
Request Wonderland

Genre: Explosive fluff \(^_^)/

Pairings: Namjin, Yoonmin, Taekook

I'll try my best!!!


~Sunday Morning~

"TAE!!!! WHERE IS IT???"

At the sound of the familiar voice, Taehyung shot his head up from his phone and looked towards the figure at the door.

"Where's what, Kookie?", the alien said with a cute tilt of his head. Jungkook sighed and walked towards the bed his boyfriend was sitting on. He then gently pushed past Taehyung and pulled away some pillows, books and stuffed toys. The younger's sharp eyes immediately caught on the item he had been searching for during the past hour. "So my charger really was here", he thought. Turning to walk out of the room, Jungkook stopped when he felt a grip on his wrist. He turned around only to see two huge puppy eyes staring at him. There were so many sparkles in Taehyung's eyes that Jungkook thought he'd go blind.

"W-What are you doing?" He said defensively to the older.

The grip on the younger's wrist slowly moved to wrap around his waist. Taehyung then snuggled his nose into Jungkook's belly, nuzzling him slightly.

"Are you mad?" The older asked softly.

Well now, he didn't expect that.

Jungkook moved his free hand to run it through his boyfriend's shock of bright orange hair.

"Mad at what, Tae?"

Taehyung craned his neck upwards to look at the younger, pouting slightly.

"Mad at me for not returning your charger! This time I really forgot, honest!"

Jungkook was really surprised that the orange haired boy would think that he was angry at him for not returning his charger. Although he felt slightly insulted for having been though to have such a terrible temper, he DID still think that Taehyung was really cute like this. The younger then shifted his hand from the soft orange hair to rubbing his back in circular motions.

"Y-You know I love you way more than I could ever hate you.....", The brunette said slowly while blushing like he had poured red powder over his whole face.

Hearing those words, the older gave his adorable box smile and pulled Jungkook down for a kiss. After pulling away, he saw that his boyfriend's neck was also starting to flush red. Seeing that, he couldn't help but give the blushing boy another quick kiss.

"Aww, you're so cute, Kookie!!! That's why I love you so much!!!", Taehyung exclaimed.

Jungkook's eyes widened and he looked away, trying to hide a smile.

"Oh s-shut up already....I know that...."


~Sunday Afternoon~

Yoongi heard the sound of a door opening. Since he was too engrossed in his producing, he didn't bother to turn around for a glance even when the person shut the door and hopped over to him and called his name.

"Hyuuuunggggg~~~~~", a high pitched voice called.

The rapper groaned and swivelled his computer chair around only to be met with a face full of crescent eyed smiles and pearly white teeth. Heck, he could have sworn he went blind by the brightness of the smile, but he played it cool and acted like he wasn't affected.

"What do you want, kid? I'm busy."

Yoongi almost regretted his words when he saw the ball of sunshine, Jimin, start pouting. Almost. He never tolerated anyone bothering him when he was busy with his music, not even his boyfriend, the baby faced dancer with abs harder than concrete. Well, when he was in a good mood, he'd allow Jimin to sit at the side and watch quietly. Today though, he had accidentally deleted all his hard work and was more snappy than usual.

"Hyung, it's Sunday!! Shouldn't we be spending some time together?", the younger tried to reason.

Of course it would be about Sunday. The older rubbed his temples and sighed. He knew that Jimin was excited for today since Sunday was the day when they usually went out for lunch or watched cheesy movies together while cuddling on the couch. Yoongi tried thinking of a way to finish his work faster so that he had time for Jimin, but the younger's whines of "Hyuuuuung" in the background were really starting to get on his nerves.

"Damn it, can't you keep quiet for a while? Why are you always so loud and annoying?", the older snapped without thinking.

After his little outburst, Yoongi immediately turned around when he remembered that Jimin's feelings were easily hurt and that those words of his would make him upset. Aaaand, turns out he was right.

Jimin was staring at him with wide, fearful eyes and a face that showed hurt. The rapper watched, mouth open, as the younger's warm brown eyes filled with tears and his plump bottom lip started trembling. , he thought.

"Crap. Jimin, I....I didn't mean-"

"D-Do you hate me t-t-that much?" A small, shaky voice asked.

Great, now he had a crying fluffball in front of him.

Instead of breaking down in self insults, the older confidently moved forward to envelope the boy's smaller frame in his arms and pull him close.

"Hey, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you cry or anything. I just had a really bad day. And for the record, you know I love you more than I love anything in the world, so stop crying already."

When he finished saying those words, he felt the adorable creature in his arms snuggle closer to him. Why must he be so damn cute all the time?

"R-Really...? You love me m-more than anything...?", Jimin said softly while sniffling against his boyfriend's chest.

"Yeah kid, so stop the waterworks.", Yoongi replied with a small blush.



"I love you the most too", the sweet voice said unexpectedly. The older looked down to see Jimin with watery eyes and a bright, enchanting smile. And that's when the rapper found out something new.

Before this, he always thought that the thing that would make his heart beat fastest was a crying Jimin, but today he discovered something much more deadly. A happy, smiling Jimin.


Hey guys!! It's my first fic that I've written and I'm so sorry for waiting so long because I've had midterms!! T.T I hope you all enjoy and leave comments down below or in my mailbox!! ^^







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Subers #1
Chapter 1: I agree with luvkpop please make vmin where they are dating but v got a crush on jungkook. Jimin knew it he ask for brake up. After being a jerk v finally realize jungkook is not what he needs and jimin playing hard to get
luhansoo #2
Jhope & jungkook are jealous of the relationship Vmin, v loves jimin ,but jimin don't their love , because he is naive and innocent ,(sorry for my bad english)
Jiminssi-Tae #3
There is an earthquake unexpectedly and taehyung gets scared so jimin hugs him the whole night so we won't cry/be afraid VMIN FLUFF PLEASE
Vandjimin #4
Chapter 1: I need vmin I like yoonmin an all that good stuff but I LOVE vmin
luvkpop #5
Chapter 1: Omgee you are a life saver. I have veen wanting to request jimin fics for so long but there was no one to write. So happy you are doing this ^^

Vmin, angst anf fluff please ^^
V and jimin are dating and jimin thinks V is starting to fall in live with jungkook so he starts avoiding V because jimin wants V to be happy.
music_lovernina #6
Chapter 1: This was cute. Can you write a yoonmin where yoongi try to get jimin but his attempt end up as fails. Fluff and funny. Please.
Yoonmin or vmin or nammin pls (((:
maishahanif #8
Namjin yoonmin and taekook all in one please they are all my faves
Wow! This sure gonna be awesome! I REALLY like JIMIN and simple fluff story too...can't wait for the first drabble to come out.. >3<