CHapter yi

Pigeon in the night

"Are you okay?"

You look up to see a man stood over you. 

You do not respond, avoiding his gaze as you do so. You are lying on the ground, stomach down with you limbs spread out. You try to push youself up, only to find your limbs weaken and have you hitting the hard concrete ground once again. For a minute, a cold silence hangs in the air as the man watches your puny attempts to get up. 

"Can you get up?"

What the , you think to yourself, you just spent a whole minute struggling to stand while he watched, is this guy stupid or just being polite?

He extends his hand out and you grab it, but it's not enough and you slump back down. 

"I think you broke some bones. I'm going to call an ambulance. I'm not a trained medic so yeah."

"No need. Just lend me you phone." You say, still laid out on the ground.

"Uh, okay." You take his phone and dial in a number. It's your brother's and he says he is coming to pick you up in 20 minutes.

"Okay, I'll be waiting here." You end the call and pass the phone back to him. "Thanks."

"Someone picking you up?"

You nod. 

"I'll wait with you. Who knows what might happen to a girl at this time of the night."

Is this guy for real? Who is he even? You can't help but think to yourself. You decide not to say it anyway, you might anger him and he could turn out to be a serial killer.

"Can you flip me though? I want to look at the stars." You asked, after realizing that he was really going to wait with you.

He flips you over like a fried egg in a frying pan. After which, you hear a sound of something hitting the ground and he swiftly lays down beside you. You are confused but you don't say anything. You stare at him, and now that he is nearer, you realise that he looks about the same age as you. His eyes are closed and he seems visibly at peace.

"I can feel you stare."

Oh shoot, you've been staring for too long. You turn the other way in hopes of hiding the blush forming on your cheeks, even though you know that he won't be able to see it in this darkness.

"So, how did you fall?"

Small talk? How pointless, but if it makes it less awkward, then whatever's fine. You look at the trees above, framing the stars. 

"I was taking my nightly stroll with my aunt, but we had a fight and she ran away with my wheelchair." He probably thinks it's a lame story, but it's the truth.

"Oh. I was taking a stroll too, I heard the cooing of a pigeon and of course, I followed it! Have you ever heard a pigeon at night? I bet not! It was a first for me! Then I heard a thump and I guess that was you falling."

I didn't even ask, you think to yourself. You turn back to him and stare at him even harder. He was more handsome at the second look and you realise how stupid and odd this situation is. A good looking stranger is laid beside you at the park in the middle of the night but if he isn't questioning it, you shouldn't as well. 


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heliconia #1
Chapter 1: Great story, I can really see the thought you put into it to make it fantastic. 10/10. I'm waiting from more masterpieces from you. Don't disappoint