Chapter 6

Dare to Dream
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Jungkook wasn’t sure how much longer he could stay awake. 

       With an exasperated sigh Taehyung dropped the notebook onto his face and his arms against the bed, elbows brushing against Jungkook's side. They had been studying intently for the past few hours, finishing homework and working on assignments. But by the time they sat (lied) down to go over the review of the previous lesson, he could barely keep his eyes open.

       "I am so done with this lesson," Taehyung groaned, reaching over to massage his shoulder that ached from holding up the notebook for too long. "Stayed up too late last night and I can't stay awake anymore. How are you fairing?"

       With a soft sigh, Jungkook rubbed at his eyelids. He had been struggling to keep his eyes open for more than a few minutes at a time himself, and if he was honest, he was still a bit achy in places he didn't want to think about. Letting out a soft sigh, he lowered his book to rest on his chest and stared up at the ceiling. 

       "I don't even remember turning a page." Turning his head, Jungkook offered a small smile, "I had a late practice last night... Suga wants our upcoming performance to be flawless. I don't know what he's so worried about, but it's a bit... tiring." He sighed, recalling how practice was only adjourned when Namjoon had clapped his hands together in front of Yoongi’s face and reminded him that 'certain young ones' had class in the morning.

       The talk of the next performance had Taehyung ripping the notebook away from his face and turning to Jungkook, laying on his side to question with unbridled enthusiasm. "Performance? When is your next performance? Where?" 

       Jungkook let out a soft laugh at how enthusiastic Taehyung was. He hadn't been expecting such a reaction, but if he was honest he kind of liked it. Giving the other a smile, he nodded as he turned slightly to face Taehyung, "I was planning on inviting you this morning, but I was late. It's this Saturday, and it is fairly late at night... want to come with us?" The phrasing of the question was casual, but the offer was as clear as he felt up to making it without Taehyung asking for details. Jin had offered to drive everyone, and the oldest three had insisted on Jungkook inviting Taehyung to come with them- Jimin was particularly excited because it meant more 'material'.

       "Gonna have to ask the parents, but yes. I'd love to." Taehyung nodded, agreeing quickly. "I wish I had a reason as good as that but... honestly I just stayed up late for no reason other than video games." He chuckled sheepishly and shrugged a shoulder. Glancing over at the calendar that hung at the side of the room, Taehyung pursed his lips. "We still have like... three days for the test and... closing our eyes for a few minutes couldn't... hurt."

       There was no denying the soft smile on Jungkook's features as he heard Taehyung's response. It was like all of a sudden he couldn't wait for the upcoming performance- which may or may not have something to do with Taehyung's excitement. "Great. I'll tell the guys." Shrugging his shoulder in return at the reasoning, Jungkook marked the page and closed his book before turning a bit to face Taehyung a bit better, partly to get a chance just to look at the other and partly just to feel a bit more comfortable on the bed, his eyes still heavy with much needed sleep. "Call... I think we both need a nap."

       Jungkook sighed as he let his eyes drift close. He was going to make sure his next performance was perfect- and that happened to be the last thing on his mind as he slowly slipped into sleep himself.   



       Cold metal. That was the first thing Taehyung felt, and it took a second to realize that he was holding it. 

       Looking out into the dark corridor, there was one other thing that came to his attention. He was walking. Taehyung stopped, glancing down at his feet in confusion, but instead of anything familiar he was met with silks and shoes outdated by a few centuries in the light of a flickering flame- from the lamp he carried in his hand. 

       He blinked and looked up again, doing a double take as the situation finally set in. He brushed his fingers against a row of books. Swallowing, Taehyung took a step ahead. It was the dream, once again. Except this time, he concluded when he took a few more tentative steps forward and looked around, he wasn't just a bystander.

         It took a while to get used to the whole thing, everything took on an entirely different life now that he could control what he was doing. It started feeling less and less like a dream. The problem with that however was that without Seung-yoon to guide him, he was on his own to find out where he was and where he was heading. 

       He clutched the packet he held closer and sighed, trying to remember the paths that Seungyoon had taken to get to where he met Yejun, and soon enough had found it. He pursed his lips. The footsteps came not too long after and he could tell in the lightness of them, maybe it was just instinct, that they belonged to Yejun. Or Jungkook. That thought had not occurred till then. 

       He followed it and sure enough crossed paths with the other in a few seconds. A sigh of relief passed Taehyung’s lips as he hurried over, voice hushed in its nervous call. "Jungkook?" His gaze searched the other, wondering if without warning this dream would spiral out of control.

       The figure twisted around to face Taehyung, eyes lit with recognition and relief that he mirrored as Jungkook grasped his arm and emitted his name in a celebratory whisper.

       “Taehyung!” Jungkook looked around quickly before moving closer and the two moved to a corner. “What’s going on?” 

       The sound of his name, Taehyung decided, had never before been so relieving. Though the fact that he was being referred to as Taehyung was by no means a guarantee that this wasn't as illogical as it seemed before (given, logic appeared to be a relative thing with all of this), at the very least he was not facing it alone.

       "I don't know but," Taehyung’s gaze flickered around the room frantically as he rested his hand on the other’s forearm, clutching it subconsciously, "I think we should get away from here. In case the guard comes. If this is a repetition then I don't want to be guessing where it'll end this time." Slipping his arm out of Jungkook's grasp, Taehyung took the boy's hand in his own before heading in the opposite direction of the clearing as quietly as he could. "What would Seung-yoon and Yejun do? If they knew all that was going to happen?" Cancel, was the first thought. But then perhaps not, Seung-yoon would want to give him his gift. "No memories, right? Not like last time?"

       "They... they would have moved it. They both would have wanted to meet, and keep the other safe..." Jungkook confirmed, and Taehyung nodded. "No memories.” Jungkook glanced at their surroundings quickly, "It seems quieter this time..." He muttered after a moment. 

       The slight grip he had on the Jungkook’s hand was less not to lose him than it was to actually physically feel his presence there, and though in another situation it might have been embarrassing, Taehyung was glad Jungkook wasn't complaining or pulling away. 

       But Jungkook was right, they would have likely decided to meet elsewhere. The only problem was, Seungyoon and Yejun weren't around to point to a safe meeting place. So where would they go? He nodded in agreement to the comment, slowing down his pace as he listened intently. "We're getting further away from the square, then. God, this place gives me the creeps." 

       "It is... creepy and impressive and... imposing all at the same time,” Jungkook allowed quietly, and Taehyung turned to glance at him. He stopped, pressing back against a row of books and held the lamp up to be able to better see the other. 

       "Do you think we could make it out of the palace gates?" He voiced, the thought slowly forming. "Since it's a celebration, they are bound to be open and there would be one on each side. It's our best bet, or we could walk right into trouble if we go looking for a hiding spot. Can you think of something less risky?"

       Taking a deep breath as he thought it over, Jungkook finally nodded and muttered, "Heading for the gates sounds like the safest bet, honestly... but do you think we can make it out of this place?" He questioned, and Taehyung too was unable to deny he was feeling a bit overwhelmed by the sheer size of the place. It felt even bigger to him now that he was controlling his every movement. "I can't think of anything wiser with how little we know the layout..."

       As Jungkook concurred with his decision, Taehyung found no other reason to second guess himself. The next issue was figuring out which the best option was. Part of him now regretted not actually reading through the bits of the book about the architecture when they were going through the history books to find something relevant. 

       He raised the lamp again and twisted it around till finding the small knob that shortened the wick of the oil lamp, making the light dimmer. At the moment, light would only attract attention when they needed desperately to avoid it. 

       "I think it's safe to say we have to rely mainly on sound." He pursed his lips, looking around at the tall shelves of books in just about any direction they turned. "But to start with. Any ideas on how to get out of here?" He took Jungkook’s hand again before walking along slowly, looking around at every point he could. It took a few seconds before his hand grip tightened a little in excitement and he led the other to what he had spotted. 

       "Wall." He raises the hand carrying the lamp and brushed his knuckles against surface, glancing back at Jungkook with a hint of a grin. "Let's follow it. It has to lead us to a door."

       Smiling in relief, Jungkook gives a quick nod, "Sounds good to me... should we go this way?" He asked as he nodded to the lef

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I am genuinely sorry I as a human being but it happened again with chapter 6. Tbh I blame aff for make it so easy to accidentally delete a chapter. Will format it to match the others. Eventually.


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;^; I'm listening to this again I'm cry, the audio version is also so good, can't believe you did this ❤️❤️😭
peggyw #2
Chapter 13: Lovely story;
well thought out
Loved the fluff
Chapter 12: Just finished reading this story and I absolutely loved it!! From the beginning until the last chapter I was so intrigued by everything that I just felt so into the plot.

Seung-Yoon and Yejun's story was so bittersweet but I'm glad they got their happy ending they so deserved. I loved the combination between modern and historical. Everything was so good. This was truly a masterpiece. I absolutely loved it. And the "We'll make our own book" had me cooing over how cute Tae and Jungkook are.

Thank you for lovely story ♡ ♡ ♡
Kanaru-tan #4
Chapter 13: I've read this story a few times now and I never get tired of it. Taehyung and Jungkook are absolutely great in this and the concept is very unique. Thank you for writing this :)
Taekookshi #5
A perfect fantasy! A treasure!^^
AmyPark101 #6
Chapter 13: Woww..this is so great and different from all of the stories that i ever read. You really did a great job!! I like how beautiful they relationship are, both jungkook-taehyung and yejun-seungyoon. You two are soo soo great!! Good job authornimdeul!!! ^^
Chapter 13: OMYGOSH. THIS WAS SUCH A MINDBLOWING STORY. It got me intrigued on the very first chapter. J just love he fusion between the modern and historical times. I love how taekook's relationship developed. I JUST LOVE THIS SO MUCH.
Chapter 13: Author...... This story is Awsome.... I really really love it.... The cute scene between jungkook and taehyung is really sweet and adorable..
Great job...I love it..
Chapter 13: Just read this thing for the third time. XD It's still good. And awesome. (And there's still no sequel >-<). Not that I'm trying to rush you or anything - please, take all the time you need. Just know that I'll be waiting for it. Though I can live with it if you've decided to give up on the sequel, too. After all - it's your story and you guys have all the right to make that decision. All I as a reader can do, is respect your decisions. c:
Is there a sequel?
Cant wait to read something very good.