chapter 21: lmao Yugyeom, that was cheesy Cx
I smiled like an idiot tho hahaha.
Chapter 21: I'm giving you 2 thumbs up!!!! You rock with this story.
romanceworm #8
rereading~it's an amazing sotry btw...
JinyoungsMark #9
Chapter 20: Please do epilogue for this three couple MARKJIN JACKBAM 2JAE >.<