I Love You Since The Day I Met You


This is my first time to write a one shot fanfic.

Actually I just wrote it accidentally when my professor told us

to make a 3 pragraphs of story but each paragraph should only contain 3 sentences

but well I came up with this not fallowing my professor's instruction. Hope you will enjoy 

this although I am not good in writting..haha.. Enjoy..:)


Everyone is looking for the right person that they want to be with for the

rest of their lives.  Some are waiting for them and some are searching for them but 

sometimes it takes for a long time to find the right person, you will face different obstacle before you

will find him. That's why when you finally find that person you should tell him that you love him because

life is too short, we don't know what will going to happen in the future. You should treasure everything that 

you have.


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Chapter 1: back to re-read some guilun oldie^^
i miss my fangirl time here T_T
jeanne007 #2
what a sad story :((
this is the first time
i read a fanfic that
aaron yan got died!
keep a good work and
god bless :))
jiejie #3
hi!<br />
ooohhh, u already posted it!<br />
hehe, as I read the comments, they felt exactly like i did when I read it<br />
it's so sad that he didn't able to confess but then it also gave a lesson to everyone.<br />
Nice work!<br />
......<br />
DUDE! It's so touching!<br />
I love it when the boys are the shy one, but.....<br />
I get it, killing Aaron will make this fanfic more touching right?<br />
I get it, so yeah, I won't pull out sharp knife to stab you or haunt you in your dream...<br />
XD XD XD LOL<br />
<br />
P.S: Now excuse me, I gotta go.....And haunt someone else' dream, XD LOL
Awww~~~(sobbing) :(<br />
This story is so sad!!! But it's really good<br />
Hope you'll write more Guilun fanfics but with happy endings :D
I am now in my room and crying my eyes out TT____TT <br />
It's so sad :'( you killed aaron and you didn't let him confesses to her before he died <br />
That's so cruel -.- <br />
How could you do that to me DX <br />
But I have to admit, it's so touching XD and let us know that we should cherish what we have at this moment^^<br />
Thanks for writing this fic although you made me cry ._.