
[One-Shot] Sandbox


Sandcastles, L Joe had always liked them, he was not the best at them he still was reduced to mounds of sand pushed up together with a couple of stones and twigs thrown in but he enjoyed them. He could never understand how artists could mould it into amazing 3D works of arts whilst his just crumbled in his hands or just by him looking at them. His joy of sandcastles spawned from his childhood visits to the park and the sandbox, it was his more happier childhood memories that he still remembered. The others not so good as his mother lost his job around that time causing them to have to move away from his friends and all that he knew to somewhere new where he became the nerd. Bad memories were brought to mind far better than the good ones sadly, they were just more memorable.

Here he was fully grown or partially grown as his body had not quite fully matured yet considering his age. He was still a "nerd" and that was one of the reasons why, he always had to correct things. It was a bad habit he had never grown of and it annoyed people as no one liked to be wrong let alone reminded how they were wrong. He never quite understood the term 'nerd' or what it consisting of much like other social terms all he knew was that he had been labelled as one despite not really fitting the image of it maybe it was his glasses but at least he actually needed them unlike the weirdoes who wore clear-framed ones. He never understood this fashion trends. He figured he was just called a nerd as it was easy just to sling him into that catergory. The category he would put himself in would be severely unpopular and practically friendless.

But now back to sandcastles,another thing he liked about sandcastles was that currently a very handsome Chunji was bent over his tanned skin glistening in the sun making one. It gave such a view, Chunji was his crush of goodness knows how long, he was a transfer from another school but the moment he came he had set the school alight. He was the naturally good-looking, charismatic - just amazing types that everyone liked including the teachers, considering that it was hard not to see why L Joe had a huge crush upon him. The issue was Chunji was bound never to know of L Joe's existence thanks to L Joe's lack of social skills casting him into obscunity, he shared classes with Chunji but that was as close he would bound to ever be with the other. He never actually talked to Chunji aside from the occasional muttered thank yous as Chunji held a door open or such, to any sane person it made his crush seem pointless as he did not even know the guy. 

Crushes never made sense though did they... but Chunji kept giving him reasons for his heart to beat faster whether from the affection he showed to his younger sister, to his smile as he handed work in, how he stood up for the lesser man. There was also his godly looks. Well not completely the latter but it definitely helped. ChunJi was the only reason he even signed up for this beach-day experience otherwise he would have probably caught up on work or otherwise rather than sending sneaky looks towards him before shying away hurriedly if he so much as looked around his way.

"Do you promise?" The young L Joe said earnestly looking at his friend as he was going to have to move and he hated the thought of it especially leaving his best friend here.

"I promise, won't ever forget you. Not ever." His friend answered taking his hand before completing their own special handshake before smiling sweetly at him. "I promise we'll meet again too."

Crack. Or was it more of a smuck, a ball hit him in the side of the face from one foul aimed kick. He could not help it but tears welled up in his eyes, the glasses did not help with the frames smashing against his face, the bridge cutting into his nose from the force of being hit back. He told himself not to cry but it really hurt and the tears just happened despite everything he told him. 

"Are you okay?" L Joe could hardly breath, here was Chunji in front of him offering his hand to him. He nodded not really knowing what else to do thanks to never really being this close to his crush before but here he was with the chance to hold his hand, he took it shyly half thankful that the other couldn't see his red cheeks thanks to the redness caused by the hit of the ball. It hurt though and that he wasn't thankful for.

"Y-Yes." He stammered not knowing what else to say to the other, Chunji continued to look at him in concern before his palm found itself on L Joe's forehead and he felt as if his face turned to flames.

"I'll take you back to the  minibus." He said worriedly taking the other's arm to pull the other along towards the minibus and L Joe just allowed him to, he would have probably followed him anywhere if he asked him to. Shyly he let the other lean in at the minibus checking him out to see if he needed any care even going so far to check for concussion. 

"No meaning to be rude but what is your name?" Chunji prompted, ouch. That surprisingly hurt to know the other had no idea who he was despite his being in some of the same classes. But then again should he really be surprised.

"Byung-hun, Lee Byunghun... but most people call me L Joe." He said lightly biting his lip, at his name a strange look came over Chunji's face. It looked something akin to recongnition. But how would the other even know of him.

"So you're the person always gets higher in the class scores." Chunji mused with a smile, but something told L Joe that was not quite it. It may be part of it but not all of it. There was something that the popular boy wasn't saying but he was not going to pipe up he was just in a mix of awe and inner fanboying over being so close to him before just nodding and saying in a slightly too squeaky voice.

"Yeah that's me." Chunji smiled before nodding "Well my professional veredict is that you're going to live." He announced, L Joe had to smile lightly at that.

"Huh?" That was all L Joe could manage to say as a pair of lips connected with his cheeks and he looked at his friend in confusion as he wiped away some of the tears from his eyes with his small hands blinking. His friend smiled lightly at him even if he was sad too.

"Goodbye kiss and when find you again you have a hello kiss, not forever." He promised taking the other's pinky in his.

"No... not forever." L Joe smiled wiping away more tears.

L Joe was still if he was to be honest gushing over his interaction with Chunji which was sadly cut short thanks to Chunji's friends and his own shyness, but he was given something postive to think about when he was feeling a little down. He had interacted with his crush and held his hand. That wasn't creepy was it? He did not think so it was not like he followed the other around gawping at him like some girls did.

He had to blink as Chunji entered the hallway making his way right towards him, he moved to the side in case he got it wrong and the other was just going past him but then he stopped beside him. He gulped lightly wondering what the other wanted with him, was he going to do something because he had higher mark or what? He doubted it would be bad, Chunji did not seem the bullying type but he couldn't see why else the other would have business with him?

"Yes?" L Joe questioned before his air was struck from his chest as arms wrapped around his back and he was pulled into Chunji's lips into a mindblowing kiss but he had one major question. Why? He ended up kissing back but painfully aware than they were being watched by practically everyone in the corridor.

"Why?" He asked shyly, redder than he ever thought he could be. He was surprised his face was not exploding thanks to all the blood rushing there. Chunji merely smiled.

"I promised a hello kiss, didn't I? Back in that sand box." Chunji stated "Besides you've grown up cute so only fair for it to be on the lips."

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KiwiPrincess #1
Chapter 2: Awww sooo cute.. >.<
Chapter 2: This was so adorable ; ^ ;
Chapter 2: o-o you should totally make a continuation!!
spainforever101 #4
Chapter 2: Can nvr get tired of this story don't know how many times I read already
Can u pls reconsider about writing a continuation for this story???
choi_syra #5
Chapter 2: WARNING ! Contain too much cuteness, sweetness and awwww moment XD XD XD
Chapter 2: awww it's so cute :")
Rinininette #7
Chapter 2: Gosh! This is too cute to handle :D L.Joe is adorable and Chunji is irresistible >w<
Good job! Thanks for the story~
Chapter 2: Awwwwwww kyaaah
So cute!!
one cant help but want More ~~~
I wonder how the school is going to react hihi